Chapter 113 (1/1)
Chapter 113
Translated by: ShawnSuh Edited by: SootyOwl ”Oh! I forgot about getting my photos developed today!” Yun Seo said with a clap . ”What photos?” Juho asked . The answer came from Joon Soo instead, ”We took some pictures with Mrs . Baek recently using her old film camera . ” ”A film camera?” ”That's right . I've been using it for years now,” Yun Seo affirmed proudly . ”I've been taking pictures with my pupils ever since I first started taking them in . I made an alb.u.m too . Would you like to see it?” Juho nodded . Knowing its location, Geun Woo rose from his seat and returned with a hefty looking alb.u.m . The four sat around it . ”We're probably in here somewhere too . Now, where were we…” The photos were well-maintained . As Joon Soo flipped the pages, faces unknown to Juho rushed pa.s.sed his eyes one by one . Everyone in the pictures had been an aspiring author and loved writing, and they had come to learn under Yun Seo . ”That's me right there,” Geun Woo said, pointing to a young man with long hair . He gave off a much sharper image than the one in the present . ”Wow! When was this?” ”It couldn't have been that long after I came here, so… I must've been in my twenties . ” ”You look tacky as heck!” Joon Soo said playfully, acting unlike usual . Unfortunately, Joon Soo was right . ”You're one to talk . You're not exactly stylish either, Mr . Bong,” Geun Woo said, pointing at another photo . It was Joon Soo's . Though his appearance didn't look different, he was wearing a blue denim jacket and pants . ”That was the hottest fas.h.i.+on trend then,” said Joon Soo . ”I think you guys are both on the same level, more or less . ” ”What'd you say!?” Geun Woo exclaimed . Ignoring him, Juho turned his eyes to the alb.u.m . On the next page, there was a picture of Geun Woo and Joon Soo standing together in the front of Yun Seo's timeless house . ”This is actually pretty fun!” ”Oh! Do you remember this, Joon Soo?” ”Ah! It's when we first seeded the garden . ” Listening to the two people conversing, Juho was able to picture what the house had looked like in the past . While Joon Soo took out one of the photos and kept on with the conversation, Juho looked through at the pages of the alb.u.m slowly . Time had pa.s.sed and the seasons had changed . The alb.u.m held the past of those who were in the pictures, and getting a peek at that was a rather fun experience . ”Huh?” By reflex, Juho let out . There was a familiar face that he would never have imagined to find . He took a closer look . 'It is him!' No matter how many times he looked, it was the person Juho knew . ”What is it?” Geun Woo asked . ”I just saw someone I wasn't expecting to see in the alb.u.m,” Juho said with his eyes still on the picture . ”Eh? Who? Is there someone you know?” At that moment, the doorbell rang . Stopping Joon Soo from getting up, Yun Seo walked toward the door herself . Juho couldn't afford the time to look away from the picture because he would have never imagined to see that person in the picture . On the other hand, after seeing that familiar face in that alb.u.m, Juho began to make sense of the man's puzzling att.i.tude . ”So, who is it?” ”Here, this person,” Juho pointed to a man in one of the pictures . At one point, the man had dreamed of being a genius writer, and he was the one who first mentioned the idea of being a ”great storyteller . ” Everything began to make sense . ”Oh my goodness! It's been so long!” Yun Seo exclaimed cheerfully . Only then did Juho look away from the alb.u.m and turned toward the door . ”Who's here?” ”Probably another guest . We always have guests,” Geun Woo said to Joon Soo . Juho nodded in agreement . Yun Seo's house was always filled with guests . ”Come in, come in!” A series of footsteps followed Yun Seo's voice, and the three looked in the direction of the sound . Then… ”Oh! It's that man in the picture!” Geun Woo said as the guest simultaneously locked eyes with Juho . ”Juho Woo?!” the man said, looking confused . Holding bags of gifts in his hands, Juho was well-acquainted with him . The man seemed slightly older than himself in the picture . ”Why are you here?!” he asked . As Juho rose from his seat, Geun Woo and Joon Soo's eyes followed . Instead of an answer, Juho addressed the man by his name . ”h.e.l.lo, Mr . Moon . ” Silence . ”Mr . Moon?” ”Who's the teacher here?” The room became filled with confusion . ”You two know each other?” Joon Soo asked . He seemed to know Mr . Moon . ”He's my student,” said Mr . Moon . ” . . . What??” Joon Soo asked, dumbfounded . Juho nodded quietly . ”He's a teacher,” said Juho . ”Wait, what's going on? Who's a teacher?” Then, he asked Juho in a whisper, ”Yun Woo's or Juho's?” ”What's your teacher doing in Mrs . Baek's house?” Rather than answering Geun Woo's question, Juho looked at the alb.u.m on the floor . ”That's because I was her pupil once . ” Mr . Moon had been one of Yun Seo's pupils . Now, he was a teacher himself, teaching students of his own . There were similarities in the way they taught . For example, they never directly told their students that they were wrong . ”Haha! This is interesting . I'll bring out some tea, and you guys talk and catch up . ” Meanwhile, Yun Seo headed for the kitchen with the gifts Mr . Moon had brought . Everyone exchanged awkward looks, and Joon Soo spoke up first to break the ice . ”He came here around the same time as me . He was the best writer here, then . ” ”Really??” Geun Woo said, impressed . It was hard to believe that there was a better writer than Joon Soo . ”He left before you came in . ” ”I teach at a school now . I'm also this kid's homeroom teacher,” said Mr . Moon, pointing at Juho . It was a rather confusing occasion where a teacher came together with his teacher and her students . ”So, remind me why you're here?” he asked again . Knowing that they wouldn't be able to explain, Joon Soo and Geun Woo remained quiet . Mr . Moon waited for an answer patiently . ”So…” Juho realized that the moment he knew would come had finally caught up to him without warning . The time had come . He couldn't help but chuckle from how sudden and unexpected the situation was . On the other hand, he also found it to be funny . For those reasons, he decided not to avoid facing the reality of it . ”I wrote a book . ” ”A book?” ”Yes . I naturally came to know different people as I wrote . ” Mr . Moon gave him a delayed response, ”So, you were learning from Mrs . Baek? That's why you said you weren't formally trained or going to a private inst.i.tute! Right, it makes sense now . ” ”Not exactly . ” ”No?” ”M-hm . ” Mr . Moon's eyes narrowed . ”Then, what is it?” Juho slowly parted his lips in order to bring up a name he was well-acquainted with, yet unfamiliar with at the same time . In a rather low voice, he answered, ”I'm Yun Woo . ” Silence filled the room yet again . n.o.body moved a muscle while Mr . Moon stood in the middle of it . He showed no response, like a statue . ”Did you all have a good time?” Yun Seo asked as she walked into the room from behind them . ”What's the matter? Why do you look shocked?” she asked, studying Mr . Moon's expressions . He seemed to freeze up when taken aback by something . Observing the awkward situation quietly, Yun Seo spoke up to shatter the silence, ”Why don't we all sit down and have ourselves a cup of tea?” Then, the tension began to dissipate . Juho picked up his cup of tea and took a sip . A pleasant warmth traveled down his stomach . After that, he quietly set his tea back down on the table . Mr . Moon's face became visible over the lonely cup . ”So, you?” ”Yes . ” ”You're Yun Woo?” ”Yes . ” ”C'mon . ” ”I'm serious . ” ”You're killing me . ” Mr . Moon was aware that Juho wouldn't lie in such a situation . However, it was hard not to question the fact that Juho was Yun Woo considering how he had been doing in the Literature Club so far . Juho had been rather meticulous in concealing his ident.i.ty . Yun Seo and her two pupils were observing quietly . While rubbing his face, Mr . Moon let out a sigh and said, ”OK, it did cross my mind at one point . ” ”I'm sure . ” ”After all, you're a good writer yourself . It's to the point where it's hard to believe that you're still a student . Think about it . Who comes to mind when you combine a high school student with the skill of a seasoned, veteran writer? Yun Woo . ” ”Thank you . ” ” . . . You never denied it once . Yeah, that's right . You never did . Then, how was I so firm in believing that you were not Yun Woo?” said Mr . Moon, flicking his tea cup . ”It was because of your writing,” he added, letting out yet another sigh . ”It never occured to me that you were Yun Woo because I read your writing . ” He seemed to be quite confused, and Juho understood his position . Juho had been writing in a style that Yun Woo would never think of adopting . He had been writing as his own style instead of Yun Woo's, resulting in a completely different feel and structure . ”How should I understand this situation?” ”It's simple,” Juho said as he moved aside the cup . ”I'm both Juho Woo and Yun Woo . ” ”Meaning?” ”I can write as Juho and Yun Woo . ” Mr . Moon burst into laughter . It wasn't clear whether he was in awe or disbelief . At that moment, Joon Soo stopped Geun Woo as he prepared to speak . However, Joon Soo was curious himself as to why Mr . Moon couldn't believe that Juho was Yun Woo . Considering the fact that he had been looking at his writing longer than anybody else, he should have been the first one to catch on . ”Why are you having such a hard time believing it? From what I've gathered so far, it seems like it wouldn't be strange if you were the first person to notice,” Yun Seo spoke up . A relieved look spread across Geun Woo and Joon Soo's faces . She had scratched the itch . Then, Geun Woo took the opportunity speak up, ”That's what I'm thinking . Am I the only person who's having trouble understanding the point of this conversation?” ”Speaking of which, have you been a victim of fraud of sorts, Song Hak? Why can't you believe the words of your own student?” Joon Soo added . ”Fraud? That's a little harsh, isn't it?” Mr . Moon looked at Juho and let out yet another sigh . ”Juho Woo,” he called his name . Juho knew exactly what to expect . He always addressed him by his full name when he demanded an explanation . ”I'm good at keeping secrets . ” ”The fact that you're Yun Woo?” asked Geun Woo . ”Yes,” Juho answered . At his answer, Joon Soo's forehead scrunched up into a scowl . ”Now that I think about it, it's odd . How were you able to stay hidden in a Literature Club? You have such a distinct style . ” ”Is there a trick of sorts?” There wasn't anything complicated . Rather, it had been a rather simple challenge . ”I know how to write in different styles . ” ”What do you mean?” ”Exactly what I said . I can write in a style apart from that of Yun Woo's . ” ” . . . So what does that mean?” Confused, Joon Soo remained silent . Surrounded by people drowning in confusion, Mr . Moon added, ”He's referring to a different style . ” ”Huh?” ”He writes something completely different . In fact, it's so different that I've been reading his writing all these times and never suspected him once . ” ” . . . Eh??” Geun Woo's forehead also scrunched up into a scowl . ”Like modifying his original style? Is that what you're talking about? Like taking out the conjunctions or using less verbs or something?” ”No,” Mr . Moon said firmly . All eyes were on Joon Soo . ”You know my skills, Joon Soo . Do you really think I'd fall for tricks like that?” ”Wow . Did he just say that with his own lips?” Geun Woo murmured . Joon Soo admitted quietly, ”Of course, I know . That's why I'm so confused . ” ”Then what is it? Are you saying that Juho writes in two different styles or what? That sounds like something out of a fairytale!” Geun Woo said light-heartedly . ”You guessed it right,” Mr . Moon answered heavily . ”That's exactly what my student is saying . ”
Translated by: ShawnSuh Edited by: SootyOwl Oh! I forgot about getting my photos developed today! Yun Seo said with a clap . What photos? Juho asked . The answer came from Joon Soo instead, We took some pictures with Mrs . Baek recently using her old film camera . A film camera? Thats right . Ive been using it for years now, Yun Seo affirmed proudly . Ive been taking pictures with my pupils ever since I first started taking them in . I made an alb.u.m too . Would you like to see it? Juho nodded . Knowing its location, Geun Woo rose from his seat and returned with a hefty looking alb.u.m . The four sat around it . Were probably in here somewhere too . Now, where were we… The photos were well-maintained . As Joon Soo flipped the pages, faces unknown to Juho rushed pa.s.sed his eyes one by one . Everyone in the pictures had been an aspiring author and loved writing, and they had come to learn under Yun Seo . Thats me right there, Geun Woo said, pointing to a young man with long hair . He gave off a much sharper image than the one in the present . Wow! When was this? It couldnt have been that long after I came here, so… I mustve been in my twenties . You look tacky as heck! Joon Soo said playfully, acting unlike usual . Unfortunately, Joon Soo was right . Youre one to talk . Youre not exactly stylish either, Mr . Bong, Geun Woo said, pointing at another photo . It was Joon Soos . Though his appearance didnt look different, he was wearing a blue denim jacket and pants . That was the hottest fas.h.i.+on trend then, said Joon Soo . I think you guys are both on the same level, more or less . Whatd you say!? Geun Woo exclaimed . Ignoring him, Juho turned his eyes to the alb.u.m . On the next page, there was a picture of Geun Woo and Joon Soo standing together in the front of Yun Seos timeless house . This is actually pretty fun! Oh! Do you remember this, Joon Soo? Ah! Its when we first seeded the garden . Listening to the two people conversing, Juho was able to picture what the house had looked like in the past . While Joon Soo took out one of the photos and kept on with the conversation, Juho looked through at the pages of the alb.u.m slowly . Time had pa.s.sed and the seasons had changed . The alb.u.m held the past of those who were in the pictures, and getting a peek at that was a rather fun experience . Huh? By reflex, Juho let out . There was a familiar face that he would never have imagined to find . He took a closer look . It is him! No matter how many times he looked, it was the person Juho knew . What is it? Geun Woo asked . I just saw someone I wasnt expecting to see in the alb.u.m, Juho said with his eyes still on the picture . Eh? Who? Is there someone you know? At that moment, the doorbell rang . Stopping Joon Soo from getting up, Yun Seo walked toward the door herself . Juho couldnt afford the time to look away from the picture because he would have never imagined to see that person in the picture . On the other hand, after seeing that familiar face in that alb.u.m, Juho began to make sense of the mans puzzling att.i.tude . So, who is it? Here, this person, Juho pointed to a man in one of the pictures . At one point, the man had dreamed of being a genius writer, and he was the one who first mentioned the idea of being a great storyteller . Everything began to make sense . Oh my goodness! Its been so long! Yun Seo exclaimed cheerfully . Only then did Juho look away from the alb.u.m and turned toward the door . Whos here? Probably another guest . We always have guests, Geun Woo said to Joon Soo . Juho nodded in agreement . Yun Seos house was always filled with guests . Come in, come in! A series of footsteps followed Yun Seos voice, and the three looked in the direction of the sound . Then… Oh! Its that man in the picture! Geun Woo said as the guest simultaneously locked eyes with Juho . Juho Woo?! the man said, looking confused . Holding bags of gifts in his hands, Juho was well-acquainted with him . The man seemed slightly older than himself in the picture . Why are you here?! he asked . As Juho rose from his seat, Geun Woo and Joon Soos eyes followed . Instead of an answer, Juho addressed the man by his name . h.e.l.lo, Mr . Moon . Silence . Mr . Moon? Whos the teacher here? The room became filled with confusion . You two know each other? Joon Soo asked . He seemed to know Mr . Moon . Hes my student, said Mr . Moon . . What?? Joon Soo asked, dumbfounded . Juho nodded quietly . Hes a teacher, said Juho . Wait, whats going on? Whos a teacher? Then, he asked Juho in a whisper, Yun Woos or Juhos? Whats your teacher doing in Mrs . Baeks house? Rather than answering Geun Woos question, Juho looked at the alb.u.m on the floor . Thats because I was her pupil once . Mr . Moon had been one of Yun Seos pupils . Now, he was a teacher himself, teaching students of his own . There were similarities in the way they taught . For example, they never directly told their students that they were wrong . Haha! This is interesting . Ill bring out some tea, and you guys talk and catch up . Meanwhile, Yun Seo headed for the kitchen with the gifts Mr . Moon had brought . Everyone exchanged awkward looks, and Joon Soo spoke up first to break the ice . He came here around the same time as me . He was the best writer here, then . Really?? Geun Woo said, impressed . It was hard to believe that there was a better writer than Joon Soo . He left before you came in . I teach at a school now . Im also this kids homeroom teacher, said Mr . Moon, pointing at Juho . It was a rather confusing occasion where a teacher came together with his teacher and her students . So, remind me why youre here? he asked again . Knowing that they wouldnt be able to explain, Joon Soo and Geun Woo remained quiet . Mr . Moon waited for an answer patiently . So… Juho realized that the moment he knew would come had finally caught up to him without warning . The time had come . He couldnt help but chuckle from how sudden and unexpected the situation was . On the other hand, he also found it to be funny . For those reasons, he decided not to avoid facing the reality of it . I wrote a book . A book? Yes . I naturally came to know different people as I wrote .Mr . Moon gave him a delayed response, So, you were learning from Mrs . Baek? Thats why you said you werent formally trained or going to a private inst.i.tute! Right, it makes sense now . Not exactly . No? M-hm . Mr . Moons eyes narrowed . Then, what is it? Juho slowly parted his lips in order to bring up a name he was well-acquainted with, yet unfamiliar with at the same time . In a rather low voice, he answered, Im Yun Woo . Silence filled the room yet again . n.o.body moved a muscle while Mr . Moon stood in the middle of it . He showed no response, like a statue . Did you all have a good time? Yun Seo asked as she walked into the room from behind them . Whats the matter? Why do you look shocked? she asked, studying Mr . Moons expressions . He seemed to freeze up when taken aback by something . Observing the awkward situation quietly, Yun Seo spoke up to shatter the silence, Why dont we all sit down and have ourselves a cup of tea? Then, the tension began to dissipate . Juho picked up his cup of tea and took a sip . A pleasant warmth traveled down his stomach . After that, he quietly set his tea back down on the table . Mr . Moons face became visible over the lonely cup . So, you? Yes . Youre Yun Woo? Yes . Cmon . Im serious . Youre killing me . Mr . Moon was aware that Juho wouldnt lie in such a situation . However, it was hard not to question the fact that Juho was Yun Woo considering how he had been doing in the Literature Club so far . Juho had been rather meticulous in concealing his ident.i.ty . Yun Seo and her two pupils were observing quietly . While rubbing his face, Mr . Moon let out a sigh and said, OK, it did cross my mind at one point . Im sure . After all, youre a good writer yourself . Its to the point where its hard to believe that youre still a student . Think about it . Who comes to mind when you combine a high school student with the skill of a seasoned, veteran writer? Yun Woo . Thank you . . You never denied it once . Yeah, thats right . You never did . Then, how was I so firm in believing that you were not Yun Woo? said Mr . Moon, flicking his tea cup . It was because of your writing, he added, letting out yet another sigh . It never occured to me that you were Yun Woo because I read your writing . He seemed to be quite confused, and Juho understood his position . Juho had been writing in a style that Yun Woo would never think of adopting . He had been writing as his own style instead of Yun Woos, resulting in a completely different feel and structure . How should I understand this situation? Its simple, Juho said as he moved aside the cup . Im both Juho Woo and Yun Woo . Meaning? I can write as Juho and Yun Woo . Mr . Moon burst into laughter . It wasnt clear whether he was in awe or disbelief . At that moment, Joon Soo stopped Geun Woo as he prepared to speak . However, Joon Soo was curious himself as to why Mr . Moon couldnt believe that Juho was Yun Woo . Considering the fact that he had been looking at his writing longer than anybody else, he should have been the first one to catch on . Why are you having such a hard time believing it? From what Ive gathered so far, it seems like it wouldnt be strange if you were the first person to notice, Yun Seo spoke up . A relieved look spread across Geun Woo and Joon Soos faces . She had scratched the itch . Then, Geun Woo took the opportunity speak up, Thats what Im thinking . Am I the only person whos having trouble understanding the point of this conversation? Speaking of which, have you been a victim of fraud of sorts, Song Hak? Why cant you believe the words of your own student? Joon Soo added . Fraud? Thats a little harsh, isnt it? Mr . Moon looked at Juho and let out yet another sigh . Juho Woo, he called his name . Juho knew exactly what to expect . He always addressed him by his full name when he demanded an explanation . Im good at keeping secrets . The fact that youre Yun Woo? asked Geun Woo . Yes, Juho answered . At his answer, Joon Soos forehead scrunched up into a scowl . Now that I think about it, its odd . How were you able to stay hidden in a Literature Club? You have such a distinct style . Is there a trick of sorts? There wasnt anything complicated . Rather, it had been a rather simple challenge . I know how to write in different styles . What do you mean? Exactly what I said . I can write in a style apart from that of Yun Woos . . So what does that mean? Confused, Joon Soo remained silent . Surrounded by people drowning in confusion, Mr . Moon added, Hes referring to a different style . Huh? He writes something completely different . In fact, its so different that Ive been reading his writing all these times and never suspected him once . . Eh?? Geun Woos forehead also scrunched up into a scowl . Like modifying his original style? Is that what youre talking about? Like taking out the conjunctions or using less verbs or something? No, Mr . Moon said firmly . All eyes were on Joon Soo . You know my skills, Joon Soo . Do you really think Id fall for tricks like that? Wow . Did he just say that with his own lips? Geun Woo murmured . Joon Soo admitted quietly, Of course, I know . Thats why Im so confused . Then what is it? Are you saying that Juho writes in two different styles or what? That sounds like something out of a fairytale! Geun Woo said light-heartedly . You guessed it right, Mr . Moon answered heavily . Thats exactly what my student is saying .