Chapter 84 (1/1)

Chapter 84

Translated by: ShawnSuh Edited by: SootyOwl 'Of course we can,' thought Juho . Mr . Moon looked straight into his eyes . ”Juho Woo . ” ”Yes,” Juho answered . ”What do you think makes for a good story?” It was a rather difficult question . What made for a good story? In the end, what the person believed would be the answer . Juho thought about the stories that moved him from deep within . 'Suspenseful stories, persistent spirits, skillful writings, characters with personality . Those novels might have left a deep impression, but could that be all? If an author had all of those characteristics, would they be able to write a good book?' Juho thought of the opposite case . 'There were times when I was touched by a story written in loose and awkward sentences . Those stories tended to be sincere . ' He believed that those compositions had been just as good . The desires for perfection and sincerity had always coexisted . They were both right . So, in the end, Juho's answer was: ”What I think is good . ” Mr . Moon nodded his head . ”That's right . I'm sure everyone has their own answers . Perfect sentences, easy to read, tight storyline, they're all right answers . If you think a story is good, than it becomes a good story . Here's what I think . A good story is one that shakes its readers . No matter how polished it is, if it doesn't move me, I'll just stop reading,” he said, looking at the club members . ”If you have have differing opinions from mine, then all you have to do is go after what's ”good” in your mind . I'm not trying to convert anybody here . ” Everyone listened quietly . ”Everyone here is capable of writing a good book,” said Mr . Moon . Having been listening quietly, Bom raised her hand and asked, ”So, how do we write sincerely?” ”That's your guys' job . ” ”Huh?” ”There's no equation to it . It's colorless and odorless . It has no shape, so you won't be able to touch it either . You can't just pull it out and show it . Find your own way . ” Sun Hwa's face twisted into a scowl . Looking in her direction, ”If I were to give you a tip,” he added as he spread his index finger, ”try not to be greedy . ” It wasn't anything new . He had said the same in the past . Greed had been one of the biggest things to avoid in writing . Excitement, fear, desires, it all had to be left behind . Only then, writing something became possible . The fact that Mr . Moon had said the same thing several times proved its importance . ”Greed leads to pretense . You won't find sincerity in a pretentious story . Avoid being greedy at all times . Understand where you're . You're still beginners . You're babies, incapable of feeding themselves . ” ”Babies…” Bom echoed his a.n.a.logy . Unfortunately, he was being accurate . After all, it would be their first time writing a novel . ”A baby shouldn't be left in charge of grilling a steak when they can't even feed themselves . They'll just leave a mess, or worse, burn themselves . Experiencing pain before the joy of creation will instantly kill your drive . ” ”But aren't we all animals born of greed? It's natural that we want to write well,” complained Seo Kw.a.n.g . Mr . Moon gave him an exaggerated nod . ”That's right . Listen, you animals of greed . I'm not telling you to get rid of your greed . I'm not trying to make you all into deities . I'm simply asking you all to be discerning of when to be and when not to be greedy . As greedy as you are, you can also be just as rational . You have to know how to control your desires . ” ”That's true…” she said timidly . ”So… what if it comes out bad?” Fear . It was a natural emotion, especially for beginners . Mr . Moon said without hesitation, ”None of you will be able to write well . ” Everyone's expressions grew darker, and Juho chuckled quietly, covering his mouth . ”Egh…” ”That's…” ”That's hurtful Mr . Moon . ” ”Yeah, that's harsh,” added Juho . ”You guys are unskilled and still learning . That's what it means to be a beginner . It's natural that you can't write well . So, prepare yourselves so that you don't fall into depression from reading your own writing,” Mr . Moon explained . Beginners . That was what Mr . Moon had called the club members . Greedy, rational, and now, beginners . There was a variety of names . ”There's an expiration date to the word 'beginner . ' You're given little time to be confident of your lack of experience as beginners . You'll have to, at least, pretend to know how to write in front of the incoming freshmen, right?” Mr . Moon said as he placed his hand on top of the pile of papers . ”So, while you can, write to your heart's content . ” Juho nodded quietly . A beginner had the right to be confident about their inexperience . After all, they were beginners for a reason . It would take time to learn . The club members were about to write their first novel . It was natural for them to be unskilled and inexperienced . n.o.body in the room would criticize Mr . Moon for what he had said . Even the club members wouldn't do that to themselves . ”Freshmen… That sounds like it's far into the future . ” ”You'd be surprised,” said Mr . Moon . He seemed to have understood Bom . The anxiety on her face slowly faded into a smile . ”Enjoy it . Embrace being a beginner . It doesn't matter what anybody says . It's your story, so write it however the h.e.l.l you want . Writing is freedom . Since there is no right answer, there is no wrong answer either . Write away . ” ”Yes, Mr . Moon . ” ”So, now that we're have a proper posture, let's learn to write, shall we?” he said to the excited club members . ”But first, theories . ” ”Can't we just get right to it?” ”Can't wait for that steak, can we?” ”Steaks are delicious!” ”Know yourselves . You guys don't even have the teeth to chew it with . Now, focus . ” Despite Sun Hwa's grumbling, Mr . Moon picked up a piece of chalk . Though it was apparent that she had much to complain about, her eyes sparkled as soon as Mr . Moon started his lesson . She wasn't an exemplary student for no reason . Juho, too, took the time to brush up on the theories his body had learned up to that point . It was quite fun . Toward the end of the lesson, Mr . Moon brought something to the room that he had never before . ”Creation means something new,” he said . With his desk pushed against the wall, Juho quietly watched the club members standing in the middle of the room . Baron, too, was watching from his seat as usual, but his eyes were on neither Mr . Moon nor the club members, but on the floor . ”But, creation comes from imitation,” said Mr . Moon . New things tended to come from something that already existed . Juho looked at the object between himself and Mr . Moon . His eyes were fixated on it even as Mr . Moon kept talking . At that moment, Mr . Moon's voice sounded from above his head, ”Today, we're going to spend some time developing our senses when creating . We'll learn the kinds of senses we're going to need when creating . ” ”Why are these plaster figures here?” Juho asked as he raised his hand . There were four busts made of plaster that matched the number of the club members standing in the middle of the room . Juho looked in Baron's direction . They seemed like something that would suit an artist more . Mr . Moon smiled as if he had been expecting the question, ”Four plaster figures . They all have the same face . I bought them myself . ” ”That explains the size,” muttered Seo Kw.a.n.g . ”Who dares to interrupt the teacher?” Juho had been thinking the same thing, but it was something to be grateful for, considering that Mr . Moon had spent his own money . ”You will each take this Agrippa figure with you . Again, we're going to learn how to develop your senses for creating . Creation is new . New comes from what already exists . In order to capture that, there's a need to observe . ” Observe . Juho looked at the plaster figures before his eyes . There were four of the same . Every bust of Agrippa in the country would be wearing the same face . ”Observe it until you get something unique of your own . Make your own 'Agrippa . '” ”So, now would be the time to be greedy . ” Mr . Moon nodded with a satisfied smile . ”But how do we observe?” Bom asked, raising her hand . ”We've already gone over that . ” ”Huh?” ”Juho Woo,” Mr . Moon called for him suddenly . ”Yes . ” Instead of an answer, Mr . Moon nodded . Chuckling, Juho understood the meaning of that nod . ”We listen, read, and think . ” It was one of the things Mr . Moon taught at the very beginning . 'Damoon-dadok-dasangryang . ' It meant that that one had to listen a lot, read a lot, and think a lot in order to be a better writer . ”That's right . You won't get much from just sitting there and looking around . Talk to it . Pull what's inside of it out . Try salting it or cooking it over fire . Then, whatever flavor you end up with, you'll see something that you haven't seen in that pale, lifeless figure . ” They had to make the plaster figure spill all its secrets . Whether it meant feeding it with sugar or salt, they had to make it happy or miserable . After asking it questions and sharing their stories with it, they would gain something they could write about . That was the essence of creation . ”All right then . Everyone take a bust, and go . ” With those words, Mr . Moon left the room . Confusion fell over everyone's faces as they approached the figures . After examining one in her hands, Sun Hwa grumbled, frowning, ”I don't get it . ” ”He's telling us to 'create . '” ”Without pen or paper?” ”Your hands are probably better suited for it,” said Juho . She turned her eyes in the figure's direction, finally realizing that it wasn't about writing . Mr . Moon was teaching them what had to happen before they started writing - their subjects, what they were going to write about . Juho picked up one of the Agrippa busts . It was quite hefty . He looked around it for characteristics . 'Hard . Plaster figure . Inanimate . Bust sculpture . Thick nose . Hollow eyes . Ivory skin . Commonly found in art studios . Always standing . ' ”Hm . ” He started to get a feel for it .

Translated by: ShawnSuh Edited by: SootyOwl Of course we can, thought Juho . Mr . Moon looked straight into his eyes . Juho Woo . Yes, Juho answered . What do you think makes for a good story? It was a rather difficult question . What made for a good story? In the end, what the person believed would be the answer . Juho thought about the stories that moved him from deep within . Suspenseful stories, persistent spirits, skillful writings, characters with personality . Those novels might have left a deep impression, but could that be all? If an author had all of those characteristics, would they be able to write a good book? Juho thought of the opposite case . There were times when I was touched by a story written in loose and awkward sentences . Those stories tended to be sincere . He believed that those compositions had been just as good . The desires for perfection and sincerity had always coexisted . They were both right . So, in the end, Juhos answer was: What I think is good . Mr . Moon nodded his head . Thats right . Im sure everyone has their own answers . Perfect sentences, easy to read, tight storyline, theyre all right answers . If you think a story is good, than it becomes a good story . Heres what I think . A good story is one that shakes its readers . No matter how polished it is, if it doesnt move me, Ill just stop reading, he said, looking at the club members . If you have have differing opinions from mine, then all you have to do is go after whats good in your mind . Im not trying to convert anybody here . Everyone listened quietly . Everyone here is capable of writing a good book, said Mr . Moon . Having been listening quietly, Bom raised her hand and asked, So, how do we write sincerely? Thats your guys job . Huh? Theres no equation to it . Its colorless and odorless . It has no shape, so you wont be able to touch it either . You cant just pull it out and show it . Find your own way . Sun Hwas face twisted into a scowl . Looking in her direction, If I were to give you a tip, he added as he spread his index finger, try not to be greedy . It wasnt anything new . He had said the same in the past . Greed had been one of the biggest things to avoid in writing . Excitement, fear, desires, it all had to be left behind . Only then, writing something became possible . The fact that Mr . Moon had said the same thing several times proved its importance . Greed leads to pretense . You wont find sincerity in a pretentious story . Avoid being greedy at all times . Understand where youre . Youre still beginners . Youre babies, incapable of feeding themselves . Babies… Bom echoed his a.n.a.logy . Unfortunately, he was being accurate . After all, it would be their first time writing a novel . A baby shouldnt be left in charge of grilling a steak when they cant even feed themselves . Theyll just leave a mess, or worse, burn themselves . Experiencing pain before the joy of creation will instantly kill your drive . But arent we all animals born of greed? Its natural that we want to write well, complained Seo Kw.a.n.g . Mr . Moon gave him an exaggerated nod . Thats right . Listen, you animals of greed . Im not telling you to get rid of your greed . Im not trying to make you all into deities . Im simply asking you all to be discerning of when to be and when not to be greedy . As greedy as you are, you can also be just as rational . You have to know how to control your desires . Thats true… she said timidly . So… what if it comes out bad? Fear . It was a natural emotion, especially for beginners . Mr . Moon said without hesitation, None of you will be able to write well . Everyones expressions grew darker, and Juho chuckled quietly, covering his mouth . Egh… Thats… Thats hurtful Mr . Moon . Yeah, thats harsh, added Juho . You guys are unskilled and still learning . Thats what it means to be a beginner . Its natural that you cant write well . So, prepare yourselves so that you dont fall into depression from reading your own writing, Mr . Moon explained . Beginners . That was what Mr . Moon had called the club members . Greedy, rational, and now, beginners . There was a variety of names . Theres an expiration date to the word beginner . Youre given little time to be confident of your lack of experience as beginners . Youll have to, at least, pretend to know how to write in front of the incoming freshmen, right? Mr . Moon said as he placed his hand on top of the pile of papers . So, while you can, write to your hearts content . Juho nodded quietly . A beginner had the right to be confident about their inexperience . After all, they were beginners for a reason . It would take time to learn . The club members were about to write their first novel . It was natural for them to be unskilled and inexperienced . n.o.body in the room would criticize Mr . Moon for what he had said . Even the club members wouldnt do that to themselves . Freshmen… That sounds like its far into the future . Youd be surprised, said Mr . Moon . He seemed to have understood Bom . The anxiety on her face slowly faded into a smile . Enjoy it . Embrace being a beginner . It doesnt matter what anybody says . Its your story, so write it however the h.e.l.l you want . Writing is freedom . Since there is no right answer, there is no wrong answer either . Write away . Yes, Mr . Moon . So, now that were have a proper posture, lets learn to write, shall we? he said to the excited club members . But first, theories . Cant we just get right to it? Cant wait for that steak, can we? Steaks are delicious! Know yourselves . You guys dont even have the teeth to chew it with . Now, focus . Despite Sun Hwas grumbling, Mr . Moon picked up a piece of chalk . Though it was apparent that she had much to complain about, her eyes sparkled as soon as Mr . Moon started his lesson . She wasnt an exemplary student for no reason . Juho, too, took the time to brush up on the theories his body had learned up to that point . It was quite fun . Toward the end of the lesson, Mr . Moon brought something to the room that he had never before . Creation means something new, he said . With his desk pushed against the wall, Juho quietly watched the club members standing in the middle of the room . Baron, too, was watching from his seat as usual, but his eyes were on neither Mr . Moon nor the club members, but on the floor . But, creation comes from imitation, said Mr . Moon . New things tended to come from something that already existed . Juho looked at the object between himself and Mr . Moon . His eyes were fixated on it even as Mr . Moon kept talking . At that moment, Mr . Moons voice sounded from above his head, Today, were going to spend some time developing our senses when creating . Well learn the kinds of senses were going to need when creating . Why are these plaster figures here? Juho asked as he raised his hand . There were four busts made of plaster that matched the number of the club members standing in the middle of the room . Juho looked in Barons direction . They seemed like something that would suit an artist more . Mr . Moon smiled as if he had been expecting the question, Four plaster figures . They all have the same face . I bought them myself . That explains the size, muttered Seo Kw.a.n.g . Who dares to interrupt the teacher? Juho had been thinking the same thing, but it was something to be grateful for, considering that Mr . Moon had spent his own money . You will each take this Agrippa figure with you . Again, were going to learn how to develop your senses for creating . Creation is new . New comes from what already exists . In order to capture that, theres a need to observe . Observe . Juho looked at the plaster figures before his eyes . There were four of the same . Every bust of Agrippa in the country would be wearing the same face . Observe it until you get something unique of your own . Make your own Agrippa . So, now would be the time to be greedy . Mr . Moon nodded with a satisfied smile . But how do we observe? Bom asked, raising her hand . Weve already gone over that . Huh? Juho Woo, Mr . Moon called for him suddenly . Yes . Instead of an answer, Mr . Moon nodded . Chuckling, Juho understood the meaning of that nod . We listen, read, and think . It was one of the things Mr . Moon taught at the very beginning . Damoon-dadok-dasangryang . It meant that that one had to listen a lot, read a lot, and think a lot in order to be a better writer . Thats right . You wont get much from just sitting there and looking around . Talk to it . Pull whats inside of it out . Try salting it or cooking it over fire . Then, whatever flavor you end up with, youll see something that you havent seen in that pale, lifeless figure . They had to make the plaster figure spill all its secrets . Whether it meant feeding it with sugar or salt, they had to make it happy or miserable . After asking it questions and sharing their stories with it, they would gain something they could write about . That was the essence of creation . All right then . Everyone take a bust, and go . With those words, Mr . Moon left the room . Confusion fell over everyones faces as they approached the figures . After examining one in her hands, Sun Hwa grumbled, frowning, I dont get it . Hes telling us to create . Without pen or paper? Your hands are probably better suited for it, said Juho . She turned her eyes in the figures direction, finally realizing that it wasnt about writing . Mr . Moon was teaching them what had to happen before they started writing - their subjects, what they were going to write about . Juho picked up one of the Agrippa busts . It was quite hefty . He looked around it for characteristics . Hard . Plaster figure . Inanimate . Bust sculpture . Thick nose . Hollow eyes . Ivory skin . Commonly found in art studios . Always standing . Hm . He started to get a feel for it .