Part 29 (2/2)
Knocking availed nothing. Mrs. Barry's lips took a line of firmness equal to her son's. Walking around to the back door, she found it open and entered the kitchen. It was empty.
She moved through the house into the shop. There was Mrs. Whipp, her head tied up in a handkerchief, bending over a packing-box. She started at a sound, raised her head, and stood amazed at the visitor's ident.i.ty.
”I knocked, but you didn't seem to hear me,” said Mrs. Barry with dignity.
”Yes'm, I did hear a knock,” returned Charlotte, ”but they pound there all day, and o' course I didn't know't was you. I tell Miss Upton if we kept the door locked and the shades down all the time, we'd do a drivin'
business. Folks seem jest possessed to come in and buy somethin' 'cause they can't. Did you want somethin' special, Mrs. Barry?”
”I came to see Miss Melody. I wished to inquire if she has recovered from her excitement.”
A softened expression stole over Charlotte's weazened face.
”She ain't here. They've gone to the city.”
”Who--who did you say has gone?”
Mrs. Barry controlled her own start. Visions of two in that roadster swept over her. Perhaps, she herself having forfeited her right to consideration--there was no telling what might have happened by this time. Mrs. Whipp's smile was frightfully complacent.
”Miss Upton and her went together,” was the reply. ”Of course, all the girl's clo'es was in the den o' that fiend she got away from, and she had to git some more.”
Mrs. Barry breathed freer.
”Miss Upton cal'lated to get some things from her customers and fix 'em over, but Mr. Barry, he wouldn't have it so.”
”Are you referring to my son?”
”Yes, Miss Upton said he turned up his nose at hand-me-downs, so she had to jest brace up and git 'em new.”
Mrs. Whipp's eyes seemed to see far away and her expression under the protecting towel was one quite novel.
Mrs. Barry cleared her throat.
”My son was here, then, before he went away on his--his little trip.”
”Yes,” replied Mrs. Whipp, appearing to perceive Dan Cupid over her visitor's shoulder. ”He come in to bring the apple blossoms and ask how Geraldine was, and that night sech a box o' candy as he sent her! You'd ought to 'a' seen it, Mis' Barry. P'r'aps you did see it.” Charlotte met the lady's steady eyes eagerly.
”No, I did not see it.”
”Well, that poor little girl she couldn't half enjoy them bon-bons, 'cause she was so scared somethin' was goin' to happen to Mr. Barry.”
”What do you mean?”
”Why, she was afraid he'd gone back to that farm where they murder folks as quick as look at 'em.” Charlotte sniffed a sniff of excited enjoyment.
”What would he go there for?” demanded Mrs. Barry. ”Surely not to get those foolish clothes!”
”I don't know. I only know Geraldine cried. Miss Upton said so; but she told her how Mr. Barry was jest as smart as he was brave and she took her to the city to git her mind off.”