Part 26 (1/2)
Toward night came a parcel-post package for Miss Geraldine Melody. Miss Upton and Charlotte both stood by with eager interest while the girl sat up in bed and opened it. None of the three had ever seen such a box of bon-bons as was disclosed. It was a revelation of dainty richness, and the older women exclaimed while Geraldine bowed her fair head over this new evidence of thoughtfulness. The long sleeves of Charlotte's nightgown, the patchwork quilt of the bed, the homely surroundings, all made the contrast of the gift more striking. There was a card upon it.
Ben Barry's card: Geraldine turned it over and read: ”Is the princess happy?”
She was back among the clouds, the bright spring air flowing past her, each breath a wonderful memory.
The two women looked at one another. They saw her close her hand on the card. She lifted the box to them, and raised her pensive eyes.
”It is for us all,” she said softly; but her ardent thought was repeating:
”He would--he _will_ take care of himself, for me!”
The Transformation
Into the village nearest the Carder farm rolled Ben Barry's roadster. He stopped at the inn which made some pretension to furnis.h.i.+ng entertainment to the motorists who found it on their route, and after a luncheon put up his car and walked to the village center to the post-office and grocery store. He had most hope of the latter as a bureau of information.
After buying some cigarettes and chocolate, and exchanging comments on the weather with the proprietor, he introduced his subject.
”I believe Rufus Carder lives near here,” he remarked.
”Yus, oh, yus,” agreed the man, who was in his s.h.i.+rt-sleeves, and who here patronized the cuspidor.
”He's pretty well-to-do, I understand. I should suppose if he is public-spirited his being in the neighborhood would be a great advantage to the village.”
”Yus, _if_,” returned the grocer, scornfully. ”The bark on a tree ain't a circ.u.mstance to him. Queer now, ain't it?” he went on argumentatively.
”Carder's a rich man, and so many o' these-here rich men, they act as if they wasn't ever goin' to die. Where's the satisfaction in not usin'
their money? You know him?” The speaker c.o.c.ked an eye up at the handsome young stranger.
”I--I've met him,” returned Ben.
”You might be interested, then, to hear about what happened out to the farm yisterday. P'r'aps it'll be in the paper to-night. A young girl visitin' the Carders was kidnapped right out o' the field by an areoplane. Yes, sir, slick as a whistle.” Ben's look of interest and amazement rewarded the narrator. ”One o' the hands from the farm come in last night and told about it, but the editor o' the paper thought't was a hoax and he didn't dare to work on it last night. Lots of us saw the plane, but the feller's story did sound fishy, and if the _Sunburst_--that's our paper--should print a lot o' stuff about Carder shootin' guns and foamin' at the mouth when he saw the girl he was goin' to marry fly up into the sky _and't wa'n't so_--ye see, 't would go mighty hard with our editor.”
”Why didn't he send somebody right out to the farm to inquire?” asked Ben.
The grocer smiled, looked off, and shook his head.
”You say you've met Rufus Carder? Well, ye don't know him or else ye wouldn't ask that. Don't monkey with the buzz-saw is a pretty good motter where he's concerned. I'm lookin' fer Pete now. This is his day to come in an' stock up. He's so stupid he couldn't make up anything, and we'll know fer sure if there's any truth at all in the story.”
”Who is Pete--a son?” Ben put the question calmly, considering his elation at his good luck. He had made up his mind that he might have to spend days in this soporific hamlet.
The grocer looked at him quickly from under his bushy eyebrows.
”What made ye ask that? Some folks say he is. Say, are you one o' these here detectives? Be you after Carder? Pete's a boy they took out of an asylum, and if he'd ever had any care he wouldn't be bandy-legged and undersized, but don't you say I've told ye anything, 'cause I haven't.”
Ben smiled into the startled, suspicious face. ”Not a bit of it,” he answered. ”I'm just motoring about these parts on a little vacation, and I got out of cigarettes, so I called on you.”
”There's Pete now!” exclaimed the grocer eagerly, hurrying out from behind the counter and to the door.