Chapter 205 - 205. Immersion (2) (1/2)
Chapter 205. Immersion (2)
The scene was from episode 6. It was a scene where Cao Xu would be fighting a wolf alone. It was a scene that needs lots of imagination to perform perfectly.
Normally, one would not get such a scene to play in an audition but Director Chen Pu has given Ren to do the scene for one reason.
He will be able to know if Ren can have the same charisma and body language as the Cao Xu in his mind.
In this scene, more than dialogue delivery or expressions, body language was more important.
It was also a special scene in the drama because in this scene, it will be displayed about how Cao Xu practiced fighting wolves alone in the deep forest to gain insight about survival and life.
There was also another reason behind him fighting the wolf alone. It was because when Cao Xu was a kid, he was once attacked by a wolf when he was on a journey.
He was scared of wolf's after that but he knows that to get the throne, he has to fight against his fears. That's why he was fighting the wolf alone.
He didn't want his enemies to take advantage of his weaknesses, so he was eliminating his weaknesses one by one.
To take someone's life, one first has to know the value of their own life.
That's what Cao Xu would often say in the drama and it was also the line he would say before killing someone.
If he deemed that someone's life was not worth it, then he would kill him without any thought. Someone worthless is better off dead.
”What is he doing?”
White bear muttered as he looked at Ren who was giving his audition. He was moving around in circles slowly in a strange trance.
There was a strange gleam in his eyes as his eyes were focused on one thing but White bear was only able to see that Ren was focusing on empty air.
”He is imagining a wolf.”
His question was answered by CEO Pan who was focusing on Ren, or more specifically his acting.
”He is imagining a wolf that is ready to leap on him. His strange stance is actually a fighting stance. He is going around in circles because he knows that the wolf can attack him anytime.”
He said and White bear finally understood what Ren was doing. He increased his focus and he began to imagine the wolf.
A cold ferocious wolf with sharp teeth and claws. His food was Ren and he was ready to attack him.
Ren was going around in circles when suddenly, he backed off a few steps and swung his arms around.
White bear felt that it was strange but he quickly guessed what had happened.
The wolf has leaped towards Ren and he has backed down to dodge its attack but the wolf was able to scratch his arms and blood was flowing out of his arms now.
The expression of pain, suffering and hidden anger was well apparent on Ren's face. His anger made him want to kill the wolf but he was just waiting for his chance.
'He's dodging the wolf's attacks.'