Part 13 (1/2)

Sleight Of Paw Sofie Kelly 48170K 2022-07-22

”Susan, if you need anything, you only have to ask,” I said quietly.

Her cheeks reddened. ”I, uh, thanks,” she mumbled. She gestured to a stack of books behind her. ”I should get back to work.”

”I'll be in my office,” I said, and headed for the stairs.

Upstairs, I hung up my coat and changed into my shoes. Then I went down the hall for a cup of coffee. Roma was on my case because she thought I drank too much coffee. I couldn't wait to tell her the story that had been sp.a.w.ned from driving around with the Eddie dummy in the front of her SUV. She might not have a love life, but she did have a heck of a rumored love life.

I spent some time in my office, working on the book order and finis.h.i.+ng up plans for the spring programs at the library. I worked at the front desk while Mary and Susan had their lunch breaks. Then I took some time to go over the library usage hours.

Library visits were up; so were the numbers of books checked out. I was hoping Everett Henderson and the rest of the library board would be pleased. After all the turmoil a.s.sociated with the refurbishment of the old building, it made me glad to see that the town was using it.

About two forty-five, I went to the desk. Mary was checking out a man with a stack of books at least ten volumes high.

”Mary, I'm going over to the community center for a while,” I said. ”I won't be any more than an hour, probably less, and I have my cell.”

”Okay,” she said. ”You're coming to the supper tonight?”

”Absolutely.” I zipped my jacket. ”I love your pie.”

”That's because I bake it with love,” she said, trying to look like a sweet, gentle grandma, but not quite getting there with the devilish twinkle in her eye.

”Later,” I said, and headed out.

Maggie was on a ladder when I got to the center, taking down a string of lights I hadn't noticed fastened to the ceiling. I dropped my coat and mittens on a chair and hurried over to help her.

”Hi. What can I do?”

She frowned at the ceiling. ”Hi. How about grabbing the end of the lights before they bang against the side of the ladder and break?”

I caught the end of the cord, holding it away from the ladder while Maggie finished unhooking the string. That was when I noticed the helium-filled pig. It was floating over the tables, wearing a Minnesota Wild hockey jersey and holding a sign that said BITE ME.

”Interesting choice with the pig,” I said.

”Thanks,” Maggie said. ”Could you hand me those bulbs, please?”

I draped the lights over a nearby chair and grabbed the package of bulbs she pointed to. I got one out of the box and handed it to her. She screwed it in place, then looked at the adjacent fixture, twisting her mouth to one side in thought. I held up my arm, offering another bulb without speaking.

”Yeah,” she muttered to no one in particular. She twisted the second light into place and nodded with satisfaction. We ended up replacing six bulbs before Maggie was completely happy.

”Thanks,” she said, scrambling down the ladder. ”I just want to see how this looks.” She walked over to the door and flipped the light switch.

There was a faint pinkish yellow cast to the light on the locker-room scene. Maggie came back and stood, studying it, with her arms crossed. ”What do you think?”

”It looks kind of like those old fluorescent lights. I'm guessing that's the effect you wanted.”

She nodded. ”Yeah, I wanted it to look like a locker room. She frowned suddenly. ”Do Eddie's legs look right to you?”

”Uh-huh. Why?”

She shook her head and started for the dummy. ”No,” she said. ”His right leg is crooked.”

I watched her twist the dummy's leg. Even though he was just a mannequin I caught myself cringing in sympathy.

I was still wearing my hat. I pulled it off and shook my head as Rebecca came out of the kitchen. She waved, and I dropped my toque on the chair and went over to her.

”h.e.l.lo, Kathleen. What are you doing here?” she asked. She was wearing a long white ap.r.o.n tied at the neck and waist and she smelled like cinnamon.

”Just giving Maggie a hand.”

Maggie was on her knees now, doing something to Eddie's knee that would've had him writhing on the floor if he'd been a real person.

”Have you had a chance to look at the photographs?” Rebecca asked, gesturing to the display.

”A little,” I said. ”They're fascinating.”

She pressed a hand to her chest. ”They take me back.”

Behind her Everett appeared in the kitchen doorway. He was wearing an ap.r.o.n, too. He had a vegetable peeler in one hand and a carrot in the other. ”h.e.l.lo, Kathleen,” he said.

Rebecca turned at the sound of his voice and every bit of her face smiled.

Everett held up the carrot. ”This is the last one. I think we need to do another bag.”

”All right,” Rebecca said. ”I'll be right there.” He lifted the peeler in acknowledgment and disappeared back into the kitchen.

I smiled at Rebecca. ”The things we do for love.”

Her eyes sparkled and a blush of pink spread across her cheeks. ”Isn't it grand?” she said. She gave my arm a squeeze. ”I'll look for you tonight.”

I watched her go back to the kitchen, hoping I'd be that happy when I reached Rebecca's age.

The door to the hall pushed open and Ruby came in. She looked around, caught sight of me, and hurried across the floor ”Am I late?” she asked, yanking off her gloves.

”It's okay,” I said. ”Maggie's adjusting Eddie's legs.”

Ruby looked over at Mags pulling on Eddie's leg like a demented chiropractor, and handed me a canvas bag. ”These are the lights Maggie wanted.”

”Thanks,” I said. I studied her face for a moment. She seemed unsure whether to go or stay. Before I could ask her if everything was all right, Lita poked her head out of the door to the kitchen.

”Ruby, hang on for a moment,” she called. ”I have something for you.” Lita skirted the long tables and joined us. She was carrying a black cloth bag from the grocery store. ”I was so sorry to hear about Agatha,” she said.

Ruby nodded. ”Thank you.”

”I know the two of you were close.” She held out the bag. ”Agatha left this here the night she . . . died. I didn't know what to do with it.”

”What is it?” I asked. I remembered Agatha had had the bag at Eric's.

”Just odds and ends,” Lita said.

Ruby took the bag, hugging it to her chest. ”Thank you,” she said in a low voice.