Part 2 (1/2)
”Boys are at the auction,” Harry said, inclining his head in the direction of the riverbank. ”There's nothing of Cormac's I want. I've got too much junk of my own. So I decided to get some air.”
I didn't say anything, but my eyebrows disappeared up under my wool hat. A sudden gust of wind blew a swirl of snow down off the roof of the store we were standing in front of.
Harry gave a halfhearted shrug. ”I like snow with my air,” he said.
”How do you feel about chocolate with your air?” I asked, offering my arm. ”Eric has a pretty good chocolate pudding cake tonight.”
”I can be flexible,” he said, taking my arm with his gloved hand. ”Why don't you walk me up to the restaurant so I don't get into any trouble?” He glanced behind him, but Agatha had disappeared.
”Harry, is everything all right?” I asked.
”Nothing to worry about.”
That didn't really answer my question.
”How are your cats?” he asked.
”Fine,” I said as we made our way very slowly toward the cafe. ”But Hercules doesn't like the snow.”
”There are days I feel the same way,” he said. ”Boys were after me to go south for a while, sit on a beach and have some fussy little drink with an umbrella stuck in the top. I said it's February. In February you're supposed to be wearing long johns, not some swimsuit stuck up-” He caught himself and smiled. ”Stuck up a palm tree.”
”That does sound . . . uncomfortable,” I said with a grin.
We'd made it to the door of the restaurant. ”Thank you, Kathleen,” Harry said, letting go of my arm and dipping his head with old-fas.h.i.+oned gallantry. I half expected him to sweep off his hat with its pile earflaps and bow to me. ”The boys will be along in a bit.”
”All right,” I said.
”You figuring on standing here until you see me go inside?”
”That's pretty much my plan.” I stamped my feet on the sidewalk. ”Sure is cold.”
He let out a snort of laughter. ”I'm going, I'm going.” He waved away my offered hand and reached for the door. ”Go catch up with your friends before you freeze something.”
”Good night, Harrison,” I said.
He gave me a dismissive wave as the door closed behind him.
I pulled up my hood again and started for the community center. Snow crunched under my boots and my breath hung in the air like some sort of smoke signal to lead me.
I looked back. There was no sign of anyone. I hoped that meant Harry really was inside Eric's, waiting for his sons. On the other hand, I knew the old man was perfectly capable of doing exactly what he wanted the second I'd started walking.
Oren's truck was next to Roma's SUV in the lot at the community center. There was no sign of him, or Roma or Maggie or even Eddie, and there were definitely lights on inside. I tried the door. It was unlocked. Kicking snow off my boots, I went in.
The main auditorium was at the top of the stairs. I saw boots to the right of the door; Maggie's Sorels, Roma's pile-lined mukluks with their duct-tape patch, and big black boots that had to belong to Oren. I couldn't help grinning as I pulled off my own boots. That was Maggie, making everyone take off their outside footwear to keep the floor clean, when in a couple of days most of Mayville Heights would be clomping around inside.
Her display was at the far end of the auditorium, along with a larger exhibit of old photographs. She stood in front of the wall, arms crossed, head c.o.c.ked to one side. Roma stood beside her. Eddie was on the floor, head slumped forward as though he'd just been checked especially hard into the boards. I looked around, but didn't see Oren anywhere.
Roma caught sight of me and walked over to meet me. I gestured at the wall.
”What is this? The history of Winterfest?” Maggie had been very closemouthed about the project. She'd been sorting through old photos for months.
”Close,” she said. ”History of sports in Mayville.” She gave me a searching look. ”Harry okay?”
I nodded. ”Yeah. Apparently he was at the auction and got antsy. He's meeting the boys at Eric's.”
Roma shook her head. ”He's a stubborn old buzzard,” she said.
”I know.” I couldn't help feeling uneasy. Had the old man stayed at Eric's or was he back outside?
”Is Harry okay?” Maggie asked as we joined her.
”He's at Eric's, probably halfway through a bowl of that chocolate pudding cake, waiting for the guys to finish at the auction.” I gestured at the wall. ”Mags, this is amazing.”
Many of the pictures were black-and-white. They were grouped together with Maggie's unique perspective. Some of them had been hand tinted, and I was pretty sure the backgrounds were all Maggie's handmade paper.
The locker room, where Eddie was eventually going to be sitting on a wooden bench, looked as real as any locker room I'd ever been in.
”The lights are wrong,” Maggie said.
”What's wrong with them?” I asked.
She pointed. ”One should be focused on that part of the display there, and I was supposed to have two lights here in the locker room and the overall quality is just wrong.” She walked over to the wall and glared up at a ceiling fixture.
”Oren went to see if he could find any bulbs in the storeroom,” Roma whispered.
It was warm in the community center. I peeled off my coat, setting it on the floor along with Maggie and Roma's things.
Across the room the door to the stairs opened and Mary and Abigail came in, both carrying hangers covered with big orange plastic garbage bags.
I walked over to them. Both women worked at the library for me. Abigail was the earth-mother writer. She'd grown up with five older brothers, so she was confident and unflappable. Mary looked like every stereotype of a grandmother, and was. She was also a champions.h.i.+p kickboxer. I'd seen her in compet.i.tion. First time someone fought with her, they inevitably underestimated her gray hair and grandmotherly look. No one did that twice.
”Hey, Kathleen, what are you doing here?” Abigail asked.
”Helping Maggie finish the display,” I said.
”Isn't it wonderful?” Mary said, her apple-dumpling cheeks bright red from the cold.
I gestured to the hangers. ”What are you two doing here?”
”We brought the tablecloths. We thought we'd get the tables set up for Friday night,” Abigail said. ”We're going to be in the kitchen tomorrow night, doing the pies.”
”I didn't want to leave everything till the last minute.” Mary looked around. ”Is Thorsten here? I don't see any tables.”
I shook my head. ”No, he's not. But Oren's around.”
”Even better,” Mary said. She turned to Abigail. ”Let's get this stuff to the kitchen and finish unloading the car. Then we'll get Oren to open up the storage room so we can get the tables out.” She started for the kitchen. ”See you later, Kathleen.”
”I'll tell Oren you're looking for him,” I said. I walked back to Maggie. She had Eddie under the arms, and Roma had his feet. They were trying to get him up on to the locker-room bench, but it wasn't going very well because Maggie was paying more attention to the display than to where she was going with the dummy.
”Maggie!” Roma said sharply. ”You almost knocked down that picture with Eddie's right arm.”