Part 54 (1/2)

A Catechiss Anonymous 18000K 2022-07-20

What is the Gulf Stream?

It is a warin?

Iton the west coast of Africa, within the region of the trade winds These cause a ard flow, known as the equatorial current On reaching the coast of Brazil, the greater portion of this current bends northward, carrying with it the waters of the Ah the Caribbean Sea into the Gulf of Mexico Here it is further heated, and rushes out through the only outlet, the Straits of Florida

Describe its course

Deep and narrow, it runs by Florida with a velocity varying from two to five miles an hour, and pressed by the cold current between it and the shore, flows parallel to the coast as far as Cape Hatteras

Meeting shoals near this point, the banks of sand extending as far as Newfoundland, it there turns abruptly to the east, and with diminished speed and increased width, rolls onward towards the coast of Europe

Before long it divides into two great branches--the northern and southern The for by the Madeira and Canary Islands, returns to the equator, co the circuit

What influence has the Gulf Stream on the climate of Europe?

Various opinions have been expressed as to this It has been esti from the stream on a winter's day, is sufficient to raise the at point to a suuished?

It can be distinctly traced in the ocean by its dark indigo color, its temperature, and the swiftness of its waters

Which is the largest tunnel in the world?

The Mt Cenis Tunnel, or the tunnel of Col de Frejus, by both of which naest subterranean route for coth It is on the crest of the Cottian Alps, about 16 un in 1857, and finished in 1871

_Col_, a defile

What other great engineering work can youacross the Isth the Mediterranean with the Red Sea The canal is 100 h it an uninterrupted co vessels and stea and dangerous voyage around the Cape of Good Hope

To whoreat work owes its inception and coy of Ferdinand de Lesseps, as born at Versailles, France, on the 19th November, 1805 In January, 1856, he obtained a charter froyptian Governan work in 1859 Though beset by ht its way to success, and in 1869 he had the satisfaction of seeing the waters of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea ed ina canal across the Isthmus of Panama to connect the Atlantic and Pacific oceans

_Inception_, beginning