Part 42 (1/2)
No, they took a wider range; and, following the course which the ancients had marked out, imported the productions of the East Indies froypt was torn from the Roman Empire by the Arabians, the industry of the Greeks discovered a new channel by which the productions of India ht be conveyed to Constantinople
Did not the Barbarians, after a while, turn their attention to Navigation and Co these nations well settled in their new provinces--some in Gaul, as the Franks; others in Spain, as the Goths; and others in Italy, as the Loes of these arts, and the properthem, from the people they had subdued; and that with so much success, that they even improved upon thee To the Lombards, in particular, is usually ascribed the invention and use of banks, book-keeping, and exchanges Thus the people of Italy, and particularly those of Venice and Genoa, have the glory of restoring to Europe the advantages that had been destroyed by their own ravages
_Institutions_, laws, regulations
_Exchange_, a species of mercantile transactions by which the debts due to persons at a distance are paid by order, draft, or bill of exchange, without the transoods
Who were the Franks?
A people who settled in Gaul; from them it took the name of Franconia, or France
Who were the Goths?
An ancient people, who inhabited that part of Sweden called Gothland; and afterwards spread thereat part of Europe
Who were the Loobardi, were, like the Franks, a nation of Germany; who, upon the decline of the Ro the city of Ravenna, erected a kingdom
Where is Ravenna?
In Central Italy It is the capital of a province of the same name; it is an ancient town, and the see of an archbishop
_See_, the seat of episcopal power; the diocese of a bishop
_Episcopal_, belonging to a bishop
_Archbishop_, the presiding bishop of a province
[Illustration: THE GRAND Canal, VENICE, ITALY]
What was the origin of the city of Venice?
In the Adriatic Sea were a great number of marshy islands, separated only by narrow channels, but well screened and almost inaccessible, inhabited by a few fishermen To these islands the people of Veneti (a part of Italy, situated along the coasts of the gulf,) retired when Alaric, King of the Goths, ravaged Italy These new Islanders, little i that this was to be their fixed residence, did not, at first, think of for themselves into one co while under its respective masters, and foriven to the Gulf of Venice
_Cooverned in the people
What circu considerable enough to awaken the jealousy of their neighbors, they united in a body for their un in the 6th century and corandeur of the state of Venice
From the time of this union, fleets of their merchantmen sailed to all the ports of the Mediterranean; and afterwards to those of Egypt, particularly to Cairo, a new city, built by the Saracen princes, on the banks of the Nile, where they traded for spices, &c The Venetians continued to increase their trade by sea and their conquests on land till 1508, when a nuainst them to their ruin; which was the more easily effected in consequence of their East Indian couese and French had each obtained a share