Part 18 (1/2)
What is Alu, sharp taste It dissolves both in cold and boiling water, but best in the latter It is of so and coloring, neither of which can be well perforhtens the colors, and prevents the out It is also extremely useful in many arts and manufactures
Are there not different sorts of this material?
The principal kinds are native aluround by the spontaneous operations of nature; as the roch, commonly called rock aluht
_Spontaneous_, unassisted by art
_Orientals_, inhabitants of the Eastern parts of the world
What is Ink?
A liquor used in writing on paper or parchether There are likewise several plants that -wood, &c It is also s: there are alsoof this useful article Ink is the na, of whatever color they h black is the most used for common purposes The ink of the ancients seems to have been of a thick, oily nature, unlike themore than a species of soot, or ivory black, um
[Footnote 6: See Chapter XI]
What is Copperas?
A kind of vitriol Copperas is the nareen vitriol, which is a preparation from iron The blue vitriol is a sulphate of copper, and the white vitriol a sulphate of zinc
For what is Vitriol used?
In the lass, to color it; in many arts and manufactures; and in medicine
What are Galls?
Excrescences formed on a kind of oak tree in certain warm climates; perforations are made by an insect into the bark of the tree, whence issues a liquid which hardens by exposure They are used in dyeing,ink, and other coalls in our shops, brought from the Levant, and the southern parts of Europe
What does the word Levant signify?
A country to the eastward It is applied to the countries of Turkey, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, &c, which are washed by the eastern part of the Mediterranean
Is the Ink used in Printing the sa Ink?
No; it is lutinous: it chiefly consists of a redient, according to the color required; and is remarkable for the ease hich it adheres to paper that is lue
What is Indian, or Chinese Ink?