Part 5 (1/2)
”'Bout my drivin' yo' hoss en buggy over ter Rockville dat time--dat time what I ain't never tole you 'bout. But I 'uz mos' 'blige' ter do it. I 'low ter myse'f, I did, dat I oughter come tell you right den, but I 'uz skeer'd you mought git mad, en den you wuz out dar at de camps, 'long wid dem milliumterry folks.”
”What have you got to tell?”
”Well, Ma.r.s.e Jack, des 'bout takin' yo' hoss en buggy. Ma.r.s.e Compton 'lowed you wouldn't keer, en w'en he say dat, I des went en hich up de hoss en kyar'd 'im over ter Rockville.”
”What under heaven did you want to go to Rockville for?”
”Who? me, Ma.r.s.e Jack? 'Twa'n't me wanter go. Hit 'uz Ma.r.s.e Compton.”
”Little Compton?” exclaimed Walthall.
”Yes, sir, dat ve'y same man.”
”What did you carry Little Compton to Rockville for?”
”Fo' de Lord, Ma.r.s.e Jack, I dunno w'at Ma.r.s.e Compton wanter go fer. I des know'd I 'uz doin' wrong, but he tuck'n 'low dat hit'd be all right wid you, kaze you bin knowin' him so monst'us well. En den he up'n ax me not to tell you twell he done plum out'n yearin'.”
”Didn't he say anything? Didn't he tell you where he was going? Didn't he send any word back?”
This seemed to remind Jake of something. He clapped his hand to his head, and exclaimed:
”Well, de Lord he'p my soul! Ef I ain't de beatenest n.i.g.g.e.r on de top side er de yeth! Ma.r.s.e Compton gun me a letter, en I tuck'n shove it un' de buggy seat, en it's right dar yit ef somebody ain't tored it up.”
By certain well-known signs Jake knew that his Ma.r.s.e Jack was very mad, and he was hurrying out. But Walthall called him.
”Come here, sir!” The tone made Jake tremble. ”Do you stand up there, sir, and tell me all this, and think I am going to put up with it?”
”I'm gwine after dat note, Ma.r.s.e Jack, des ez hard ez ever I kin.”
Jake managed to find the note after some little search, and carried it to Jack Walthall. It was crumpled and soiled. It had evidently seen rough service under the buggy seat. Walthall took it from the negro, turned it over and looked at it. It was sealed, and addressed to Miss Lizzie Fairleigh.
Jack Walthall arrayed himself in his best, and made his way to Major Jimmy Ba.s.s's, where he inquired for Miss Fairleigh. That young lady promptly made her appearance. She was pale and seemed to be troubled.
Walthall explained his errand, and handed her the note. He thought her hand trembled, but he may have been mistaken, as he afterward confessed. She read it, and handed it to Captain Walthall with a vague little smile that would have told him volumes if he had been able to read the feminine mind.
Major Jimmy Ba.s.s was a wiser man than Walthall, and he remarked long afterward that he knew by the way the poor girl looked that she was in trouble, and it is not to be denied, at least, it is not to be denied in Hillsborough, where he was known and respected, that Major Ba.s.s's impressions were as important as the average man's convictions. This is what Captain Jack Walthall read:
”DEAR MISS FAIRLEIGH--When you see this I shall be on my way home. My eyes have recently been opened to the fact that there is to be a war for and against the Union. I have strong friends.h.i.+ps here, but I feel that I owe a duty to the old flag. When I bade you good-by last night, it was good-by forever. I had hoped--I had desired--to say more than I did; but perhaps it is better so. Perhaps it is better that I should carry with me a fond dream of what might have been than to have been told by you that such a dream could never come true. I had intended to give you the highest evidence of my respect and esteem that man can give to woman, but I have been overruled by fate or circ.u.mstance. I shall love you as long as I live. One thing more: should you ever find yourself in need of the services of a friend--a friend in whom you may place the most implicit confidence--send for Mr. Jack Walthall. Say to him that Little Compton commended you to his care and attention, and give him my love.”
Walthall drew a long breath and threw his head back as he finished reading this. Whatever emotion he may have felt, he managed to conceal, but there was a little color in his usually pale face, and his dark eyes shone with a new light.
”This is a very unfortunate mistake,” he exclaimed. ”What is to be done?”
Miss Fairleigh smiled.
”There is no mistake, Mr. Walthall,” she replied. ”Mr. Compton is a Northern man, and he has gone to join the Northern army. I think he is right.”
”Well,” said Walthall, ”he will do what he thinks is right, but I wish he was here to-night.”
”Oh, so do I!” exclaimed Miss Fairleigh, and then she blushed; seeing which, Mr. Jack Walthall drew his own conclusions.
”If I could get through the lines,” she went on, ”I would go home.”
Whereupon Walthall offered her all the a.s.sistance in his power, and offered to escort her to the Potomac. But before arrangements for the journey could be made, there came the news of the first battle of, and the conflict was begun in earnest; so earnest, indeed, that it changed the course of a great many lives, and gave even a new direction to American history.