Part 29 (1/2)

”I should really like to see Monsieur, for he is a very agreeable companion,” replied Christy.

”He would be exceedingly pleased to meet you again, for he had become very much attached to you.”

After lunch the same party that had visited the St. Regis the day before left on the train for New York, and proceeded to the navy yard from the foot of Grand Street, for all of them wished to see Christy off. Captain Pa.s.sford, Junior, was received on board of his s.h.i.+p with all due form and ceremony. Paul Vapoor had been to his home for a brief visit to his mother and sisters; but he had gone to Bonnydale as early in the morning as it was decent to do so, and was all devotion to Florry.

Mr. Baskirk, the executive officer, had the s.h.i.+p in first-rate order when the commander went on board with his party; and as there was nothing for him to do, Christy devoted himself to the entertainment of his friends. The ladies with their escorts went all over the steamer again; the commander and Paul opened their staterooms for their examination, and Charley Graines showed them that of the first a.s.sistant engineer in the steerage.

”But you have a whole cabin to yourself, Christy,” said Bertha, after she looked into all the other rooms.

”I have the honor to be the commander of the s.h.i.+p,” replied Christy lightly. ”I have two state-rooms, so that if I had the happiness to relieve a forlorn maiden from captivity on board of one of the enemy's vessels, as I did in your case, Bertha, I should have a better apartment to offer her than I had then.”

The first half of the afternoon pa.s.sed away all too soon for those who were to sail on the tide, and those who were to return to Bonnydale.

The commander took leave of his parents, his sister, and Bertha in his cabin, where Paul pa.s.sed through the same ordeal with Miss Florry. The navy-yard tender was alongside; and the ladies were a.s.sisted on board of her by the officers, while the seamen under the direction of Mr.

Makepeace were heaving up the anchor.

”Cable up and down, sir,” reported the second lieutenant.

This was the signal for the departure of the tender; and another hasty adieu followed, when the commander and the chief engineer hastened to the deck. The men forward had suspended their labor when the cable was up and down. The commander gave the order to weigh the anchor. The tide was still on the flood, and the head of the s.h.i.+p was pointed very nearly in the direction she was to sail.

”Anchor aweigh, sir!” reported Mr. Makepeace.

”Strike one bell, Mr. Baskirk,” said Christy; and the order was repeated to the quartermaster who was conning the wheel.

The screw of the St. Regis began to turn, and she went ahead very slowly. The tender was a short distance from her, and all the ladies were waving their handkerchiefs with all their might; and their signals were returned, not only by Christy and Paul, but by all the officers on deck. The seamen could not comfortably ”hold in,” and they saluted the tender with three rousing cheers, for they knew that the family of their young commander were on board of her.

The little steamer followed the s.h.i.+p till she had pa.s.sed the Battery, a repet.i.tion of the former salute, and then the tender sheered off, and went up North River, the s.h.i.+p proceeding on her course for the scene of her future exploits. The parting of Christy with his father, mother, and sister had been less sad than on former occasions; for they believed, whether with good reason or not, that the son, brother, and lover was to be exposed to less peril than usual.

Christy had received his sealed orders on board from an officer sent specially to deliver them to him in person; and he was instructed to open the envelope off Cape Henlopen. At six o'clock the St. Regis was off Sandy Hook. Four bells, which was the signal to the engine room to go ahead at full speed, had been sounded as soon as the s.h.i.+p had pa.s.sed through the Narrows.

After the young commander had taken his supper, solitary and alone in his great cabin, he went on deck. No one shared his s.p.a.cious apartment with him, and he was literally alone in his glory. But he did not object to his solitude, for he had enough to think of; and though he did not betray it in his expression, he was in a state of excitement, for what young fellow, even if ”fully developed before he was twenty-one,” could have helped being exhilarated when he found himself in command of such an exceptionally fine and fast s.h.i.+p as the St. Regis.

When he went on deck, for he seemed to need more air than usual to support the immense amount of internal life that was stirring his being, he met Paul Vapoor coming up from the ward room, where he messed with seven other officers.

”I hope you are feeling very well, Captain Pa.s.sford,” said Paul, as he touched his cap to the commander, for all familiarities were suspended unless when they were alone; and habit generally banished them even then.

”As well as usual, Mr. Vapoor,” replied Christy. ”How do you find the engine?”

”In excellent condition, Captain. It was thoroughly overhauled at the yard, boilers and machinery, and I have examined it down to the minutest details.”

”I have an idea that our speed will be more in demand than our fighting strength on this cruise,” added Christy.

”We are ready for speed in the engine room. The coal that remained on board on the arrival of the s.h.i.+p at the yard was very bad; but it has all been taken out, and our bunkers are filled with the best that could be had, the master-machinist informed me yesterday,” replied the chief engineer. ”I don't believe she could overhaul the Bellevite, for I am of the opinion that she is the fastest sea-going steamer in the navy.”

”I don't think we shall find any blockade-runner that can run away from the Bellevite; for she has overhauled every one she chased off Mobile Bay, and made a prize of her. I am to open my orders off Henlopen, and then we shall know what our work is to be.”

”About eight hours from Sandy Hook, as we are running now,” added Paul.

”I am very impatient to read my orders, and I shall be called at one o'clock for that purpose,” added Christy, as he began to plank the deck on the weather side.