Part 18 (1/2)
”Thank you, Captain Rombold,” said Christy. ”You are the most magnanimous of enemies, and it is a pleasure to fight such men as you are.”
”Good-morning, Mr. Pa.s.sford,” continued Dr. Davidson, as he took the right hand of the patient. ”I like to serve a brave man, on whichever side he fights, when the action is finished.”
”You are very kind, doctor,” added Christy faintly.
With the a.s.sistance of Gill, the surgeon removed the coat of the lieutenant, and tore off the s.h.i.+rt from the wounded arm.
”Not a bad wound at all, Mr. Pa.s.sford,” said Dr. Davidson, after he had examined it. ”But it has been too long neglected, and it would not have given you half the trouble if you had taken it to your surgeon as soon as the action was decided. You have lost some blood, and that makes you faint. You will have to lie in your berth a few days, which might have been spared to you if you had had it attended to sooner.”
The doctor sent for needed articles; and as soon as Gill brought them he dressed the wound, after giving the patient a restorative which made him feel much better. While the surgeon was still at work on his arm, Captain Breaker rushed in desperate haste to the scene of operations, for some one had informed him that the surgeon of the Tallahatchie was dressing a wound on his executive officer.
”Merciful Heaven, Mr. Pa.s.sford!” exclaimed the loyal commander. ”Are you wounded?”
”Nothing but a scratch in the arm, Captain. Don't bother about me,”
replied Christy, whose spirits had been built up by the medicine Dr.
Davidson had given him; but he did not know that it was half brandy, the odor of which was disguised by the mixture of some other ingredient.
”I did not know that you were wounded, my dear boy,” said his commander tenderly; so tenderly that the patient could hardly restrain the tears which were struggling for an outflow.
”Mr. Watts,” called Captain Breaker to the chief steward of the Bellevite, who happened to be the first person he saw on the deck of his own s.h.i.+p.
”On deck, Captain,” replied the steward, touching his cap to the commander.
”My compliments to Dr. Linscott, and ask him to come to the deck of the prize without any delay,” added the captain.
Such a message implied an emergency; and the surgeon of the Bellevite, who was a man well along in years, hastened with all the speed he could command to the place indicated. The captain, who had heard the name of the Confederate medical officer, introduced his own surgeon, with an apology for summoning him.
”My executive officer, the patient in your hands, is the son of my best friend on earth, for whom I sailed for years before the war, and I hope you will pardon my great anxiety for your patient, Dr. Davidson,”
said he.
”The most natural thing in the world, Captain Breaker, and no apology or explanation is necessary,” politely added the Confederate surgeon, as he and Dr. Linscott shook hands. ”My patient is not severely wounded; but I should be happy to have you examine his injury. It was too long neglected, and he is rather weak from the loss of blood.”
”Mr. Pa.s.sford was too proud a young man to mention his wound or to call upon the surgeon of his s.h.i.+p; but I was determined that he should no longer be neglected,” interposed Captain Rombold.
Christy was aware that the two commanders had never met before, and he introduced them while Dr. Linscott was examining his arm. They were both brave and n.o.ble men, and each received the other in the politest and most gentlemanly manner. It was evident to all who witnessed the interview that they met with mutual respect, though half an hour before they had been engaged in a desperate fight the one against the other.
But enemies can be magnanimous to each other without any sacrifice of their principles on either side.
”I thank you most heartily, Captain Rombold, for your kindness to my officer; and if the opportunity is ever presented to me, I shall reciprocate to the extent of my ability,” continued Captain Breaker. ”You have been more than magnanimous; you have been a self-sacrificing Christian, for you have required your surgeon to bind up the wound of an enemy before he a.s.suaged your own. This is Christianity in war; and I shall strive to emulate your n.o.ble example.”
”You are extremely considerate, Captain; and we are friends till the demands of duty require us to become technical enemies on the quarter-deck each of his own s.h.i.+p,” said Captain Rombold, as he grasped the hand of the loyal commander.
”I heartily approve of the treatment of my friend Dr. Davidson, and fully indorse his opinion that the wound of Mr. Pa.s.sford is not a dangerous or very severe one,” interposed Dr. Linscott. ”I agree with him that the patient had better spend a couple of days or more in his berth.”
The Confederate surgeon had finished the dressing of Christy's wound, and he was in a hurry to return to his duty in the c.o.c.kpit. He shook hands with Dr. Linscott, and both of them hastened to their posts. The patient had been seated on a bench, and Captain Rombold had returned to his former position. He had tied his handkerchief around his thigh, and both of them appeared to be very comfortable.
”Well, Mr. Pa.s.sford, if you are ready to return to the Bellevite, I will a.s.sist you to the ward room,” said Captain Breaker.
”Excuse me, Captain, if I detain you a few minutes, for I desire to settle a point in dispute between Mr. Pa.s.sford and myself, though it is doubtless his extreme modesty which creates this difference between us,”