Vol 3 Chapter 21 (2/2)

“I concur I disagree with anything you iined,” Mary adds on firmly

“… Um Keith and Mary, are you two in love – ”

“ – No,” say Mary and I in perfect union

As I had thought, Katarina had sos Why does this stepsister of s? Despite not noticing the s… I’d like to see how her mind works sometime

“Nee-san, who’s Romeo?”

I can’t ignore the na from Katarina’s lips It’ll be a probleain I would like to be spared fro any more

On this day, I, Nikol Ascarot, was visiting the ic academy’s school festival To anyone who asks, I came to visit my little sister Sophia, but in reality there’s someone I want to see even more than my sister

I secretly hold feelings towards Katarina Claes, an earl’s daughter and childhood friend of her fiancé Jared

Unfortunately, having graduated, my opportunities to see her have decreased dramatically Thus nowadays, I want to see her, even if it’s only for a little bit I was besideto see her smile

When I went to go visitplays and performances, I was placed in front of the entranceway for so fed up with all the stares, I was then told to go hunker backstage To be honest, I was relieved when I went backstage

I’m aware that I’ve attracted attention frootten even worse lately People stare at aze Honestly, it doesn’t feel that great

In coaze towards ht blue eyes makes me feel incredibly happy

I want to see her soon As if those feelings reached her, at that e area with a sht up the room

“Ah, Katarina-sa overjoyed

My little sister likes Katarina very much as well After all, Sophia’s able to walk around outside with a smile because she met Katarina

“Katarina, it’s been a while”

I can feelher I’

“… Yes, it’s been a while Nikol-saht at me, just as she always has My chest feels hot

“Why are you two backstage? If you stood out front, wouldn’t people gather just to see you?”

In response to Katarina’s question, Sophia begins to explain what happened up until now Once the explanation ends, Katarina holds out one of the bags gripped in her hands to Sophia, who looks downcast She says that it’s food for us

I felt relieved that Sophia started s of food After all, the reason why Sophia looked downhearted was me… I’m impressed with Katarina, who restored ain

“Speaking of which, Katarina-sama, in the end you refused to participate in the student council’s play, no?” says Sophia suddenly after regaining her smile, as if she had just remembered this

Sophia did mention in her letters that there would be a play perfor about that She neverin the play so I assuh I was mistaken

“I’m not a member of the student council, and I can’t act,” says Katarina frankly

In response, Sophia looks sad and says “I was looking forward to seeing Katarina-sae, and yet…”

“So I see, Katarina isn’t going to be in the play,” I e – what a disappointment

Katarina then says:

“I think that the audience would be much happier if Nikol-sa for the school festival two years ago, correct? Would you perhaps like to uest appearance this year?”

Just as Katarina says, it’s true that I didn’t contribute much to any attractions at the school festival I attended when I was a student Since I’m friends with many people in the current student council and my sister is also a member, I want to help out if I can…

“… But I can’t act”

“You can’t act?”

Katarina looks blank at my answer It seems she can’t understand what I said As I think about explaining things to her properly, Sophia steps in

“It’s true that actingthe draw of his position in society, my brother is rather splendid… but unfortunately, his major weakness is that he cannot control his expressions at will”

After hearing Sophia’s explanation, Katarina says, “Oh, I see… So that’s hoas,” looking as though she accepts the reasoning

I feel co the two of them Yes, just as my little sister Sophia says, I can’t control ht I could control o that well

When I was still a student, Katarina commented “You don’t seem to smile much when you’re with your school friends, I see,” but I wondered whether that really was the case I had thought that I had successfully faked sh I hadn’t

I had thought that I would successfully sht, Nikol-sama Please smile” … but apparently I hadn’t been able to smile at all

In this way, I discovered the shocking truth that I couldn’t smile at will… or rather that I couldn’t emote at all at will

However, now that I look back on things, whenever I aze they always immediately averted their eyes, so perhaps no one ever looked at my face properly What a pathetic story

And so, no matter how much I try, I don’t believe I would be able to act

“Oh, but perhapswith Katarina-sama”

Just as I had begun cal like that I was shocked… what is she saying all of a sudden?

“No, wouldn’t it be better if he were talking with you, Sophia?” says Katarina, looking fairly shocked as well

“No, I’h In order to draw out my brother’s smile, we need Katarina-sama”

“No, I would think that I’h…”

“Most definitely not I’ve got it! Why don’t we have ht now? If Katarina-sama would be his conversation partner, I’m sure that he would be able to recite them with a smile”

It’s true that in front of Katarina, I unconsciously let out a natural s

But o-lucky little sister who seean to explain so play toeyes

At first, seeing how enthusiastic Sophia was I thought ‘Well, I guess it can’t hurt to try,’ and listened to her explanations… but as I heard more and more concrete details, my apprehension rose

Unexpectedly, Sophia wanted Katarina and me to perform the love confession scene

It was the highlight of the play, where the prince caresses the hair of the girl he loves, s her

In other words, I would confess s As I hesitated, thinking that I couldn’t do such a thing, Katarina in direct contrast stood up tall and confidently before o on, Nikol-sama!”

I don’t really get it, but it’s clear she’s raring to go Encouraged by Katarina’s spirit, I make my way towards her, but…

“… Sophia, I don’t think…”

While I may be able to confess to her, to embrace someone’s fiancée even in a performance is a bit…

“No Onii-sae coraduated, so you have to take these chances as they come!”

Sophia speaks a small voice, but it’s clear that she won’t accept any objections

Ever since she found out aboutto push Katarina and ht now is fine

It’s not like I want to steal her froreedier

Even as I think this, unable to disobey under aze, I steel myself just for now

“Katarina, are you ready?”

As I steel htly

“Yes To help out Sophia, I’ll be a good acting partner for you! Leave it to me”

“I see… thank you”

I can feel another shtforward, kind deaze directly at irl

“I love you”

I don’t knohether those words were just words fros…

Next Katarina should say “I do too, Prince”

“… I – I do too Nikol-sama”

On hearing those words spill out frohtly stained red, rew hot all at once

She responded toI had felt before filled me up The small rational part of my brain reminded me that she just messed up her line, but…

In truth, it’s a lie that I don’t want to steal her from Jared and make her my own I just tell myself that all the tis In truth… in truth, I want her I want the girl called Katarina Claes so much I can’t stand it

I want to steal her from Jared and make her my own

The lid holding back s starts to rattle

“Um, Nikol-sama…”

On hearing ain, I’er And so I embrace her soft, warm body

“… Katarina, even if you became someone else’s, I would still…”

I would still be eternally unable to give up on you And then, one day, when I would finally be unable to hold back er, I would…