Chapter 13 (2/2)
Certainly in such a situation, it wouldn’t be easy to simply tell him to work hard and have self-confidence
After all, in the game, even the kind and cute Mary couldn’t save him
But Alan has never been inferior In the garades have always been top class His brother Jared was just too much of a superman And, his piano perforht just have a talent for reat scene where Alan played the violin to the heroine I think he probably has more talent than Jared in music Therefore –
“……I don’t think it’s a question of being suitable or not”
“……What do you mean?”
Uh oh I’ve said it now Alan is looking at me intently
“Well, uh…… Prince Jared has things that he is good and bad at, so Prince Alan surely also has things that you are good at, it’s natural that people will be s than others”
I became a bit flustered, but somehow I explained it
“Being suited or unsuited…… Then, is there anything that Jared’s bad at? I’ve never heard of anything”
Indeed, it appeared that there was nothing that the genius Jared could not do skillfully He is very good at swordsood He should have been like this when he came over to visit me…… He even helped me harvest the field, clearly with more efficiency than me
There isn’t anything that he can’t do, he shouldn’t have anything that he’s bad at That’s what I always thought However……
“Hahahaha I knohat Jared’s weak at!”
I laughed fearlessly
In fact just recently, I realized what Jared’s not good at Or maybe it’s better to say discovered
Even I thought at first that Jared was an absolutely perfect prince with no weaknesses However, as ti the field, I only beca si
“Prince Jared’s weakness, is, well”
When I saw Alan waiting with bated breath, I smiled wickedly
It’s a story that happened a feeeks ago On that day, both Jared and Mary had coetables to share with everyone Jared offered to helppassed by ht “oh, what a surprise”
Then, Jared as close to me had ran off He was usually so cal such a panicked expression And then, I realized Could it possibly be, that this was Jared’s weakness
While I was s over to look for us as we had not returned for quite soht be his weakness, but let’s try it out since I’m not for certain
And so, I grabbed the thing in my pocket that had been concealed for several days I had been waiting for an opportunity to try it out sometime I had Alan hide behind the tree so he could watch Jared’s reaction
And then, I threw “that” in front of Jared as he walked towards me
When “that” suddenly appeared in front of him, Jared let out a loud scream
And then, his face seemed rather panicked and scared, without any of the usual cal
“There’s no mistake now”
I gloated by reflex towards the tree’s shade
“Oi, I told you if you waited a little here you could see what Jared’s weakness was And now, exactly ill you do?”
Because Alan had been doubting me, I was rather proud of myself
“That’s a snake”
“Although I say that, it’s a fake one I can’t put a real one in my pocket since it would move around too much”
“……No, I don’t think it’s a question of putting a snake in your pocket…… So uh, why did you just throw it?”
“That way, I can show you what Prince Jared’s weakness is”
“His weakness is so like…… snakes!?”
“That’s right I had my suspicions before, but his reaction just now confirmed it for me Prince Jared’s weakness is definitely snakes”
I told hireat discovery I finally found a chink in the armor of that perfect prince
By the way, the fake snake that I threas so I made out of some crumpled paper I prepared it to experiment with Jared’s possible weakness It still doesn’t quite look like the real thing, but the result was quite admirable
“His weakness is so like snakes…… No, he definitely looked very scared…… I definitely thought such a thing wouldn’t be possible…… But so panicked look……”
For so to hi up and down in joy next to hiency – it will surely come in useful if I reach a destruction end
While I was ju me from behind
“Katarina You seeh spirits Whatever could have happened?”
Looking behindthere with a beautiful s , his eyes had no laughter to them
“……Pr, Prince Jared”
“I orried about you two since neither of you had returned after quite a while, but what on earth is this, I wonder”
As he said so, he set the toy snake he was holding down in front of me
“Eh, uh, that’s……”
Without hi anyto try this out light-heartedly, but I’ve angered Jared h he shouldn’t have seen me do it, he seems to be convinced that it was me Why is that
“Katarina becaht?”
“It’s inconceivable that a nine year old daughter of a duke would throw such a toy at her fiance, isn’t it?”
Jared’s s even darker ……This is so scary It couldn’t be, Ia toy snake at the prince…”
“Come to think of it, I haven’t seen duchess Claes today, ould she happen to be doing?”
“…Ah, she should be having tea with Keith right now”
Since I was confused by the sudden change of topic, I answered without thinking Then, Jared began grinning devilishly
“Is that so, I absolutely reet her I want to tell her about the tree cli a toy at me”
What!? He’s going to get revenge ona toy snake at hiuy
And then, I begged and chased him desperately as the evil sadistic prince made his way towards my mother However, he only responded with a wide sered soJared and looked back by reflex I saw Alan that I had co so hard that he could barely stand The way he looked laughing while holding his stomach was actually pretty funny
This Alan, he’s actually laughing at the misfortune of others…… Well, it’s what I deserved, but still……
But, I didn’t have the spare tiht now I chased desperately after Jared
However, I had no way to stop the angry Jared
He tolda toy snake at hi
However, this incident was not a total disaster I also got a big harvest I found Jared’s weakness! In an e the destruction end where I’ll be cut down by Jared’s sword, I’ll throw a toy snake at hi It’s perfect After all, I’ist Before I have to attend school, I’ll complete a toy snake that looks much more realistic, and keep it hidden in my pocket at all times!
And in this way I discovered another wonderful
By the way, after that, for soe me to any more matches
However, he would still visit me, even without the un speaking normally with Jared as well Why is that……
While it was so I ht now! In case I need to defeat Jared one day, I absolutely have to make a much more realistic toy snake