Chapter 6 (1/2)

Chapter 6 – Interacting with my stepbrother

The next day, when Keith came to have breakfast with us, he see as quick as I could, and i with me

“Since the weather is so great today, I’ll guide you around the garden Since you went to rest immediately yesterday, you probably didn’t have a chance to look around”

“Ah, yeah Thank you very much, Katarina-sama”

Keith is so polite and for

“Keith, because we have becos now, it’s fine to just call me nee-san It’s also ok to not use honorifics or polite speech”

“But…… that would be rude……” Keith said very timidly

“Man, since we’re siblings, it’s fine!! And foryou to call me that!”

My eyes were glistening, and I was breathing hard Keith had a very surprised face – then said somewhat aardly –

“I’ll be in your care, nee-san” My brother is so cute I’m in heaven

And so, I led Keith to the garden, where there was a beautiful blue sky, with perfect weather for taking a walk The Claes faarden was truly that of a duke’s There was even a small stream and a pond

“Oh, the s”


Keith looked at the stream with a blank look on his face

“Yeah, fishi+ng You’ve never done it before?”


“Then, let’s do it together! I’ood at it too!”

“We have fishi+ng equipment?”

“Yep, then, I’ll be teaching Keith!”

I nodded proudly, while Keith showed off a very surprised face Keith has only had this face for quite a while now Well, although I haven’t had any practice since I became Katarina, I used to be able to fill buckets to the brim with carp and crayfish in my previous life Of course, I was also able to fill buckets with fish in this world

After the streaardener and the other servants, my field had becoetable seeds that I had planted “These are eggplants, and these are toetables of this world seemed to be the same as the previous world

“This field, nee-san made it?”

“Yep, at first I made it byalone to develop it, now I also have the gardener and the fafood party with everyone By all ether then as well, Keith”

If you look at Keith today, you ht think that his face is permanently stuck like this – in a surprised position

While looking at the adorable Keith with his s He spentthat he probably never played out here s to Keith

“Keith, next I’ll take you to my favorite place”

I grabbed Keith’s aran to walk quickly

“Here’s my favorite place”

I point at a large tree at the edge of the garden The tallest tree in the Claes garden is now ainst it, and it’s also a great place to take a nap in the shade And, best of all –

“You can get an a view of the scenery if you climb this tree”

Yep, since this tree is the tallest one in the garden, you can see the entire garden as well as enjoying a nice view Katarina before recovering her memories, had never climbed a tree before, but I a out to me, I had no choice but to climb it I quicklyit in betorking on the field

“You climb trees?”

“Yes, tree cli Have you done it before, Keith?”

Keith’s ape and he shook his head in a “never” motion

“Well then, I’ll just teach you First, start off by watching me climb, ok?”

As I said so, I took offthe tree Since I earing a dress today and not the usual work clothes, it was more difficult than usual to move around in, but I still slithered up pretty quickly In e monkeys on the mountain we played on… Since my family was pretty embarrassed about it, they told me to stop over and over……

I climbed the tree smoothly

I gradually let myself loose and increased my pace

I climbed the tree smoothly, smoothly

For , there was only one flaw It’s that I would always get carried away Both my parents and teachers told me to be careful In the first place, the reason I died in the previous world see, unfortunately, it appears that my bad habit was not cured

Around therather carried away, I waved at Keith with a big s more carried away and stirred up As a result, I lost my balance, and fell out of the tree

While I was falling, as if in slowin my previous life

I fell butt-first onto the ground with a loud thud I wasfell froht, but…… Huh? It barely even hurts I round beloas really soft for some reason And when I looked under me……

“Ke, Keith!?!?”

Isn’t that my lovely brother underneath my butt!? Moreover, he is limp and collapsed with my butt on his back

“No~~! Keith please don’t die~~ even though I had just gotten such a cute brother~~~”

I was crying while holding the limp Keith’s ar about abandoning e…… No way, for my cute little brother to die because of my butt…… I cried a lot of tears and my nose became runny~~

“Keith, please don’t die~~~”

“Um, nee-san?”

“Please don’t die ~~~ No way, to have killed er brother with my butt…… Keith~~”


“Please don’t die ~~ Keith ~”


Suddenly, when I looked at Keith who had suddenly shouted while I was clinging to hiht blue eyes

“Keith!? You’re alive, right!?!”

I was so ly, Keith seemed to harden a bit in my arms

“Oh no, Keith, does it hurt anywhere??”

“Just a little, it’s okay because I only hit my back”

Even though Keith said this while se Surely, he ry at me