Part 2 (1/2)
The s.h.i.+p's jump engine switched off. In the blink of an eye, the s.h.i.+p dropped out of faster than light travel and came to an almost dead stop five hundred meters from the California. It was obvious that the freighter had been hit. Jagged holes covered the side of the vessel where enemy missiles had penetrated the hull. Debris and bodies littered the s.p.a.ce around the stricken vessel. Worse than that, the remainder of the convoy including the frigate a.s.signed to defend it had also been destroyed. Less than a minute later, Lefol hailed Sheridan and Cole to meet her in the s.h.i.+p's briefing room.
Sheridan and Cole in full fighting order walked into the briefing room. On the wall was a 3D tactical display showing the destroyed convoy.
”Jesus,” muttered Cole as he studied the wreckage.
Lefol walked over beside the two Marines. ”The only life sign we have been able to detect is coming from the California. It looks like someone is still alive in the medical bay. It's weak, but it's evidence that someone survived the attack. The s.h.i.+p has totally depressurized so whoever is over there must be in a survival suit.”
Sheridan looked at the California floating dead in s.p.a.ce. He could see that the main air lock doors commonly used for boarding the vessel had been destroyed. If they were going to board her, it would have to be through another entrance.
”I can see by the look on your face that you have noticed that we can't dock with the California,” said Lefol to Sheridan.
”Looks like we're going for a s.p.a.cewalk,” observed Cole.
”Ma'am, what are your orders?” asked Sheridan.
”I want you to board the California and help whoever is trapped over there. I also want you to download her computer logs. Fleet Headquarters is going to need to know what has happened and I want to know what we are up against before we jump to Illum Prime.”
”And if the Kurgans return while we're over there?” asked Cole.
”Then you're on your own,” replied Lefol. ”I won't risk this s.h.i.+p and the supplies she is carrying to save you.”
”Understood, ma'am.”
Cole may have understood. Sheridan, however, was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the fact that he wasn't in training anymore and that he was at war.
”Gents, we can't afford to waste time. You have one hour to get over there ASAP, find what you are looking for and get back to the Churchill or I will leave you behind.”
Sheridan and Cole came to attention, turned and left the room.
”Sir, how are you in zero gravity environments?” asked Cole.
”Sergeant, if you're wondering if I get sick, the answer is no. At the academy, I was the top of my cla.s.s in zero gravity combat training.”
Cole stopped in the hallway, looked both ways to check that they were alone and then looked Sheridan straight in the eyes. ”Sir, you need to lose three words from your vocabulary.”
”What might those be, Sergeant?” replied Sheridan defensively.
”At the academy. Those words show that you have zero experience and are used by every platoon leader that I have ever come across. Flush them from your mind and you'll sound more knowledgeable when talking with your men.”
”Well then, Sergeant, what should I have said?”
”Sir, all you needed to say was you don't get sick. Look, I know you think that I am being overly critical, but you need to understand that there isn't time to bring you along and inculcate you into being a platoon leader. Your time is now. You're in command and the Marines you are about to lead over to the California need to know that you know your job.”
Sheridan was about to push back, but realized that he was wasting time and that Cole may have a point. Instead, he asked a question. ”Sergeant, how long do you think it will take us to suit up, move over to the California, do everything Captain Lefol wants done and get back here?”
”It's going to be tight. However, the only two people who need to get ready are you and me. I figured this might happen so I ordered eight Marines to don their suits while we're gone.”
Sheridan realized that he should have thought about that himself. Cole's depth of experience and his lack of any was beginning to show. ”Good thinking, Sergeant.”
”I thought so,” replied Cole with a grin. ”Come on, sir, they pay me to worry about the little things. Now, let's get to work.”
Fifteen minutes later, Sheridan, Cole, and the eight handpicked Marines stepped into the airlock and waited for it to depressurize. Their s.p.a.cesuits were light gray in color. Each soldier was wearing a maneuver unit on their back to help propel them through the vacuum of s.p.a.ce. With thirty nozzles at different location on the unit, it was easy for a person in zero gravity to effortlessly move in any direction. At twenty-five meters per second velocity, it was going to take them twenty seconds to reach the closed airlock on the side of the destroyed s.h.i.+p.
The light inside the room changed from white to red. The artificial gravity turned off. The maneuver units automatically switched on and kept everyone in place. A second later the doors leading out into s.p.a.ce slid open.
Sheridan paused briefly. He had spent countless hours learning how to fly in the weightlessness of s.p.a.ce; however, that had been in a training environment where it was impossible to get hurt, unless he really screwed up. Now he was about to lead Marines into the unknown. Taking a deep breath to calm the b.u.t.terflies in his stomach, he gently pressed down on a b.u.t.ton on one the maneuver unit's arms. He moved out of the airlock and was closely followed by his soldiers, with Staff Sergeant Cole bringing up the rear. The debris field around the California was thicker and more hazardous than Sheridan had expected. Knowing that any puncture in his suit could lead to a loss of oxygen and death, Sheridan slowed his thrusters and began to deftly fly his way around the larger pieces of wreckage. His skin crawled when he saw part of a mangled body float by.
His heart started to race. His breathing sped up. Sheridan tried to focus on the job at hand so he wouldn't dwell upon the fact that he had never been so scared in his life. A voice came over the suit's intercom in his helmet. It was Cole. ”Sir, slow down a bit, one of the men back here got his foot tangled in some debris.”
Effortlessly pivoting around, Sheridan saw Cole pulling a Marine's foot free from some wires that were attached to a piece of the blasted out bulkhead. When the man was free, Sheridan turned about and headed straight for the air lock. When he was about five meters from the s.h.i.+p, he came to a complete stop. He floated off to one side of the door while one of the Marines moved over and inserted a universal key to manually unlock the doors. Without power, the entrance remained closed. Sheridan maneuvered over and helped one of the other Marines to pull the doors apart. He swore loudly when a burnt body shot out of the entrance, nearly hitting him. His heart jackhammered away in his chest. A hand reached over and pushed the body away. Sheridan saw it Cole. He was calmly looking at him. With a rea.s.suring nod of his head, Cole told Sheridan that he was doing ok. Taking a deep breath, Sheridan turned on the lights mounted on his helmet and peered inside. Another door leading inside the s.h.i.+p was closed. ”Open it,” Sheridan ordered.
Two soldiers along with the man with the key flew past Sheridan and Cole and opened the interior doors. It was dark and foreboding. As Sheridan had expected, the s.h.i.+p was dead.
”Ok, we'll split up here,” announced Sheridan, trying to sound as confident as he could. ”Staff Sergeant Cole with Alpha Team will proceed to the bridge and download the logs while Bravo Team and I locate the life sign.”
Cole stressed, ”Everyone RV back here in twenty minutes or you're staying here.”
”See you in twenty, Sergeant,” said Sheridan to Cole as he pressed a b.u.t.ton on his maneuver unit and moved into the blackened corridor. It was as inviting as a crypt. The four men from Bravo Team followed close behind, their lights illuminating the way.
The interior of the s.h.i.+p was a complete mess. Anything not bolted down to the floor now floated free. Coffee cups, papers, books and personal items all hung there as if waiting for the crew of the stricken vessel to return and reclaim their possessions.
Sheridan stopped for a moment to study the s.h.i.+p's layout on a small screen attached to the arm of his maneuver unit. ”This way,” he said turning down a side corridor. As his light lit the way, his heart jumped up into his throat. Floating wide-eyed was a corpse. Her arms were outstretched as if reaching for Sheridan. Her long blonde hair hung around her face. The temperature inside the vessel was several hundred degrees below freezing. Her body had frozen solid.
”s.h.i.+t,” said one of the Marines behind Sheridan.
”She probably won't be the last one we see in here,” said Sheridan. ”Come on, we've got a job to do.” With that, he gently pushed the body aside and continued down the hallway.
As predicted, Sheridan was right. They found four more corpses before they arrived at the doorway to the medical room. He stopped by the door, dug out a small speaker from a pocket on his suit and placed it on the entrance. He keyed his mic and said, ”h.e.l.lo inside the medical room, my name is Second Lieutenant Sheridan, are you alright?”
Sheridan repeated his message.
”Maybe we're too late,” said one of the Marines.
”Open the door,” ordered Sheridan.
As before, the Marine using a universal key unlocked the doors while two soldiers pried them apart.
Sheridan was first inside. In the dark, a horrible sight met his eyes. At least a dozen injured men and women, who had been in the medical room when the s.h.i.+p decompressed, floated about the room. A cold s.h.i.+ver ran up his spine.
”There's supposed to be someone alive in here,” said Sheridan. ”Spread out and try to find someone in a med tube or survival suit.”
Pus.h.i.+ng the bodies aside as he moved to the back of the room, Sheridan felt his stomach turn. He had to force his mind to block out the images of the ghost-like bodies hovering everywhere.
”Sir...sir, I think I found a survivor!” called out a Marine.