Part 73 (1/2)
OPTI-CUS, OPTIC. [Gr. +optomai+, _optomai_, to see.] Relating to the eye.
OR-BICU-LAR. [L. _orbis_, a circle.] Circular.
OR-BIC-U-LARIS. A name applied to several muscles.
ORGAN. A part of the system destined to exercise some particular function.
ORI-GIN. Commencement; source.
OS. [L.] A bone; the mouth of any thing.
ORIS. [L. _os_, _oris_.] Of the mouth.
OS HY-OIDES. [Gr. See HYOID.] The name of the bone at the base of the tongue.
OSMA-ZOME. [Gr. +osm+, _osm_, smell, and +zmos+, _zmos_, broth.]
A principle obtained from animal fibre which gives the peculiar taste to broth.
OSSA. [L., plural of _os_, bone.] Bones.
OSSE-OUS. Pertaining to bones.
OS-SI-FI-CATION. The formation of bones in animals.
OSSI-FY. [L. _ossa_, bones, and _facio_, to make.] To convert into bone.
OSSIS. Of a bone.
O-VALE. [L.] The shape of an egg.
OX-ALIC. Pertaining to sorrel. _Oxalic acid_ is the acid of sorrel.
It is composed of two equivalents of carbon and three of oxygen.
OXY-GEN. A permanently elastic fluid invisible and inodorous. One of the components of atmospheric air.
PA-LATUM. [L.] The palate; the roof of the mouth.
PAL-PE-BRARUM. [L. _palpebra_, the eyelid.] Of the eyelids.
PALMAR. [L. _palma_, the palm.] Belonging to the hand.
PAL-MARIS. A term applied to some muscles attached to the palm of the hand.
PANCRE-AS. [Gr. +pan+, _pan_, all, and +kreas+, _kreas_, flesh.] The name of one of the digestive organs.
PAN-CRE-ATIC. Belonging to the pancreas.
PA-PILLA, -. [L.] Small conical prominences.