Part 20 (1/2)
”Where she saved my life.” As Grey spoke, he saw a shadow flicker across Peter's face. He'd been happy to find that his brother was alive, but now he was recognizing that the t.i.tle and inheritance he'd come to regard as his own had been s.n.a.t.c.hed away. It was a complication Grey hadn't considered, but should have. Peter was no longer a child, but a man. He'd not welcome being superseded.
Grey buried the thought for later since he could handle no more anxiety. Not tonight. Taking Ca.s.sie's arm, he said, ”I a.s.sume Lord Costain is in his usual rooms?”
When his mother nodded, he set off, grateful to have Ca.s.sie at his side to keep his nerves steady. Bad enough that his family was staring at him, but servants were peering from behind doors and around corners. The attention made him twitch, but he couldn't let that show. This was home. He must appear sane, no matter how difficult it was.
There was something deeply unreal about striding the familiar corridors, climbing the marble steps with one hand on the polished railing he used to slide down. Yet at the same time, Summerhill seemed eternal, the ten years in France scarcely more than a bad dream. This disorientation must be one of the reasons he'd been reluctant to return. If not for Ca.s.sie, it would be easy to drown in the depths of his own mind.
His parents had a ma.s.sive suite of rooms in the center of the house. Grey entered his father's bedroom with Ca.s.sie beside him. Lamps cast soft light on his father's still form. The earl looked lost in the large bed, his powerful figure diminished.
His father's longtime valet, Baker, sat on the near side of the bed. He glanced up, barely noticing Grey as his admiring gaze went to Ca.s.sie. Then he saw Peter enter and his jaw dropped as he looked from Peter to Grey and back again.
Grey nodded to him and circled to where a lovely young blond woman was sitting, head bent and golden hair tied back. Lady Elizabeth Sommers. His little Beth.
He rounded the bed, then halted in his tracks. Elizabeth was nursing a baby.
It was Grey's turn to be shocked. His little sister, a mother? Yet she was twenty-three now. Certainly old enough to have a husband and child. He fought for composure, for nothing else had made him as aware of how much time had pa.s.sed.
His sister looked up from her baby and her gaze made the same journey from Grey to Peter and back again. In the dimly lit bedroom, it would have been possible to a.s.sume that Grey was Peter returning to the sickroom, but since they were together, the conclusion was obvious.
Elizabeth's mouth formed an O of surprise. She breathed, ”Grey?”
”None other. Like a bad penny, I have returned.” He was proud of himself for keeping a light tone as he brushed a kiss on her forehead.
The baby was blond and cherubic. Grey was no expert on babies, but he was pretty sure that compliments pleased doting parents. ”Who is this lovely creature?”
”My daughter. Your niece.” Elizabeth's expression blazed with excitement. ”I named her for you. Grace.”
He was touched and rather awed by this tiny perfect being. ”A better name for a daughter than Greydon. Who is your husband? Someone worthy of my sister?”
She smiled. ”Johnny Langtry.”
The Langtry family's estate marched with Summerhill. As the two highest-ranking families in this part of the s.h.i.+re, there had always been easy communication between the households.
John Langtry was a couple of years younger than Grey, and his father's heir. Solidly built and with an infectious smile, he was a thoroughly good fellow. Far more reliable than Grey. ”Minx! You had your eye on him since you were in the nursery.”
Elizabeth grinned. ”Johnny never had a chance. Not that he's complaining!”
Grey studied his sister and her daughter, the images of a blond northern Madonna and child. ”He's a very lucky man.”
”He is indeed,” his mother said as she joined them, putting her hand on Grey's arm as if fearing he'd vanish. ”You must be tired if you came from London today, Grey. Let's adjourn to the morning room for refreshments. Baker can stay with your father. We all want to know what happened to you for all these years.” Her gaze went to Ca.s.sie. ”And I wish to become acquainted with my future daughter-in-law.”
Grey guessed Ca.s.sie cringed inside to hear that, but her face remained calm. Of course his family was wild with curiosity, but he couldn't answer their questions. Not tonight. Some questions he'd never answer.
His gaze went to the earl's still face. ”I want to sit with Father. There are things I need to say to him.” He gave a humorless smile. ”Even if he can't hear me.”
”Maybe it's better if he can't talk back,” Peter said with a note in his voice that made it not quite a joke.
Ca.s.sie asked quietly, ”Do you want me to stay?”
”Thank you, but no.” Grey drew a deep breath. ”Some things must be done alone.”
Chapter 33.
”Please ring if there is anything lacking in your room, Miss St. Ives,” Lady Costain said as she ushered Ca.s.sie into a guest room. ”I'm sorry I didn't read Kirkland's message yesterday. I would have had time to prepare for you properly.”
”No need to worry, Lady Costain.” Ca.s.sie had excused herself from the family supper as quickly as possible to avoid more questions. It had been a tiring day, and facing the Sommers family without Grey beside her had been a strain.
She stepped into her room, which was immaculately clean and warmed by a quietly crackling fire. The rose floral draperies and bed hangings glowed in the lamplight and a vase of out-of-season flowers sat on the desk. ”This is lovely. I've stayed in much humbler accommodations.” An understatement of ma.s.sive proportions. ”Does Grey know where his room is, or are his old rooms available?”
The countess frowned. ”I'd forgotten about that. Peter moved into those rooms when ... when we gave up hope that Grey would ever return. I'll have another room prepared for Grey to stay in tonight. It's too late to move Peter's things.”
”Is it necessary for Peter to move?” Ca.s.sie asked, surprised.
The older woman looked puzzled. ”Peter has been living in the heir's suite. Now that Grey is back, it belongs to him.”
Ca.s.sie hesitated before saying, ”Surely in a house this splendid, there are other suitable quarters. Even happy news can be disruptive. Since Peter will have other major changes to adjust to, perhaps moving isn't essential?”
The countess frowned. ”I take your point. I shall discuss this with Grey before any plans are finalized. He has the right to request his old room back.” Lady Costain's scrutiny turned to Ca.s.sie. ”I didn't wish to have this discussion in front of Peter and Elizabeth, but I do wonder about your background. The St. Ives family doesn't mingle much in the beau monde, but I had the impression that there are only sons.”
Her tone equally cool, Ca.s.sie said, ”Your real question is whether I'm a fortune hunter taking advantage of Lord Wyndham's vulnerable state.” Her head was aching, so she began pulling pins from her hair. ”I am who I claim to be. I'm not a scheming s.l.u.t sinking my greedy claws into your son.”
Lady Costain drew a sharp breath. ”You believe in directness.”
”When appropriate.” Ca.s.sie's lips twisted. ”But I lie well when that's required.”
”And I have no way of knowing which you are doing now.” Lady Costain sighed. ”I'm sorry for my bluntness, but surely you can understand that I'm concerned for my son's welfare. I never thought ...” She bit her lip. ”You aren't making this easy for me. You were remarkably evasive when we talked over supper. Is there anything you're willing to tell me that might soothe my maternal concerns?”
Ca.s.sie moved to the dressing table. The image in the mirror was of a red-haired temptress. A sophisticated and ruthless woman of the world. No wonder Lady Costain was worried. If Ca.s.sie had a son, she'd want to keep him out of such a woman's clutches.
”Grey's story is his to tell, and I will let him decide how much he wishes to say.” She picked up the silver-backed brush and began brus.h.i.+ng out her hair. ”The current Lord Ives is my father's younger brother, and indeed he has only sons. My mother was French. All of my family except me died in a ma.s.sacre during the Reign of Terror. It was many years ago, so it's not surprising you were unaware of what happened to them.”
The countess gasped. ”Your whole family was killed? How horrible! How did you survive?”
Ca.s.sie continued brus.h.i.+ng. Her natural hair color might be outrageous, but it was rich and beautiful in its way. ”My nurse had taken me out for the afternoon. Of course, I could be lying and the real Catherine St. Ives died with the rest of her family. As it happens, I'm telling the truth.” Wanting to ease the countess's concerns, she added, ”The betrothal will be a long one. I will not hold Grey to his word if he changes his mind.”
After a long silence, the other woman said quietly, ”I believe you. What have you been doing these many years?”
”Surviving.” Ca.s.sie gazed at her reflection, seeing circles under her eyes. She'd known that coming to Summerhill would be difficult, but she'd only be here for a few days. Telling Grey's family some truth about herself meant they'd be happy to say good-bye when the time came.
”Are you Grey's mistress?” Lady Costain asked.
Mistress. Such a simple word for such a complex relations.h.i.+p. ”Yes.” Ca.s.sie removed her small gold earrings.
”It didn't take him long to find one,” his mother said disapprovingly. ”I hoped he'd outgrow his womanizing by this age.”
Suddenly furious, Ca.s.sie spun away from the mirror. ”Imagine ten years in solitary confinement, Lady Costain. Ten years of never seeing or touching another living being. No hugs, no kisses from your children or granddaughter, no husbandly pat on your derriere when no one is looking. No scent of another human, no sight of a human face. Imagine all that-and don't you dare criticize your son!”