Part 25 (2/2)

”Oh, yes, at least she used to; he's her brother, you know, but we've never seen him, and mother doesn't like to have us talk much about him, because it makes her sad.”

”What is your uncle's name?” Lord Carresford spoke quickly, and there was a kind of suppressed excitement in his manner, which surprised Jack very much.

”His name is Mr. John Stanhope,” said Jack proudly; ”I am named for him.

My grandfather was General Stanhope, and we have another uncle, who is a--but, oh, I forgot; mother said we mustn't talk about him.”

Lord Carresford rose hurriedly. He had suddenly grown very pale.

”Is your mother at home now?” he asked in a voice so odd and unsteady that Jack stared at him in growing bewilderment.

”Yes, I think she is,” he said slowly; ”she's coming over here pretty soon to give Miss Warren her music lesson. Don't you feel very well, sir?”

”Yes, yes, my boy, I am all right. I must see your mother, that is all.

I--I think I used to know her long ago in England.”

”Did you really?” inquired Jack, his face brightening. ”Oh, I'm very glad. Perhaps you knew our Uncle Jack too, and can tell us where he lives.”

At that moment Betty's voice was heard from the other end of the piazza. ”Here comes mother, Jack.”

Lord Carresford turned his head; took a few hurried steps forward, and then stood still, gazing at the figure of the tall lady rapidly approaching across the lawn. He was very white, but there was a strange, glad light in his eyes. All unconscious of the stranger's eager scrutiny the lady had almost reached the piazza steps before the sound of Betty's voice caused her to raise her eyes. Then suddenly her glance met that of Lord Carresford, and, with a low cry, she started forward with both hands outstretched.

”Jack,” she gasped, ”oh, Jack!” And then all at once her strength seemed to fail her, and she sank down on the lowest step, shaking from head to foot, while every particle of color went out of her face.

Ten minutes later Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Hamilton, who were spending a pleasant morning together in the latter's room at the hotel, were startled by the sudden and violent opening of the door, and the precipitate entrance of Lulu and Winifred, both hatless, breathless, and almost beside themselves with excitement.

”Oh, mamma, mamma,” cried Lulu, flinging herself upon her astonished mother, ”the most wonderful, exciting, extraordinary thing has happened! Lord Carresford is kissing Mrs. Randall on our piazza, and she's got her arms round his neck, and is laughing and crying both at the same time. We don't know what it all means, but we told Aunt Daisy, and she said we'd better come for you.”



”I think it's the most interesting thing that ever happened in all our lives,” remarked Lulu in a tone of conviction. ”To think of Lord Carresford's turning out to be Betty's own uncle, and we never knowing a thing about it.”

It was late in the afternoon, and the two little girls were sitting in their favorite spot on the bathing house steps, discussing the events of the day.

”It is very interesting,” said Winifred, with a little sigh of content.

”It's really quite like a book thing; don't you think so?”

”Just as interesting things happen really as they do in books,” said Lulu with superior wisdom. ”Aunt Daisy says truth is stranger than fiction, and she ought to know, because she writes books herself. Lots of interesting things have happened to us, but I don't think anything was ever quite so wonderful as this one.”

”I should think Betty and Jack would be just crazy. I know I should be if a lord turned out to be my uncle, especially if he were as nice as Lord Carresford.”

”Just think,” said Winifred reflectively, ”the Rossiters said their mother was surprised we were allowed to be so intimate with Betty, because we didn't know anything about her family. Won't they be surprised when they hear all about it. I don't suppose the Randalls will be any different now they know they've got a lord for a relation, though it would be enough to make some people rather stuck up; don't you think it would? You remember how stuck up Elsie Carleton was that time her uncle's sister-in-law married a duke's son.”
