Part 6 (1/2)

She had scarcely finished her preparations, and the kettle was just beginning to boil, when the familiar ring was heard, and she flew to open the door.

Jack was quite correct in his predictions; Mrs. Randall was both wet and tired. Indeed, she came in looking so much more tired than usual that Betty noticed it, and inquired anxiously as she hung up the dripping umbrella, and helped her mother off with her waterproof, ”Have you got a headache, mother, dear?”

”Yes, dear, I have a bad headache. My cold is rather bad, too; I have been coughing a great deal to-day. Is Jack all right?”

”Oh, yes; he ate a good lunch, and was reading all the morning, and drawing pictures all the afternoon.”

”How chilly it feels here,” Mrs. Randall said, s.h.i.+vering and coughing as she spoke.

”I've lighted the stove, and your slippers are nice and warm,” said Betty proudly. ”The kettle's boiling too, and I'll have a nice cup of tea for you in five minutes.”

Mrs. Randall's tired face brightened, and she looked rather relieved.

”That is good,” she said. ”Hurry as quickly as you can with the tea, dear, for I believe I am really chilled through.”

Betty, nothing loath, flew about like a small whirlwind; had her mother's wet shoes off and the warm slippers in their place; drew the comfortable armchair as near as possible to the steam radiator, and darted away to the kitchen, from whence she returned in a twinkling, with a cup of steaming tea.

Mrs. Randall drank the tea, but though she p.r.o.nounced it delicious, and declared herself ever so much better, she still s.h.i.+vered, and cowered over the radiator for warmth. Jack watched her anxiously, with a troubled look on his pale little face.

In a little while Mrs. Randall rose.

”I think I will go and lie down,” she said, and the children noticed that her voice was very hoa.r.s.e. ”My head is bad, and if I could sleep for half an hour I might be all right. Be sure and call me in time to get dinner, Betty.”

”I hope mother isn't going to be ill,” said Jack anxiously, when they were once more alone together.

”Oh, I guess not,” said cheerful Betty; ”she's only got a cold and a headache. She'll be better after she's rested. Let's play a game of lotto.”

Jack a.s.sented, but though they played several games, and Betty did her best to be entertaining, the troubled expression did not leave his face.

Suddenly he stopped short in the middle of a game.

”Hear mother coughing, Betty; she can't be asleep. I wish you'd go and see if she wants anything.”

Betty rose promptly, and hurried into the little bedroom. Her mother was lying on her bed, with flushed cheeks and wide-open eyes. At sight of her little girl she smiled faintly.

”I'm getting nice and warm now, dear,” she said; ”that tea did me so much good. I'm going to get up very soon.”

”You look ever so much better,” said Betty in a tone of decided relief.

”You've got a lovely color in your cheeks.”

Mrs. Randall pressed her hand to her forehead, but said nothing, and next moment a violent spasm of coughing shook her from head to foot.

The evening that followed was a decidedly uncomfortable one. Mrs.

Randall's cough was very painful, and although she went about as usual, and tried to appear like herself, it was easy to see that every movement cost her an effort. Betty noticed that she scarcely tasted any dinner, and Jack's eyes never left her face. Almost as soon as dinner was over Jack said he was tired, and would like to go to bed. The others soon followed, and by nine o'clock the lights were out, and the little family settled for the night.

But there was little sleep for at least two members of the household.

Mrs. Randall coughed incessantly, and tossed from side to side in feverish restlessness. Betty lay with wide-open eyes, and a heavier heart than she had ever known before. It was all very well to a.s.sure Jack that there was not much the matter with mother, and that she would surely be all right in the morning. She knew nothing about illness, but she could not help thinking that that dreadful cough and those burning hands meant something more than an every-day cold.

”I am afraid I am disturbing you very much, dear,” Mrs. Randall said at last, when the clock struck ten, and a restless movement on Betty's part a.s.sured her that the child was still wide awake. ”I wish I could be quieter, but this cough----”