Part 4 (1/2)
”What would you like to do?” Mrs. Hamilton asked, stooping to kiss the sweet, earnest little face.
”Well, I've been thinking about that, and it seems as if the best thing would be to make some one else very happy. You know the five-dollar gold-piece that Uncle Will gave me for Easter?”
”Yes, dear.”
”Well, do you think he would mind very much if I spent it all on giving somebody else a good time?”
”He would not mind in the least, I am sure, but I thought you had decided to buy a bracelet just like Lulu Bell's.”
”Yes, I had; but, you see, that was before I began to think about the Thank Offering.”
”Well, and when did you first begin to think of the Thank Offering?”
Mrs. Hamilton asked, smiling.
”It was yesterday afternoon, when Betty Randall was so disappointed because the man at the livery stable told her it would cost five dollars for a carriage to take her little brother for a drive. I've been thinking about it ever since, and to-day at recess I told Lulu, and she thinks just the same as I do.”
”You mean that you would like to spend your five dollars in hiring a carriage to take that little cripple boy and his sister for a drive?”
”Yes, mother; do you think I might? I don't know the little boy yet, but I like Betty very much, and she was so disappointed.”
Mrs. Hamilton was looking both pleased and interested.
”I do think you might,” she said heartily, ”and, Winnie, dear, I like your idea of a Thank Offering very much indeed. I have been thinking a good deal about that poor child myself ever since what you told me yesterday. Didn't you say to-morrow would be the little boy's birthday?”
”Yes, to-morrow; and to-morrow will be too. Oh, mother, dear, do you really think we could?”
”I will go up and call on Mrs. Randall this evening,” said Mrs. Hamilton with decision. ”I have never met her, but I like her little girl's appearance very much. I don't believe she will have any objection to letting the children go with us. There's father's key. Run and open the door for him and give him a nice kiss.”
It was about half-past eight that evening when Mrs. Hamilton left her own apartment and climbed the three flights of stairs to the top floor.
On the last landing she paused to get her breath before ringing the Randalls' bell, and at that moment her ear caught the sound of music.
Some one was playing on the piano, and playing in a way that at once attracted Mrs. Hamilton's attention. This was not the kind of music she was accustomed to hearing through open windows or thin walls. Mrs.
Hamilton had studied music herself under some of the best teachers the city could produce, and she knew at once that this was no ordinary musician. She had heard that Mrs. Randall gave music lessons, but she had never expected anything like this.
She stood quite still, listening until the piece came to an end, and then as the last notes of the beautiful nocturne died away, she raised her head and lightly touched the electric bell. The door was opened by the same little girl she had seen the day before.
”Good-evening,” said the visitor, smiling pleasantly, ”is your mother at home?”
”Yes,” said Betty, looking very much surprised, but standing aside to let the lady pa.s.s; ”she's in the parlor playing to Jack.”
Mrs. Hamilton crossed the narrow hall, and entered the small but very neat-looking parlor. She noticed at a glance the plants in the window; the canary in his gilt cage, and the little crippled boy lying on the sofa. Jack's face was flushed with pleasure, and his blue eyes, full of sweet content, rested lovingly on the figure of the lady at the piano.
At the sight of the unexpected visitor the lady rose.
”Mother,” said Betty eagerly, ”it's Mrs. Hamilton--Winifred Hamilton's mother.”
A slight flush rose in Mrs. Randall's cheeks, but her greeting, though perhaps a little formal, was perfectly courteous. Mrs. Hamilton saw at a glance that the woman at the baker's had not exaggerated when she had described Betty's mother as ”a very handsome lady.” She was very tall and stately, and she spoke in a low, refined voice. Her eyes were large and dark, and there was a look in them that seemed to tell of suffering--a look that went straight to Mrs. Hamilton's kind heart.
It was impossible for any one to remain long ill at ease in the society of sweet, genial Mrs. Hamilton, and in five minutes the two ladies were chatting pleasantly together, and Mrs. Randall had almost ceased to wonder why her neighbor should have intruded upon her at this unseasonable hour. Mrs. Hamilton made friends with Jack in a way that won his heart at once, and Betty sat watching her with frank admiration.
At last the visitor said:
”And now I must really explain my reason for troubling you at this time of the evening, Mrs. Randall. My little Winifred has taken a great fancy to your Betty, and is most anxious to make the acquaintance of Jack as well. She and I are going for a drive in the park to-morrow afternoon, and I have come to ask you if you will allow Betty and Jack to go with us.”