Vol 2 Chapter 21 (1/2)

The Hero and the Reunion (part 7)

The Deons were the tyrants of the sky in the olden days There were scarlet, ink black, and rock colored They could ignite dragon fire, su even legendary heroes could not defeat”

The Record of the Rise and Fall of Middle Earth inscribes: “When the King of Lie[1 This is a surna, he drew his sword and slayed a red dragon, bathed in its blood, and ate its eyes raw He could see all big happenings, dubbing hi of the wind, and called himself the ominous son”

At the present…

There was a gigantic red dragon, its

It only need to unfurl its wings and roar, and fireballs would rain down from the sky

All the things touched by the fireballs were burning into ashes

Deon kind

Direct subordinates of the de

For the Expedition Regiest headache was the sky Air defense had been the Expedition Force’s biggest weak point for almost forever

On the ground, for a solid line of defense worked, however it didn’t in the sky

So the de would often exploit this loophole and send every kind of flying demon to sneak attack the humans from the back

As the strength of the Expedition Force expanded, a hundred e for air defence was possible

This range was quite considerable and a large portion of demon beasts were deterred by this

Except for two

One was the Sky kind, the other was the Dragon kind

The Sky kind were huon kind were monsters covered in scales The former were small and quick, and the latter had formidable scaly armor

“Guards!! Call the city defense!!”

“Save me aaaaahhhh–”

“Monster, it’s a monster!!”


Every kind of shrieks could be heard in all the streets