Chapter 16 (1/2)
Chapter 16
Watchmen Chapter 16
Jiu Jie once again started walking on the road to the door of dreams.
He went past the green-tiled plain, the evil black swamp, the whispering flower garden, and finally, he reached the door of dreams.
It's just that on the road, he didn't see the two men that had given him directions.
Looking up at the unusually imposing large arched door, Jiu Jie gave a knock.
Before long, the doors opened, and the large time bird appeared again.
”Why is it you again?” The time bird roared.
”I want to pa.s.s through the door of dreams.” Jiu Jie calmly said.
”No key means you cannot pa.s.s through. My patience is limited. Mortal who doesn't know your own strength, regarding your repeated offence, I’ll make you suffer!”
Saying so, the time bird spread its large wings and let out a piercing shriek. Even the most bold and powerful beast would turn tail and retreat,
Jiu Jie's face didn't change. He slowly held up the key in his hands, and the black spoon briefly emitted a very brilliant golden light. The blinding light practically swept the whole time bird along.
”Is this the key you want?” Jiu Jie asked.
The time bird folded its wings, lowered its head, and muttered, ”I can't believe it. I thought that you were just an ordinary dream person that unwittingly arriving here.”
”Can I go across it?” Jiu Jie questioned.
The time bird had no answer; it just s.h.i.+fted to one side to reveal a road.
Jiu Jie didn't rush to the door, he just looked back, and turned toward a lush tree in the flower garden.
He smiled and asked, ”Do you want to come with me?”
The question reverberated, but there was no sound except for the sound of the birds singing.
”Just come with me. You're always so far away, you won't be able to see things clearly.” Jiu Jie said.
Following his words, a person slowing came into view from behind the tree.
It was a beautiful lady. Her hair was ebony, skin just like snow, an elegant figure, and had tempting curves.
Looking at her figure, it really was Gu s.h.i.+ Chen. She had lost the though and her long hair was draped over one shoulder, looking less scholarly and more charming.
Gu s.h.i.+ Chen slowly walked closer. ”You knew that I was following you?”
”Of course.” Jiu Jie said. ”I also know that I’m in a dream.”
”Very few people who are in dreamland are able to tell that they are in a dream. Since you can do that, you're not that simple.” Gu s.h.i.+ Chen praised.
”For ordinary people, being able to do this is not simple. But to me, doing this is the most basic skill. We should move quickly.” Jiu Jie pointed at the time bird and told Gu s.h.i.+ Chen. ”Look at its face, it has obviously waited until it can't wait anymore.”
”Oh, right…” Jiu Jie suddenly stopped and asked the time bird, ”I'm bringing a person inside, you don't mind right?”
”Since you have the key and you are willing, bringing in a few people is no problem.” The time bird informed him.
”Thanks.” Jiu Jie replied politely.
Jiu Jie and Gu s.h.i.+ Chen pa.s.sed through the door of dreams, and the road in front of them suddenly changed into a labyrinth.
They walked along a complicated winding corridor, and past a bizarrely serene pavilion. Past a serene pond, and then a highly refined mountain stone. From the beginning to the end, they went past a gigantic screen separating the middle of the pa.s.sage.
In front of the door of dreams, the palace that could
be seen was obscured by the gigantic screen.
The two of them walked for a while. The gigantic screen finally disappeared, but a fork in the road suddenly appeared.
The two roads were obscured by a very heavy fog, they couldn't make out what was behind it.
”Which route should we take?” Jiu Jie asked.
”This is your dream. You pick.” Gu s.h.i.+ Chen answered.
Jiu Jie shot her a meaningful grin that looked a bit crafty, it was ridiculing and had a trace of confidence.
”Then, let's go this way.” Jiu Jie pointed at the left lane.
”Okay.” Gu s.h.i.+ Chen nodded and agreed.
Jiu Jie held out a hand to her. ”Let's hold hands. The fog is very thick, I don't want us to be separated.”
Gu s.h.i.+ Chen hesitated for a moment before she also held out her hand and grasped his. One person behind another, they continued onward through the densely fogged left road.
The fog was very thick, practically blinding them. Jiu Jie couldn't even make out his hand. Only her soft and flexible hand was there to remind him that Gu s.h.i.+ Chen was following behind.
They didn't know how much time had pa.s.sed in the fog, but it was gradually thinning out and the s.p.a.ce seemed to have widened up.
There was a low canyon just beside them that had a small pond. From the mountain, clear water trickled into the pond that slowly increased the water level.
Standing in the middle of the pond was a lady. Her back was facing Jiu Jie and Gu s.h.i.+ Chen. She stood there unmoving, even as the water reached her waist level, and was continuously rising, she had no visible reaction.
Beside the pond was a young man in neat clothes staring expressionlessly at the lady in the pond. He was holding hands with a young girl who was shouting incessantly at the lady in the pond, tears of anxiety flowing from her eyes.
Jiu Jie and Gu s.h.i.+ Tong stopped at the same time, focusing on the strange situation.
”Daddy, quickly go save Mummy!” The young girl cried and wailed.