Part 11 (1/2)

”Yes.” Bakhtiian glanced over his shoulder and spoke words in khush. One of his attendants jogged away. ”Is there anyone else who would like to-observe?” he asked.

”I would,” said Charles.

Bakhtiian did not reply for a moment, as if waiting for Hierakis to apply as well.

When she did not speak, he nodded curtly. ”I will arrange it. Now, if you will excuse me.” He left, attendants in tow.

”Charles, why in h.e.l.l do you want to watch men killing each other? Ursula will be faint for the chance to see this, and since she has as much sensibility as a grave digger, it doesn't concern me, but you-?”

”Cara, my dear, Tess has trained to fight in this man's army. I want to see what she's let herself in for.”

”Lady bless us,” responded Cara, suddenly enlightened. ”You don't suppose she was wounded, do you? That would explain why she didn't come to meet us-””I'll go roust Ursula.” Charles left her without waiting for her to finish.

Used to his abruptness, Cara merely knelt and laced up her other boot. Then, glancing once at the actors by the fire, whose numbers had tripled, she slipped into Charles's tent. Since he had so little baggage, it took her very little time to find the folded parchment square that the young jaran rider named Aleksi had delivered to Charles at the end of that awful banquet. She flicked the brooch at her collar so that it bled light into the dark interior. Tess's writing! She began to read.

”Dear Charles, I apologize for not coming to meet you, although why I'm apologizing I don't know, when I had every intention of riding to the port but was forestalled by Ilya, who compounded the offense by forbidding me to leave camp until he returns with you and your party. Despite the fact that I have trained for over three years, he refuses to let me fight. While this may be an act you applaud, you cannot understand how it undermines what I am, and the entire fabric of my relations.h.i.+p to the jaran. If he did, in fact, marry me because-”

Cara had to stop reading for ten entire ten seconds, just absorbing this astounding fact. From outside, she heard a wagon draw up, and the lowing of beasts. She forced herself to read again.

”If he did, in fact, marry me because I am different, then he is doing everything in his power now to absorb me into his world entirely, however much he does it unconsciously. But then, Ilya is such a-” Here Tess had scratched out several words with such a thick stroke that Cara could not puzzle them out. ”I will not let that happen.”

A sudden lance of natural light interrupted her. Charles walked in. He paused, one hand still on the tent flap, holding it open. She touched her brooch, and the slim beam of light vanished.

He regarded her quizzically. ”What's that?”

”Tess's letter to you.”

”You might have asked.”

”If I'd asked, you would simply have hidden it better. I've known Tess almost as long as you have, Charles. You might have shared this with me. Married! To Bakhtiian!”

Charles smiled. ”It gives me such pleasure to see you astonished, Cara, because it happens so rarely. Let me remind you that under Chapalii law a woman who marries loses all connection to her birth status and takes on her husband's status entirely.

Given that the natives of Rhui, again under Chapalii law, qualify as wildlife-not even as intelligent life-that puts Tess's position as my heir rather in jeopardy. As it were.”

”You can scarcely think I'd trumpet this marriage to Chapalii Protocol. And in any case, you never contested her death declaration, so it seems to me that it's a moot point.”

He let the tent flap down, drowning them in dimness. ”Tess's marrying can never be a moot point. I didn't contest the declaration, but neither did I acknowledge it. That leaves her fate open to change.”

”And frees your hand to play your cards when you will. Still, there are rumors enough floating around that Tess is not dead, but in hiding.”

”Yes, and that serves our purpose as well. We humans understand rumors, and Chapalii do not.”

There was a silence, broken at last by Cara. ”Do you know, Charles, I'm a little hurt. Marco must know.”

”Of course, but only because he guessed. And he swore not to tell anyone, for the same reasons. If only I know, then it can go no farther, no matter what the persuasion.” In the gloom of the tent, his voice carried with a mildness that was, Cara knew, deceptive.

But she still felt hurt. ”Have I ever told you that the one thing I most dislike about you is this tendency you have to h.o.a.rd information? You may smile, since you've heard it a hundred times, but you must start trusting others.”

She had long since grown used to his silences. This one was rueful. He got that funny little half smile on his face and crossed the room to her. ”My love, I trust you entirely.'' He embraced her, and they stood for a while that way. Finally, he eased himself away from her and kissed her lightly on the cheek. ”It's the Chapalii I don't trust. Please recall that they murdered my parents.”

”I haven't forgotten it. G.o.ddess, how could I? Still-”

He chuckled and released her hands. ”I yield. It's now time that you know the whole of it. Read the rest.”

”I appreciate your openness,” she said dryly, and she flicked on her brooch light and scanned the page.

”Now I regret letting Aleksi remove the contraceptive patch in my left arm. Not entirely, because Ilya wants children so badly, but I had hoped-it sounds incredibly ridiculous to me now to say that I had hoped to have some experience, to have acquitted myself well as a fighter, before being bound to camp by pregnancy.''

”Pregnancy!” For the first time since beginning this journey, Cara felt real alarm, the pound of adrenaline, warmth flus.h.i.+ng her skin. ”But the incompatibilities! It could be lethal!”

”Now you see why I brought you, Doctor.”

”But wasn't she told-?”

”How old was Tess when she lived in Jeds with us?”

She shook her head, having to count back years and calculate. ”Ten? Twelve?

She was a child.”

”Too young to get the lecture all the adults working on Jeds have received. And neither you nor I ever expected her to return so precipitously.''

”Or so secretly. Much less marry. She's just a little girl. I never thought she would grow up.” She shook herself with disgust. ”How I hate it when I don't think.”

Charles smiled, a quirk of the lips. ”We are here now. There's no reason Tess can't come home with us, when we leave. That will put her out of danger.”

”Charles. Charles. You can't possibly believe that it will be so easy. Married!

There's a very good reason. You've met him.”

It was too dark to read his expression, but his mouth tightened, and his lashes shadowed his eyes. ”We shall see,” he murmured. ”I must go.”

Light flashed and vanished, and she was alone. ”G.o.ddess,” she swore. Still, what if it could be done? One Earth woman and three Rhuian women had gotten pregnant by men from the other planet and all of them had died, inevitably, from antigenic reactions caused by incompatibilities between Earth and Rhuian humans. But one of the babies had lived. Surely with proper monitoring, with complete studies of both parents, a pregnancy could be brought to term successfully. Think how much she could learn from it! The rate of mutation, the alterations the Chapalii had made within the DNA of the Earth population moved to Rhui, the changes, the adaptations, that had come about by themselves on Rhui which could be measured in contrast to Earth's template-indeed, the development of a fetus molded of both worlds-all of this could be measured and quantified in such a controlled experiment. Added to what she had already learned, to her studies of the fundamental process of human development and aging- But this was Tess. She recoiled from her own thoughts, shook herself, and read on.

”By the way, don't be concerned about Aleksi's involvement. He has a peculiar, detached way of looking at things, having been orphaned at an early age and only admitted into our tribe because of my friends.h.i.+p and because he has quite simply the best hand for the saber that anyone in recent memory has possessed, and he guessed soon after we met that I had come from a place not only different, but different in a way that pa.s.sed the understanding of most of the jaran-even of Ilya. He is truly my brother in every sense of the word (except the biological). I trust him completely, and you should, too. He will deliver this letter to you. Also, when you arrive at the main camp, if I'm not there, do not worry. I may be riding out with a group that is going to escort a southern amba.s.sador to our camp. I will be back soon after you arrive.

Bakhtiian does not know this (of course), so don't be concerned if he gets furious. He has a hard time containing his emotions and he hates having his will thwarted, but he won't let his anger at me prejudice his dealings with you. Safe journey. Love, Tess.”

”Safe journey, indeed,” Cara muttered. She folded the parchment and tucked it back neatly into the pocket of the s.h.i.+rt in which she had found it, squaring off the corners. Then she went outside.

David had weeks since been granted the unofficial post of camp leader, a position he warranted due to his previous experience of camping expeditions on Earth and to his ability to work in harmony with Yomi Applegate-Hito, whose authority over the day to day routine of the Company not even Charles dared contest. By the time Cara ventured outside, David had already begun directing the striking of camp. Most of the actors and all of the rest of Charles's immediate party rolled up tents and loaded wagons with commendable haste. Next to one of the wagons, reclining soporifically on a canvas chair, Anahita Liel Apphia sat with one hand cast up over her eyes, as if the sudden turn of events had exhausted her nerves. One of the young male actors- Cara could not recall his name, but Narcissus would have been appropriate-knelt beside her, patting her cheeks with a damp cloth. Beyond them, the big tent fluttered and sagged and with a gus.h.i.+ng sigh collapsed. Beneath the canvas, a single figure struggled to free himself from inside. Cara hurried over and lifted the material enough to help him out; it was the leading man, Gwyn Jones.

”May I help?” she asked.

He smiled. Gwyn was a fairly young man, his features interesting rather than handsome; he had a quiet intensity that never, except when he was on stage, erupted into dramatics. ”Please,” he said. He glanced briefly toward Anahita and her companion. Diana had stopped next to the pair and seemed to be making a speech.