Part 9 (1/2)

”Give me a little longer,” begged Bince, ”and I'll see what I can do.”

Jimmy Torrance sat a long time in thought after the Lizard left. ”G.o.d!”

he muttered. ”I wonder what dad would say if he knew that I had come to a point where I had even momentarily considered going into partners.h.i.+p with a safe-blower, and that for the next two weeks I shall be compelled to subsist upon the charity of a criminal?

”I'm sure glad that I have a college education. It has helped me materially to win to my present exalted standing in society. Oh, well I might be worse off, I suppose. At least I don't have to worry about the income tax.

”It is now October, and since the first of the year I have earned forty dollars exactly. I have also received a bequest of twenty dollars, which of course is exempt. I venture to say that there is not another able-bodied adult male in the United States the making of whose income-tax schedule would be simpler than mine.”

With which philosophic trend of thought, and the knowledge that he could eat for at least two weeks longer, the erstwhile star amateur first baseman sought the doubtful comfort of his narrow, lumpy bed.

It was in the neighborhood of two o'clock the next morning that he was awakened by a gentle tapping upon the panels of his door.

”Who is it?” he asked. ”What do you want?”

”It's me bo,” came the whispered reply in the unmistakable tones of the Lizard.

Jimmy arose, lighted the gas, and opened the door.

”What's the matter?” he whispered.

”Are the police on your trail?”

”No,” replied the Lizard, grinning. ”I just dropped in to tell you that I grabbed a job for you.”

”Fine!” exclaimed Jimmy. ”You're a regular fellow all right.”

”But you might not like the job,” suggested the Lizard.

”As long as I can earn an honest dollar,” cried Jimmy, striking a dramatic pose, ”I care not what it may be.”

The Lizard's grin broadened.

”I ain't so sure about that,” he said. ”I know your kind. You're a regular gent. There is some honest jobs that you would just as soon have as the smallpox, and maybe this is one of them.”

”What is it?” asked Jimmy. ”Don't keep me guessing any longer.”

”You know Feinheimer's Cabaret.”

”The bas.e.m.e.nt joint on Wells Street?” asked Jimmy. ”Sure I know it.”

”Well, that's where I got you a job,” said the Lizard.

”What doing?” asked Jimmy.

”Waiter,” was the reply.

”It isn't any worse than standing behind a counter, selling stockings to women,” said Jimmy.