Part 17 (1/2)

”Indeed, I must look at it, then.”

The walls of this summer-house had once been painted in the arabesques of the Renaissance period; but the figures were now scarcely traceable.

The woodwork had started in some places, and the sunbeams stole through the c.h.i.n.ks and played on the floor, which was formed from old tiles quaintly tessellated and in triangular patterns; similar to those I had observed in the chimneypiece. The room in the pavilion was large, furnished with old worm-eaten tables and settles. ”It was not only here that Sir Philip studied, but sometimes in the room above,” said the steward.

”How do you get to the room above? Oh, I see; a stair case in the angle.” I ascended the stairs with some caution, for they were crooked and decayed; and, on entering the room above, comprehended at once why Sir Philip had favoured it.

The cornice of the ceiling rested on pilasters, within which the compartments were formed into open unglazed arches, surrounded by a railed balcony. Through these arches, on three sides of the room, the eye commanded a magnificent extent of prospect. On the fourth side the view was bounded by the mausoleum. In this room was a large telescope; and on stepping into the balcony, I saw that a winding stair mounted thence to a platform on the top of the pavilion,--perhaps once used as an observatory by Forman himself.

”The gentleman who was here to-day was very much pleased with this look-out, sir,” said the housekeeper. ”Who would not be? I suppose Sir Philip has a taste for astronomy.”

”I dare say, sir,” said the steward, looking grave; ”he likes most out-of-the-way things.”

The position of the sun now warned me that my time pressed, and that I should have to ride fast to reach my new patient at the hour appointed.

I therefore hastened back to my horse, and spurred on, wondering whether, in the chain of a.s.sociation which so subtly links our pursuits in manhood to our impressions in childhood, it was the Latin inscription on the chimneypiece that had originally bia.s.sed Sir Philip Derval's literary taste towards the mystic jargon of the books at which I had contemptuously glanced.


I did not see Margrave the following day, but the next morning, a little after sunrise, he walked into my study, according to his ordinary habit.

”So you know something about Sir Philip Derval?” said I. ”What sort of a man is he?”

”Hateful!” cried Margrave; and then checking himself, burst out into his merry laugh. ”Just like my exaggerations! I am not acquainted with anything to his prejudice. I came across his track once or twice in the East. Travellers are always apt to be jealous of each other.”

”You are a strange compound of cynicism and credulity; but I should have fancied that you and Sir Philip would have been congenial spirits, when I found, among his favourite books, Van Helmont and Paracelsus. Perhaps you, too, study Swedenborg, or, worse still, Ptolemy and Lilly?”

”Astrologers? No! They deal with the future! I live for the day; only I wish the day never had a morrow!”

”Have you not, then that vague desire for the something beyond,--that not unhappy, but grand discontent with the limits of the immediate Present, from which man takes his pa.s.sion for improvement and progress, and from which some sentimental philosophers have deduced an argument in favour of his destined immortality?”

”Eh!” said Margrave, with as vacant a stare as that of a peasant whom one has addressed in Hebrew. ”What farrago of words is this? I do not comprehend you.”

”With your natural abilities,” I asked with interest, ”do you never feel a desire for fame?”

”Fame? Certainly not. I cannot even understand it!”

”Well, then, would you have no pleasure in the thought that you had rendered a service to humanity?”

Margrave looked bewildered; after a moment's pause, he took from the table a piece of bread that chanced to be there, opened the window, and threw the crumbs into the lane. The sparrows gathered round the crumbs.

”Now,” said Margrave, ”the sparrows come to that dull pavement for the bread that recruits their lives in this world; do you believe that one sparrow would be silly enough to fly to a house-top for the sake of some benefit to other sparrows, or to be chirruped about after he was dead?

I care for science as the sparrow cares for bread,--it may help me to something good for my own life; and as for fame and humanity, I care for them as the sparrow cares for the general interest and posthumous approbation of sparrows!”

”Margrave, there is one thing in you that perplexes me more than all else--human puzzle as you are--in your many eccentricities and self-contradictions.”

”What is that one thing in me most perplexing?”

”This: that in your enjoyment of Nature you have all the freshness of a child, but when you speak of Man and his objects in the world, you talk in the vein of some worn-out and h.o.a.ry cynic. At such times, were I to close my eyes, I should say to myself, 'What weary old man is thus venting his spleen against the ambition which has failed, and the love which has forsaken him?' Outwardly the very personation of youth, and revelling like a b.u.t.terfly in the warmth of the sun and the tints of the herbage, why have you none of the golden pa.s.sions of the young,--their bright dreams of some impossible love, their sublime enthusiasm for some unattainable glory? The sentiment you have just clothed in the ill.u.s.tration by which you place yourself on a level with the sparrows is too mean and too gloomy to be genuine at your age. Misanthropy is among the dismal fallacies of gray beards. No man, till man's energies leave him, can divorce himself from the bonds of our social kind.”