3 Episode 3- Black Dreams (1/2)

I don't really having the same nightmare. Well honestly I don't really think I had a dream at all. All I can remember is staring into blackness. I soon start to wake up. But everything around me was black. When I started to make out some things they all started to spin. The whole room was spinning.

”IZZY!” I hear someone yell but I can't make out anything around me. 'What was happening?' I finally see my door. I then hear banging. 'Where is that coming from?' I hold my head. It was like someone was. .h.i.tting my head repeatedly. I soon heard barking. ”Max?” I say aloud as I try to go to my door but fall. I catch myself on my desk. I shut my eyes as the pain in my head becomes more painful.


I look up at my door. I now can make out the voice. ”Cole?” I say trying to stand but my legs don't want to hold my weight. 'Come on! Just get to the door!' I lay on the ground, making my way to the door but as soon as I do something pushed me back. I try harder to move but nothing. Suddenly, my breathing stops. I hit my chest trying to gasp for air but nothing would bugged. I see something in the corner of my eye. I slowly turn to see my closet. My eyes widen when I see eyes. 'Some one was in there!' These eyes felt like they were piercing my soul. Like it was trying to take it. I try my best to fight it. 'Whatever or whoever this was wasn't going to take me down this easy!' I breath in hard. I manged to get some air in. I slowly stand while still falling a little. ”N-nooooOOOO!” I scream at the eyes. Suddenly, my head stopped hurting. My vision was back to normal, well more than before. I look at my closet. The eyes were gone. 'I won! HA!' All of a sudden I fall. My whole body became numb. My eyes began to shut but before they did my door opens. Cole runs in with Max. ”IZZY!” He yells as he grabs me. My eyes slowly shut...

My eyes open quickly. I look around to see my surroundings. I see that I was in Cole's lap. My head was laying on his shoulder. His arm was around my lower body. I notice he was asleep. I go to get off when I almost step on Max. ”Sorry.” I whisper to him. I stand next to the sofa. 'My head was still blur. I didn't know weather if that was my dream or real...' I shake my head. I remember those eyes...I sigh. 'What the heck was that thing?' I look up at my stairs. 'And what was it doing to me?' I glance at the clock above the kitchen doorway. '1:30. Wow.' I look out the window. 'Where did the sun go?' I suddenly jump when the TV turns on. I slowly turn to it. But when I do I freeze.

”Mama mama mama! You can't get me!” A little girl runs around a backyard while a older woman chases her.

”Mom?...” I stare at it. 'Why did the TV turn on? And why did it start playing old home videos?'

”Come back here you little monster!” Izzy's mom laughs as she catches little Izzy. She sits her in her lap. She turns to the look at Izzy. ”Do you miss me?” She smiles.

”Yeah do you?” Little Izzy looks at Izzy as well. ”You know you do..”

Both of them start to laugh and repeat, ”You know we're dead...”

Tears start to roll down my face. 'What the h.e.l.l is going on?' I wipe my tears. ”Stop!” I clover my ears.

They get louder and louder.

I scream. ”STOP!”

Cole jumps up. He looks at her. ”Izzy!”

I shake my head as I bury my head in his chest. ”T-they keep talking...”

Cole looks around. ”Who?”

I look up at the TV. ”Them....” The TV was blank. ”But...but...” I look around for the remote. ”It was playing...playing old...” I find the remote next to the love seat. ”old home videos..” I turn the TV on but to my surprise it was just static. ”But...” I press the DVD b.u.t.ton. ”It was on...” I look at Cole. ”IT WAS PLAYING!” tears rolled down my cheeks. ”It was...” I turn the TV off as I throw the remote at the sofa. ”No..” I sit down as I rub my head. 'I felt like I was losing my mind. What is happening today?'

Cole sits next to me. ”Hey..” He holds me. ”Today's been crazy..” He pulls my face to face his. ”Don't beat yourself up over it.” He smiles.

I suck it up. ”Yeah...” I wipe my tears. ”Thank you..” I smile. 'He was right. Today was crazy but I don't need to freak out about it. I need to figure out what was happening so crying over it was not the answer!'

Suddenly, the TV turned on. We both froze as we looked at it.

I turn quickly to Cole. ”Cole...” I say scared.

”Yes..?” He said swallowing hard.

The TV started to play a birthday party.

I look closer and my eyes widen. I look at Cole. 'It was his birthday.'

”Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Coleee!” All the people all sing to a little Cole.

Cole stared in shocked.

I look back at the TV. ”Cole...is that-”

”Dad...” Tears ran down his face.

”Daddy!” Little Cole smiled big as he saw his father walk to him.