Part 20 (1/2)

He smiled, but hesitated. Her mind was strong enough to still hold a bit of what had transpired before his memory block, and was clearly still recording impressions. It was as though her silver-coated gray matter was leaking through the dark orb he'd placed there, searching for truth beyond the illusion. He kissed her slowly, not sending anything extra into it that could make her bolt and run, attempting to erase the last vestiges of any sensations from the previous hour. When he lifted his head, he brushed her stray lock back from her forehead and stared at her mind. ”Good.”


Yonnie and Tara touched down in the alley on Bourbon Street and looked around.

”I wouldn't have brought you to Gabrielle's unless it was an emergency,” Yonnie said, his gaze going toward the pedestrians beyond the shadows. ”So be cool when we get in there.”

”No problem,” Tara said, her voice as distant as her gaze. ”I don't have any issues with Gabrielle or her profession. She is what she is, just like we are what we are.”

Yonnie brought his attention back to Tara, conflict wafting through him as he studied her calm demeanor. ”No, I don't suppose you do,” he said in a tight voice after a moment, and then began walking. ”I was foolish to think you might.”

Tara didn't respond. What was there to say? It was better that Yonnie. relive his desires at a coven brothel in New Orleans than to insist on s.e.x from her after he fed each night.

”For the record,” he snarled as they exited the alley and blended in with the party people in the street, ”I never insisted on anything.”

”All right,” she said, no judgment in her tone, simply fatigue. ”Let's not argue about what is.”

He grabbed her arm. She looked down at his hold with curious disdain.

”You know for a fact that since the Chairman's throne has been vacated, as a master, I can't deliver a bite that isn't fatal. No turns, no pa.s.sion nicks, nothing, if it's on a human. No elevations on one of our own. So my visits to Gabrielle's place haven't been all you think.” He dropped her arm when he realized that frustration was making him squeeze it harder than he'd intended.

”You're the only one who can take my bites.”

She nodded and touched his face. ”I know.” Her hand fell away, and she let out a long breath. ”That's why, from time to time-”

”From a sense of pity,” he said in a low rumble, ”or to protect an innocent human?” He strode ahead of her muttering. ”Either reason is unacceptable. Especially tonight.”

Tara watched him alight the front stairs of the old French-quarter dwelling with the grace of the wind. She stared at his strong back and straight posture, as he held his head high. His dark Afro-style hair shone under the night stars and street lamps, glistening like a king's crown. Under any other circ.u.mstances, this man would have been a good choice, given the options her world presented. Yonnie was honorable, handsome, had defended their territory well, his only flaw was, he wasn't Jack Rider.

She took the stone stairs behind him, and leaned on the ornately curved bra.s.s rail that replaced what should have been wrought iron, waiting for one of Gabrielle's girls to open the door. Witches didn't do iron, Tara reminded herself, as she slipped off the silver shaman necklace that could cause any were-demon working girls offense.

”Thank you,” Yonnie muttered and then depressed the bell as Tara put the jewelry into her coat pocket. ”At least for appearance's sake, you could fake being with me as a real lover, not simply my semi-estranged wife.”

Tara threaded her arm through Yonnie's, and leaned her head on his shoulder. ”I need to go talk to him, so I can finally put things to rest the way I should.” She stared up at Yonnie as shadows moved behind the wide, lace-covered, leaded-beveled gla.s.s panels in the door. ”Let me go see Rider-just to talk. This isn't doing any of us any good.”

”I forbid it,” Yonnie said in a quiet tone as the door tumblers turned.

”I cannot be with him for the same reasons you can't be with a human. The last time... I almost killed him. You know that.”

Yonnie's eyes shone with quiet, repressed desperation. ”Then maybe I should have let you go see him a long time ago. But then you'd still mourn him.”

”I'll always mourn him,” Tara said with a sigh. ”But at least-”

”I'll consider it. Now drop it,” Yonnie said as a pet.i.te Asian hostess appeared at the door.The young woman smiled, her upper and lower canines prominent and glistening. She wore a air of confidence and a skimpy silk kimono that was a mere profusion of red and gold swirls amid patches of mink fur. ”Is Madame expecting you, sir?”

Yonnie smiled and pulled Tara closer to his side. ”Always.”

The young woman nodded, offered him a slight bow, and motioned for him and Tara to follow her. The door creaked shut behind them with no aid of hands evident. On the way to the parlor, they pa.s.sed an elaborate foyer covered in period tapestry, marble flooring, with a brightly burning crystal chandelier.

Tara's gaze took in the sumptuous s.p.a.ce. Red velvet was everywhere, cus.h.i.+oning dark cherry mahogany love seats, chaise longues, and Queen Anne chairs all expertly arranged in gallery seating by a fire.

She sat on the edge of the sofa next to Yonnie, her back a little too rigid for the environment, which seemed to make the young female werewolf smile wider.

”Sir, let me be sure to go over our policies of the house, since your lady friend is obviously new to our establishment here,” the hostess said in a demure, silky voice that flowed over the faux couple. ”Accept my apologies in advance for what I'm about to say. However, we've recently had some unfortunate results from pa.s.sion nicks delivered by much lower-level vampires than you and your lady... which I'm sure you can understand. But as a precaution-”

Yonnie held up his hand and gave the hostess a sly smile, showing just a hint of fang. ”I brought my own,” he said, motioning to Tara with his chin. ”She knows to only do me.”

The hostess smiled. ”Very good, sir. I will go fetch the Madame to welcome you for the evening, and so that you may select from our varied offerings.”

Tara peered around, more intrigued than offended. She watched a tall, voluptuous female with shoulder-length blond hair walk through the wall. But her fangs were a little over the top, just like her melon-size b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She also had the unmistakable glow of recognition on her face. Yonnie stood. Tara's gaze went from one to the other as they gently embraced.

”Love, when Madame said you'd be here, I had to briefly leave a client to personally welcome you to the house.” The ent.i.ty smiled at Tara, sweeping up her hand and kissing the back of it, then transforming into a man. The towering Swedish blond male looked at Yonnie. ”She's gorgeous. Beautiful, dark, smoky eyes; delectable, cinnamon skin; hair like black velvet; and her body carved from a G.o.ddess statue of old. Sir, you have indeed outdone yourself.” The ent.i.ty's gaze raked Tara in a l.u.s.ty, open invitation. ”What is your name?” His patient gaze held Tara's as he transformed back into the long-stemmed female beauty he'd once been.

”Her name is Tara,” Yonnie said with pride. ”Five feet nothing worth of fine, ain't she?”

Tara smiled and looked at the ent.i.ty. ”Incubus or succubus?”

The ent.i.ty kissed Tara's cheek. ”Does it matter, as long as I can take a throat bite?” It glanced at Yonnie. ”As soon as I finish up, which shouldn't be long-he's just a warlock, I could join the two of you? You know, we original Lilith are the only ones left that can take a pa.s.sion nick without dire consequences, unless you prefer we fetch a human for a little bite-to-ash bondage?

However, that is becoming an extremely expensive sport these days, and Madame has issues with the practice in her establishments. She feels it's bad for business, long-term... you understand, love.”

”No, baby. I'm not going there,” Yonnie murmured, stroking her flaxen hair, and eyeing Tara from his peripheral vision. So what if he'd lied. The brothels were still somewhat viable, and she hadn't been treating him right. ”It's such a waste of natural resources,” he added, returning his full attention to the blonde.

She sighed, shook her head, and straightened the thin strap of her short red negligee. ”I'm glad you understand, love. The whole business is so sordid. What has become of the realms whereby one has to utilize excess energy to protect oneself from a simple nick? We truly miss our VIP vampire clientele.” She breathed out, tracing his jugular with one finger. ”You all were simply the best, and all of the girls are so glad there's at least one master still around.” She brushed Yonnie's mouth with hers. ”That's why when you visit we spoil you so.”

He chuckled as his hands trailed down her back. ”Yes, I must admit... you ladies do know how to show a brother some love.”

”Oh, Yolando,” she whispered. ”I remember sooooo long ago, it seems, when a love bite wouldn't exterminate and the human girls could add a bit of color to our love games. What do they propose, a dental dam?”

”Yeah, I remember those days, too, baby,” Yonnie said, chuckling as he swept the ent.i.ty's cheek with a brief kiss. ”But I'm just here tonight for a divination. Then I'm gonna call it an evening.”

The ent.i.ty pouted. ”Oh, poo... wait till I tell the girls on the third floor. They have been positively writhing for one of your extended visits.”

”Give Zaire my best regards when you tell them,” Yonnie said with a wink. ”Better get back to the warlock. Curses can be a nasty thing to have to shake in the morning, especially with all this crazy energy floating around.”

The ent.i.ty nodded and waved over her shoulder as she walked through the wall. ”Toodles,” she called out, momentarily leaving behind her wriggling fingers and a visible red kiss hovering on them before blowing it to land on Yonnie's cheek through the wood.

Yonnie laughed, rubbed his cheek where the sensation landed, and sat down. ”T, the folks in here are cool.”

”Like I said, no problem,” Tara replied, swallowing away any traces of jealousy that tugged at her. But she lifted her feet up from the floor quickly and hissed, alighting on the sofa like a cat, as a thick-bodied black adder slithered toward Yonnie's shoes and went up his leather pant leg.

”Oh, stop, girl,” Yonnie crooned, laughing and struggling with his zipper to let the snake out. ”I told y'all, I wasn't coming up to the third floor tonight. I'm with my lady.”

Tara leaped back and dug her nails into the wall panel above the fireplace, hanging from it like a treed feline that had seen something to arch its back.

In a slow, sultry, serpentine sway, the adder drew itself out of Yonnie's pants, the head and torso of the ent.i.ty transforming while her gleaming, black-scaled body remained partially submerged and pulsing beneath the leather.