Part 7 (1/2)
”You catch on fast, Kamuka,” complimented Biff. ”Yes, a burning gla.s.s is often used to start a fire. It's a right handy thing to have.”
Kamuka pocketed the microscope along with the mirror and his other new possessions. In a serious tone, he said, ”Time to get ready for trail now.”
Biff noted that Jacome was a.s.signing the new bearers to their packs and other equipment.
”Yes, recess is over,” acknowledged Biff. ”Let's get our packs and join the parade.”
The boys found, much to their relish, that they were not needed as pack carriers. Mr. Whitman had hired a few spare bearers at the village, and since this new crew was fresh, with less than a half day's jour- TRAPPED BY THE HEAD-HUNTERS 91.
ney before sunset, Mr. Brewster had decided to let them take the full load.
”You two can go ahead,” Mr. Brewster told Biff and Kamuka. ”The villagers tell me that the trail is well marked, so you won't miss it. But there may be short stretches that need clearing before we come along.”
It worked out as Mr. Brewster antic.i.p.ated. At a few spots, Biff and Kamuka encountered tangled undergrowth which they managed to hack away with their machetes, by the time the safari caught up with them. As they were starting ahead again, Mr. Brewster noted the position of the sun.
”Allow about an hour,” he told the boys. ”Then start looking for a good campsite. You can wait there for us.”
Biff enjoyed the carefree, late-afternoon hike through the vast green vault of the jungle, particularly with Kamuka, who was quick to spot all forms of wild life. Once, Kamuka pointed to a curious creature with a huge sh.e.l.l that was moving across the trail. Biff looked just in time to see it roll up into a solid ball and play dead.
The thing was an armadillo, the most heavily armored denizen of the jungle. Again, Kamuka called a halt while they watched what looked like a Teddy bear with white legs attached to a gray, black-banded body. It was attacking a huge anthill, darting a long, thin tongue from its snouted muzzle. The creature was a giant anteater, feeding on its favorite prey.
Kamuka was quick as well as accurate with the machete. Once, while slas.h.i.+ng at a low bush, he changed the direction of his swing. The long blade whisked within inches of Biff's s.h.i.+n. As Biff sprang back, he saw the actual target of Kamuka's quick aim.
The machete had clipped the head from a snake which had been rearing to strike at Biff's leg. Pale yellow in color, with brown, diamond-shaped spots, it somewhat resembled a rattler, except that it had sounded no loud warning.
”Mapepire,” defined Kamuka. ”Very bad. Worse poison than curare, like Macu use on arrows.”
Biff decided that the snake was a species of bush-master, one of the most deadly of tropical reptiles.
”Neat work, Kamuka,” Biff exclaimed gratefully. ”You sure were johnny-on-the-spot that time!”
”Johnny-on-the-spot,” repeated Kamuka. ”What does that mean?”
”Somebody who is around when you need them most.”
A troop of red howler monkeys were hopping from one high tree to another, sometimes hanging on to branches only by their tails. The boys were watching those acrobatics, when a sudden stir occurred in the brush around them.
Up from the bushes popped a group of tawny natives, wearing odd-shaped ap.r.o.ns made of hides decorated with bright feathers and large, dull beads. Their faces and bodies were streaked with scarlet dye that looked like war paint.
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Some were holding bows, with arrows on drawn strings. Others were raising long blowguns to their lips. All were aimed toward a central target; the spot where Biff and Kamuka stood.
Biff felt himself sink inwardly as he heard Kamuka gasp the word: ”Macu!”
A Sudden Surprise SLOWLY, the Macu warriors closed in on the two boys. The sharp eyes that glared from painted faces were on the watch for even the slightest move.
Kamuka muttered to Biff, ”Drop machete. Right away.”
As Kamuka let his machete fall, Biff did the same. The inner circle of Macus dropped their own weapons and sprang forward upon the boys.
The two were captured without a struggle. The Macus brought out rawhide bowstrings and tied the wrists of the prisoners behind them. They also tied their ankles together, but in hobble fas.h.i.+on, far enough apart so that they could still take short steps.
Two of their captors picked up the machetes. Another s.n.a.t.c.hed Biff's wrist watch and tugged it loose. Next, they were finding prizes in the pockets of the prisoners: Biff's scout knife and his father's metal mirror; the marbles and the little mirror that Kamuka had been given earlier in the day.
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Kamuka seemed indifferent to all that happened. He braced his feet so that the Macus had trouble pus.h.i.+ng him around. Biff copied that procedure and found that it helped. Their captors were in a hurry because all the while, the cries of the howler monkeys were becoming louder. Above the din, Kamuka said calmly, ”If they hear this back at the safari, they will know that we are having trouble. They will come to help us.”
”But how will they know what is happening?”
”You will see why. Soon.”
Leaping monkeys formed dark red streaks against the deep green of the jungle foliage. A few Macus were guarding Biff and Kamuka. The rest spread out through the brush, where they squatted as they had originally. Gradually, the commotion lessened up in the treetops. Then, as the monkeys returned to normal, the Macus bobbed up again.
Now, their bows and blowguns were pointed upward. The air was suddenly filled with arrows and darts that found their marks high above. Monkeys began tumbling from the trees, while the rest scattered, howling louder than before. From the distance came answering chatter, like an alarm spreading through the jungle.
”The Macu come across river to hunt monkeys,” Kamuka told Biff. ”We heard monkeys talk. I should have known Macu were here.”
The Macus gathered up the dead monkeys and A SUDDEN SURPRISE 97.
marched Biff and Kamuka back along the trail. New howls were coming from far off.
”You see?” undertoned Kamuka. ”Maybe safari will hear and come fast.”
”Or go the other way faster,” put in Biff. ”Those villagers are scared by the very thought of meeting up with Macus.”
”But your father will come, with Mr. Whitman-”
”I only hope they won't fall into the same trap.”
”They will not fall into trap. They will have Ja-come with them. He will be on watch.”
Biff's hopes rose at Kamuka's words, only to fall again as their Macu captors turned suddenly from the trail. Instead of trampling the side path, the Macus moved stealthily in single file, pus.h.i.+ng the captured boys into the line ahead of them. They spread the jungle plants as they moved through them, then let them fall back into place, leaving no trace of their route.
Literally, the entire party was swallowed by the jungle. Biff groaned loud enough for Kamuka to hear.
”Fine chance we have now!” Biff said. ”They will never find us, unless the natives know where the Macu village is.”