Part 16 (2/2)

He meditated, still mournful.

”Look here, Ralph, what did that blackguard Hitchin mean?”

”He isn't a blackguard. He's a ripping good sort. I can tell you, if every employer in this confounded commercial country was as honest as old Hitchin, there wouldn't be any labour question worth talking about.”

”d.a.m.n his honesty. What did he _mean_? Was it true what he said?”

”Was what true?”

”Why, that my father turned the Ballingers out?”

”Yes; I'm afraid it was.”

”I say, how disgusting of him. You know I always thought he was a bit of a fool, my father; but I didn't know he was that beastly kind of fool.”

”He isn't,” said Ralph. ”He's just--a fool.”

”I know. Did you ever hear such putrid rot as he talked?”

”I don't know. For the kind of silly thing it was, his speech wasn't half bad.”

”What? About going over the top? Oh, Lord! And after turning the Ballingers out, too.”

Ralph was silent.

”What's happened to him? He didn't use to be like that. He must be mad, or something.”

Ralph thought of Mrs. Levitt.

”He's getting old and he doesn't like it. That's what's the matter with him.”

”But hang it all, Ralph, that's no excuse. It really isn't.”

”I believe Ballinger gave him some provocation.”

”I don't care what he gave him. He'd no earthly business to take advantage of it. Not with that sort of person. Besides, it wouldn't matter about Ballinger so much, but there's old Susan and the kiddies.... He doesn't see how perfectly sickening it is for _me_.”

”It isn't very nice for your mother.”

”No; it's jolly hard on the poor mater.... Well, I can't stick it much longer. I'm just about fed up with Horatio Bysshe. I shall clear out first thing in the morning before he's down. I don't care if I never see him or speak to him again.”

”I say, I say, how about the midsummer holidays?”

”Oh, d.a.m.n the midsummer holidays!”

”Isn't it rather rotten to take a line you can't possibly keep up?”
