Part 13 (1/2)

”Oh!” she cried, ”you will not understand. The sacrifice is but a part--it is but the beginning. Death is terrible; yet it may be endured--if there is only death. But oh!--oh think!--think of that which comes after--the Mista Kosek!”

Now the full meaning flashed upon me, and I saw it all. In an instant there arose in my mind the awful sacrifice on the pyramid and the unutterable horror of the Mista Kosek. Oh, horror, horror, horror! Oh, hideous abomination and deed without a name! I could not speak. I caught her in my arms, and we both wept pa.s.sionately.

The happiness of our love was now darkened by this tremendous cloud that lowered before us. The shock of this discovery was overpowering, and some time elapsed before I could rally from it. Though Almah's love was sweet beyond expression, and though as the time pa.s.sed I saw that every jom she regained more and more of her former health and strength, still I could not forget what had been revealed.

We were happy with one another, yet our happiness was clouded, and amid the brightness of our love there was ever present the dread spectre of our appalling doom.

These feelings, however, grew fainter. Hope is ever ready to arise; and I began to think that these people, though given to evil ways, were after all kind-hearted, and might listen to entreaty. Above all, there was the Kohen, so benevolent, so self-denying, so amiable, so sympathetic. I could not forget all that he had said during Almah's illness, and it seemed more than probable that an appeal to his better nature might not be without effect. I said as much to Almah.

”The Kohen,” said she; ”why, he can do nothing.”

”Why not? He is the chief man here, and ought to have great influence.”

”You don't understand,” said she, with a sigh. ”The Kohen is the lowest and least influential man in the city.”

”Why, who are influential if he is not?” I asked.

”The paupers,” said Almah.

”The paupers!” I exclaimed, in amazement.

”Yes,” said Almah. ”Here among these people the paupers form the most honored, influential, and envied portion of the community.”

This was incomprehensible. Almah tried to explain, but to no purpose, and I determined to talk to the Kohen.



I determined to talk to the Kohen, and try for myself whether he might not be accessible to pity. This greatest of cannibals might, indeed, have his little peculiarities, I thought, and who has not?--yet at bottom he seemed full of tender and benevolent feeling; and as he evidently spent his whole time in the endeavor to make us happy, it seemed not unlikely that he might do something for our happiness in a case where our very existence was at stake.

The Kohen listened with deep attention as I stated my case. I did this fully and frankly. I talked of my love for Almah and of Almah's love for me; our hope that we might be united so as to live happily in reciprocal affection; and I was going on to speak of the dread that was in my heart when he interrupted me:

”You speak of being united,” said he. ”You talk strangely. Of course you mean that you wish to be separated.”

”Separated!” I exclaimed. ”What do you mean? Of course we wish to be united.”

The Kohen stared at me as I said this with the look of one who was quite puzzled; and I then went on to speak of the fate that was before us, and to entreat his sympathy and his aid that we might be saved from so hideous a doom. To all these words the Kohen listened with an air of amazement, as though I were saying incomprehensible things.

”You have a gentle and an affectionate nature,” I said--”a nature full of sympathy with others, and n.o.ble self-denial.”

”Of course,” said the Kohen, quickly, as though glad to get hold of something which he could understand, ”of course we are all so, for we are so made. It is our nature. Who is there who is not self-denying?

No one can help that.”

This sounded strange indeed; but I did not care to criticize it. I came to my purpose direct and said,

”Save us from our fate.”

”Your fate?”