Part 16 (1/2)
”I am glad to hear it.”
”Be quiet, will you? They are in the large iron safe, where you won't put your fingers on them, if I do not open it for you. Now, look here!”
And the Jew produced an old rag from which he took two keys. ”Here they are,” said he; ”here are the keys, my man. I've got the key of the room too, and----”
”D--n the fellow!” cried Tzifra, grinning; ”how in the devil's name did you get those keys?”
”I reconnoitred the place, saw the box, and knew it at once. Tengelyi bought it from one of our people in the market at Dustbury. He gave me the keys. The notary is at present at the election. We can do the job, and there is little danger.”
”Aye!” said the robber; ”let me see?”
”I won't!”
But Tzifra took the keys and put them into his pocket.
”So, now I don't want you. I can do it alone.”
”Don't be a fool!” said the Jew; ”what can you do with the keys?”
”Do?” cried Tzifra. ”Go in and win! I'll have a hundred florins instead of five-and-twenty. I know that's the price which they offered.”
”You're vastly clever, my friend. But do you happen to know the secret of the lock?”
”What is the secret?”
”Not so fast! You may wait a long while before _I_ tell you.”
”If you don't I----”
”Don't kick up a row. Give me the keys, and come along with me, and the five-and-twenty florins are yours. All you have to do is, to watch the house, and, in case of danger, to come to my a.s.sistance.”
”But twenty-five florins! Rascal, you know you'll have a hundred, and you offer me but twenty-five!”
”But who is it that enters the house? Who got the keys? Twenty-five florins is a deal of money--it is the price of two young oxen.”
”Will you give me fifty florins?”
”Impossible!” said the Jew. ”The keys alone cost me no less than ten.”
”Impossible? Very well. Oh! I am quite satisfied. I'll go to the election, and you may go to----”
”Give me the keys!” cried the Jew. ”I'll find another man.”
”Nonsense! I'll keep them. If you want another comrade, I'll leave you to find other keys.”
”I'll give you forty.”
”I'll be d--d if I take less than fifty.”
After quarrelling for a time they struck the bargain; and the Jew, putting his hand in his pocket, paid the robber ten florins in advance.
”Now let us be off,” said the Jew, ”for when the leaders get up they won't let you go.”