Part 24 (1/2)

The provisions had, they knew, been running short. They now carefully examined into their stock, when, to their dismay, they found that they had only a supply remaining for three or four days.

”Never mind,” was Murray's remark. ”We will go on half allowance. In three or four days at most we shall weather the cape, and then we shall have sufficient provision to keep us alive till we get in.”

No one even thought of complaining of this arrangement, but took with thankfulness their half allowance of food. Murray was much pleased with the way the men bore their privations. He never thought about himself, and took less than any one.

”I remember hearing an account given by some friends of ours of the behaviour of their servants during a famine in England many years ago,”

observed Murray. ”Corn was very scarce, and bread being consequently at an enormous price, they determined to put their household on an allowance, and to allow so many slices to each servant in the day, giving them rice and other things instead, not stinting them, therefore, in their food. This excessively enraged the pampered menials, and their old butler, who was the most indignant, ate so much meat and puddings of various sorts, and drank so much beer, that he actually brought on a surfeit, and died from it. How angry most of the fellows at school would have been if told that they could not have b.u.t.ter, or sugar in their tea. Never mind if the b.u.t.ter was not to be procured, and the sugar had by chance not come from the grocer's. How differently do these poor seamen and the ignorant blacks behave. Not a grumble is heard, not a look even of annoyance is seen.”

Day after day they stood on, thinking that they must sight Cape Palmas before many hours had pa.s.sed, and then, after making the land, they found that they could not be many miles farther to the west than they were before.

”Still we might do it, if we could but get a stiffish breeze,” observed Murray. ”I think the wind is drawing out more from the north-west and east. What say you, Paddy?”

”Let's keep at it to the last moment. I'm ready for what you are?”

answered Adair.

The schooner was once more put about with her head to the westward.

Everybody whistled as they walked the deck--even the blacks did so-- though they did not know the reason why.

The breeze did not come a bit the faster on that account. However, at night it blew pretty strong off the land, and their hopes again revived.

But as the sun rose, it backed once more into its old quarter, and once more they had to tack. On making the land, there were the identical hillocks and clumps of trees they had before seen. Murray and Adair agreed that there must be all the time a strong current setting them to the eastward, and this, on running in closer, heaving-to, and trying the bottom with the lead, they found to be the case. Provisions for two days, and less than half allowance, was all they had now got. Murray and Adair consulted together.

”We shall have to make for the nearest port, I fear, after all, or run the chance of starving,” said Adair.

”There is no alternative,” answered Murray, with a sigh. ”We have done our best.”

”That we have,” replied Adair quickly. ”There is no doubt about that.

You have, that is to say--I should have given up long ago. The sooner we shape a course for Cape Coast Castle the better.”

The schooner was kept away to retrace her steps to the eastward. But now the wind fell altogether, and they began to fear that after all they should get nowhere. The little food they had left was very bad.

Gradually it disappeared, and at length they literally had nothing eatable on board.

”We must take a reef in our waistbands, and suck our thumbs,” said Paddy. ”I see no other remedy for it.”

He said this in the hearing of the men, to encourage them as much as he could.

”We cannot be far off Cape Coast Castle, that is one comfort,” added Murray. ”We will keep a sharp look out for it at all events.”

The day pa.s.sed, and so did the next, and still the calm continued. They searched about in every part of the vessel, in the hopes of discovering a store of farina or rice, but nothing could they find but the rotting tobacco and the monkey-skins, and, starving as they were, they could not manage to eat them. Even when reduced to this extremity the young officers themselves did not despond, nor did their men, who looked to them for example, do so either. Murray calculated that if they could but get a breeze, they might reach the port for which they were steering in less than twenty-four hours. It was very tantalising to be so near it, and yet not to be able to get there. Had they had any fish-hooks, they would, they thought, be able to catch some fish, but none were to be found, nor had they a file with which to manufacture any out of old nails, as they had often heard of being done.

”Necessity is the mother of invention,” exclaimed Adair suddenly.

”Here's a piece of tin. I have some scissors in my dressing-case, and I think I could manage to cut out a hook or two before they are quite blunted. Let's try, at all events.”

The scissors were produced, when, to their great delight, a file for finger-nails was discovered at the back of the blades. Not only were two tin hooks cut out, but three more were manufactured out of some nails before the files were rendered completely useless. Bait was the next thing to be procured. As there was nothing eatable on board, how was it to be got? That was the question. Adair solved it by trying one of his hooks without any. ”Hurrah!” he exclaimed in less than five minutes, ”I have a bite. Hurrah!” Up came a curious-looking monster in the shape of a fish. It was a question whether or not it was poisonous.

A fire was made and a pot put on to boil, into which the creature, part of it being cut off for bait, was immediately popped. They would rather have caught a young shark, with whose character they were acquainted; but starving men are not particular. Before the pot had begun to boil, a fresh breeze came in from the offing, and away flew the little schooner with more liveliness than she had displayed for many a day.

The lines were hauled in. Murray and Adair agreed not to touch the strange fish. They also advised the men not to eat of it. The sun went down, and all night they ran on at a fair rate. The next morning land was in sight. They hoped that it might be near their destination.

Adair had just relieved Murray, who had turned in to go to sleep. He observed the black man looking very miserable, and presently the black boy complained of being very ill.