Part 153 (1/2)
The Year After
The newspaper headlines during the first year of the attack revealed as much about the effects of the attacks on American society, its politics and economy as could any biased editorial
They ironically and to the disovern- ardless of the politi- cal leaning of the Op-Ed pages
Foster Indicted By Federal Grand Jury Faces 1800 Years If Convicted Washi+ngton Post
Economy Loses 300 Billion in First 6 Months 1 Trillion Loss Possible Taainst japanese Washi+ngton Post
NSA Admits Its Own Computers Sick New York City Times
NASA Launch Stopped By Faulty Computers Orlando Sentinal
McMillan Indicted - Skips Country Employee's Testie Down 84 Retailers In Sluo Sun-Tiation Expected to Take Years Los Angeles Ti In Spite of Warnings USA Today
Coin shi+pping Houston Mirror
Secret Service Stops Freedom BBS Software Company Built Viruses Tampa Tribune
New York Welfare Recipients Suffer No Paye Voice
Allied Corporation Loses 10,000 Computers Viruses Ston Class Action Privacy Suit First of a Kind Ti Indicators Dismal Deep Recession Predicted If 4th Qtr Is Worse Wall Street Journal
Supreme Court Rules on Privacy 4th Ao Union
Waves of VCR Failures Plague Manufacturers OSO Integrated Circuits Blaister
Mail Order Ouch!
Thousands of Dead Coo Traffic SNAFU New York Tie Up Reo Sun Times
homosoto Worked For Extraterrestrials Full Scale Alien Invasion Imminent National Enquirer
Power to the People by Scott Mason