Part 120 (1/2)
”The sooner the better,” Scott said with obvious relief that he hadn't had to sell her
”How'sah, four tomorrow? My office?”
”That's fine, perfect We'll see you tomorrow then”
”We?” Nancy picked up the plural reference
”Yes, I a with someone else It helps if I'm not crazy alone”
FBI, New York
”I'll be in Washi+ngton tomorroe can talk about it then,”
Tyrone Duncan said emphatically into his desk telephone
”Ty, I've been on your side and defended you since I ca with Ty ”But on this one, I have no control You've been poking into areas that don't concern you, and I' on one da this fucking black on everyone's nerves There's a lotsome luck I'll show you what I have tomorrow Sixish Ebbets”
”I'll be there Ty,” Burnson said kindly ”I don't know the specifics, but you've been shaking the tree I hope it's worth it”
”It is, Bob I'd bet my ass on in”
”You are”
Thursday, January 14 Walter Reed Medical Center
”How is he doing?” Scott asked
”He's not out of the woods yet,” said Dr Sean Kelly, one of Walter Reed's hundreds of Marcus Welby look-alike staff physi- cians ”In cases like this, we operate in the dark The chest wound is nasty, but that's not the danger; it's the head wound
The brain is a real funny area”
Tyrone's FBI identification was required to get him and Scott in to see Dr Kelly As far as anybody knew, Pierre Troubleaux had been killed over the weekend in an explosion in his hospital rooe- ment of dGraph, Inc after Pierre's most recent assailant was uard his roouised themselves as orderlies so well that they weren't suspected when one went in the roo a field day
All would have gone as planned but for the fact that one of the DC policeed from the rooet out of here”
The guard understood enough Farsi and instantly drew his gun on the pair One of Ahun but was shot and wounded before he could draw The other orderly started to run down the hallway pushi+ng nurses and patients out of his way
He slid as he turned left down another corridor that ended with a huge pictureoverlooking the lush hospital grounds He never slowed, shouting ”Allah, I alassplu five floors to the concrete walk below
The wounded and ar He made his one call and reeht be another atte his faked death would be h to deal with the situation on his own The investigation into both the shooting and thewas handled by the District Police, and officially the FBI had nothing to do with it
Dr Kelly continued, trying to speak in non-Medical terh to accurately predict the ef- fects of trauenerally say that ht be affected, but to what extent is un- known Then there are head injuries that we can't fully explain, and Pierre's is one of them”
Scott and Ty looked curiously at Dr Kelly ”Pierre had a severe trauma to the craniued when the skull was perforated” Scott shud- dered at the distinct ore ”Since he was in a coained con- sciousness and he could give us first hand reports on his memory and other possible effects That's hoe do it in the brain business”