Part 105 (1/2)
”What? What did you say?” Scott leaned his ear down closer to Pierre's mouth
”Take it easy,” Scott said to comfort the badly injured Pierre Troubleaux
”Nooo” Pierre's limp body made a futile attempt at move- ment Scott held him back
”Hey, Pierreyou don't mind if I call you Pierre?” Scott adapted a mock French accent
”Good Why don't you just lay back and wait The doctor'll be here in a second”
”Sick” Pierre et out one word
”Sick? Sick? Yeah, yeah, you're sick,” Scott agreed sympathet- ically
”DGRAF, sick” The effort caused Pierre to pant quickly
”Dgraf, sick? What does that mean?” Scott asked
”Sick DGraph sick” Pierre's voice began to fade ”Sick Don't use it Don't use”
”What do you htly shook Pierre ”You still with us? C'ain? Sick?”
Pierre's body was still
The bullshi+t put out by the Governht Miles How could they sit there and claie that cohout both the civilian and encies With the years he spent at NSA he knew that security was a political couys lied through their teeth Oh, well, he thought, that would all change soon
The report issued by the National Research Council in November of 1990 concurred with Miles' assesshable travesty if it weren't for the danger to national security The report castigated the results of decades of political in-fighting between agencies co for survival and power
He and Perky spent the day watching the hearings at Miles' high rise apartment They had become an item in certain circles that Miles traveled and now they spent a great deal of tiain atte of more than just sex, they decided not to see each other for over a year That was fine by Miles; he had missed the freedom of no commitments
At an embassy Christmas party months later, they ran into each other and the old animal attraction between the their hormones loose to run rampant on each other The two had been inseparable since She was the first girl, wooand his constant need for en, of the work that Miles was doing for homosoto She kneas a co was not her concern
During his angry outbursts venting frustration with homosoto's pettiness, Perky supported hioal
Perky found the testian to understand so security and privacy Inif were up to hiet any better She responded to his oan his testimony
As well known as Bill Gates, as charisarded as a sexy, rich and eligible bachelor ready for the taking Stephanie Perkins wasthan his words, so she joined Miles in rapt attention to watch his orations on live television
When the first shot rang out their stunned confusion echoed the ca As the second shot ca up and shouted, ”No!” Tears dripped fro? They're shooting hie of Scott and Pierre cru ”Holy shi+t, it's an assassination!”