Part 94 (1/2)
The two NSA and CIA agents fro in a plain, less office erly furnished with a desk, a couple of chairs and a file cabinet
Charlie turned his back on Tehed ”I'm sorry, Marty It's not you” He paced to the other side of the s pressure fro a nuisance of hi too many questions The nore it” Sorenson stood in front of Teh, but 8 o off shi+t!” He slammed his fist onto the desk
”We can explain one to the Pentagon, but nine?” Martin asked skeptically
”See what I mean?” Sorenson pointed
Sorenson and Templer attended the ECCO and CERT roundups twice a week since they began after the first EMP-T explosion
”These are the Sats?” Teh resolution satellite photographs sneaked out from a partially open folder Sorenson opened the folder and spread the photos across the surface They weren't optical photographs, but the familiar map shapes of the central United States were visible behind swirls and patterns of a spectrum of colors The cameras and computer had been instructed to look at selected bandwidths, just as infrared vision lets one see at night In this case, though, the filters excluded everything but frequen- cies of the electroentic spectru at one of the photos ”This is where we found the first one” On one of the photos, where an outline of the United States was visible, a dot of fuzzy light was visible in the Memphis, Tennessee area
”That's an EMP-T bonature, in certain bandwidths is the same as from a nuclear detonation” Sorenson pulled another photo out It was a coes across the Mississippi were clearly visible
The ser fuzzy cloud of white light
”I didn't knoe had geosyncs over us, too,” Teht- ly
”Officially we don't,” Sorenson said seriously Then he showed his teeth and said, ”unofficially we have them everywhere”
”So as hit?”
”Here?” He pointed at Meo They're down Can't say when they'll be back in business
Thank God no one was killed They weren't so lucky in Texas”
Sorenson pulled a couple raphs and a fuzzy dot and it's fuzzy cloud mate were clearly visible in the Houston area
”EDS Computers,” said Sorenson ”Six dead, 15 injured They do central processing for hundreds of coone
And then here” He scattered niz- able fuzzy white dots
”Mid-State Farration and Naturalization, Na- tional Bank, General Inter-Dynamics, CitiBank, and the Sears mail order computers” Sorenson spoke excitedly as he listed the latest victinetic cardiac arrest that their coanization suffered
”Like stink on shi+t”
”What do they know?”
”Too much”
”What can we do?”