Part 85 (1/2)

”Remember you said that the blackmail scheht in the chair and he reached for the words through is fogged ht be a way to make us too busy to see our own shadow That it was a cover up for another dissociated criht be,” Scott said

Tyrone's body heaved while he snickered ”We finally have a lead

Demands have been made”

”What kind? Who? What do they want?” Scott's journalist ear ”What about the co into both, but thismy interest was renewed A corporate type I met says not only he, but another 25 orthe sa over 30 Million in ransoms”

”Jesus Christ! Is that confirht”

The implications were treal systeht not be convinced that computer radiation was responsible for an obviously well coordinated criineer, realized how vulnerable anyone - everyone was The questions raced through his mind all at once

Over a few dozen oysters and not as s Scott had docu, docuht be valuable to the recent developments in Ty's case He hadtoo much space around his desk at the office They were an added attrac- tion to the disaster he called his study Scott agreed to show Ty so there ht be others in similar situations, Ty wanted an infor back, Ty,” Scott said during a lull in their conversation

”How do you uy I had spoken to a few o; I assume he sent hout the country were being black money from the mob to pay them off”

”Do you have names? Who?” Tyrone's took an immediate interest

”Let me see if I have'm here,” he said as he reached for his small notebook in the sports jacket draped over the back of his chair ”Yeah, he only gave o on A Faulkner, some banker frouy Dobbs, Franklin Dobbs”

”Dobbs! How the hell do you know about Dobbs?” Tyrone yelled so loud several re bar patrons looked over to see what the ruckus was

Scott was taken aback by the outburst ”What're you hollering about?”

”shi+t, Goddamned shi+t, I don't need this” Tyrone finished one and ordered another drink He was keeping his pro severely intoxicated ”Dobbs Dobbs is the poor fucker that came into my office”

”You saw Dobbs? He admitted it?” Scott's heart raced at the prospect of a connection Finally

”Scott,” Tyrone asked quietly, ”I have no right to ask you this, but I will anyway If you find anything, on Dobbs, can you hold back? Just for a while?” A slight pleading on Tyrone's part

”Why?” Was this part of the unofficial trade with Ty for earlier information?

The waiter returned with the credit card Tyrone signed the slip, giving the waiter entirely too o”


”To your house You have a computer, don't you?”


”Well, let's see if we can find out who the other 25 are”

They took a cab fro up in the clink for a DUI, even with a Federal Agent in tow Scott's study was in such disarray that he liter- ally scraped off books and papers from the couch onto the floor to find Ty a place to sit and he piled up bigger piles of files to make room for their beers on one of his desks

Scott and Tyrone hadn't by anywas still e the hour ride, they reviehat they knew