Part 78 (1/2)
”Great another list Just what I need Another list”
”Whad'ar'ya, a wise guy? Youse wanna talk or listen?” Scott didn't answer ”That's better, cause youse gonna like this
So shi+t banker fro ht here in New York shi+tty, a Wall Street big shot called Henson, hi blackballed by the sa, quiet Faulkner, Henson and Dobbs, right?”
”That's whad'I said, yeah”
”So how come you know so ood, huh?”
”Maybe I gotta check it out That last stuff was”
”Hey!” Vito interrupted, ”I told youse 'bout that Eh, paysan, what's a slip up anore that Gimme a couple of days, I'll call you”
”Like hell you will I'll call you You'll see, this is good stuff No shi+t All right? Two days”
Monday, Deceton, DC
The FBI runs a little known counter intelligence operation frohborhood on Half Street Getting in and out is an exercise in evasive not toThe South East quadrant of Washi+ng- ton, DC is vying for the drug capital of the nation, and per- haps has the dubious distinction of having the highest murder rate per capita in the United States Since the CI division of the FBI is a well kept secret, its location was strategically chosen to keep the casual passerby fro in for a chat
Besides, there was no identification on the front of the build- ing
Most An spies, but their agents are lin land On the doned to locate and ence activities For exaned to focus on Soviet and East Bloc activi- ties, and other groups focus on their specific target countries
Thus, there is a certain amount of coencies chartered to protect our na- tional interests The CIA is under the iations, even if they tread upon United States territory This line of thinking has been a constant source of irritation and inefficiency since the OSS beca the Hoover reign at the FBI days was there any sense of peaceful coexist- ence Hoover did what he damn well pleased, and if anyone stood in his way, he simply called up the White House and had the roadblock re, Hoover held his own for a 50 year reign
Tyrone Duncan received an additional lesson on inter-agency rivalry when he was called down to Half Street His orders were sie- town months before Stick to your hackers and viruses, period, he was told If it sley Keep your butt clean
In 25 years of service, Tyrone had never been so severely ad don influences at work had not occurred to hiht it up
As far as he was concerned the quick trip from New York to Half Street was a bureaucratic waste of ti the fifteen minute discussion he was told by his CI coations situa- tions had international repercussions and he should keep his nose out of it CI was doing just fine without Tyrone's helpTheas Tyrone Duncan took it, served to raise an internal flag
There was a bigger picture, so beyond a classical black- overn excluded That onlysomeone's button and he didn't knohere or why The Truave Tyrone time to think about it, and that only incensed him further
Aren't we all on the sa, and you want me to back off, OK, but at least let
Twenty five years and a return to Hoover paranoia He under- stood, and advocated, the need for secrecy, privacy and the trappings of confidentiality But, compartmentalization of information this extreme was beyond the nor stunk
He arrived back at New York's Federal Square during lunch hour
Normally there was a minimal staff at that hour, or hour and half or two hours depending upon your rank When the elevator doors opened on Level 5, seventy feet under lower Manhattan, he walked into a bustle of activity nor heads of state need extraordinary security He was iht of questions overwhelh the , he plopped hients who followed him all the way, plus his secretary stood in the open door, watching with amusement
Duncan was not appreciative of panic situations His silence was contagious