Part 76 (1/2)

”Oh, I a you, I can assure you I wasn't” Sir George oozed politeness

”Bullshi+t I don't kno the blazes you learned anything about my business, and I don't really care”

”I think you ht care, sir, if you will allow e interjected The sudden interruption caught Henson off guard He stood his ground in silence

”Thank you” Sir George waited for an acknowledgement which never arrived, so he continued ”Winston Ellis is old news, Mr

Henson, very old news I read today, though, that Miller Phar turned down by the FDA Apparently it still has too erous for humans I'm sure you've read the reports yourself Don't you think it would be wise to tell your investors before they sink another 300 Million into a black hole from which there is no escape?” The aristocratic British accent softened the harshness of the words, but not the auger of the

Henson seethed ”I don't knoho you are,” he hissed, ”but I will not listen to this kind of crap I won't take it froain interrupted, ”but I'm afraid you will listen The instructions are as follows I want 5 Million in small bills in a silver Samsonite case to be placed into locker number 235 at Grand Central Station, first level You have 48 hours to comply If you do not have the s to the ation into this and other of your deal- ings Don't you think?”

Blackh he should have felt quite comfortable in its milieu It was effectively the same stunt he performed on many of his investors nobody treats Robert Henson this way, nobody He needed time to think The last time Fullmaster called it was a bluff, obviously, but then there were no de But, how did he know? The FDA reports were still confidential, and he hoped to have co the funds before the reports became public, another feeeks at overnment bureaucracy and indifference to delay any an- nounceh, he would pocket several ot ood, Mr Henson I' business with you” Sir George sounded like a used car salesot Please, Mr Hen- son, no police In that case, our deal is off”

”Of course, no police No proble up fuck him No money, no way

”Mr Faulkner, this is John Fullly sweet ”Do you recall our last conversation?”

How couldn't he? This was the only call he had received on his private line since that ed at least a half a dozen times since, as a matter of course, but still, Fullmaster, if that was his real name, reached him with apparent ease

”Yes, I remember,” he said tersely ”What do you want now?”

”Just a piece of the action, Mr Faulkner”

”What the hell does thatto my records, you have lost quite a sum of money since our last conversation, and it would be such a sharee, if California National Bank found out they lost another 2 ht Faulkner was a California sliht that he ood after all

”You have a real doctor's bedside manner What do you want?”

Faulkner conveyed extreme nervousness

”I think, under the circumstances that, shall we say, oh, one million would do it Yes, that sounds fair”

”One million? One e chair

”Yessir, that sounds just about right” Sir George paused for effect ”Now here is what I want you to do Go to Las Vegas, and have your credit extended, and acquire small bills Then, place the money in a silver Samsonite case at Union Station

Locker nuh?” British humor at its best

”Simple, yes Possible, no,” Faulkner whispered in terror

”Oh, yes, it is possible, as you well know You cleared up the 24 Million you owed Caesar's only last week Your credit is excellent”

”There's no way you can know that” Then it occurred to hih at the tables, they wanted , his way, but a sore winner is the worst possible enemy He had no choice There was only one way out

”All right, all right What locker number?”