Part 36 (1/2)
”Yes, God willing”
Ah for and receiving an iht to Tokyo three days later
”I need an army, and I am told you can provide such services for h he already knew the answer
Ah in a private palace in the outskirts of Tokyo Ahed, but he was following orders and in no way felt in danger The grounds were impeccable, a japanese Versailles The weather was cool, but not uncoraced with cherry blossoms in a few months Each carried an air of confidence, an assurity not ance, but rather as an assertion of control, power over their respective ee is you army?” homosoto knew the answer, but asked anyway
”One thousand to the death Three thousand to extreme pain, another ten thousand functionaries” Ahhed a convivial japanese laugh, and lightly slapped his knees ”Ah, comrade To the death, so familiar, that is why you are here, but, I hope that will not be necessary You see, this ill be one without bullets” ho for the volatile Arab's reaction
This was exactly what Ahe a war against America and not expect, indeed, plan for, the death of some troops There was no Arab transla- tion for pussy-wiht was there
”How may I be of service?”
”The task is simple I have need of information, much informa- tion that will be of extreme embarrassment to the United States
Their Governally, their companies control the country with virtual impunity from law It is time that they are tried for their criuest would acquire an enthusiasreed ”They need to learn a lesson But, Mr
homosoto, how can that be done without weapons? I assume you want to attack their planes, their businesses, Washi+ngton per- haps?” Ahive his loyal troops the action they desired
”In a , yes, my friend We shall strike where they least expect it, and in a way in which they are totally unprepared” hoain Ahmed Shah's trust and unity ”I a that you and your people have gone through
However, you must be aware, that japan is the most technically advanced country in the world, and that we can accos is a less violent oals We shall be much more subtle I assume you have been informed of that by your superiors” homosoto waited for Ahmed's response
”As you say, we have been trained to expect, even welconize that a joint effort may be more fruitful for all of us It may be a disappointment to some of my people that they will not be permit- ted the honor of martyrdom, but they are expected to follow orders If they do not comply, they will die without the honor they crave They will perform as ordered”
”Excellent That is as I hoped” ho ”Let me explain My people will provide you with the weapons of this near, a type of war never before fought These are technological weapons that do not kill the enemy Better, they expose him for what he is It will be up to your army to use these weapons and allow us to launch later attacks against the Americans
”There are to be no independent actions or activities None without my and your direction and approval Can you abide by these conditions?”
”At the request of my Government and Allah, I will be happy to serve you in your war Both our goals will be lowed at the opportunity to finally let his people do so
homosoto arose and stood over Ahmed ”We will make a valuable alliance To the destruction of Alass to Ahlass ”To Allah, and the cause!”
They both drank deeply from the Perrier homosoto had one ht, will they talk?”
”They will not talk”
”How can you be so sure?” hoht, they will be dead”
”An excellent solution”
Chapter 10