Part 28 (1/2)
Scott laid down his newspaper and vacantly asked why
”That shi+rt,” Ty smirked ”A lesson in how to make friends and influence people”
”Oh, this?” Scott looked down at the words on his chest:
I'm OK
You're A shi+thead
”It only offends thehta be offended”
”Gotcha,” Ty said sarcastically ”Right”
”My roused Scott ”VCR lessons” Ty didn't under- stand
”I gave my mom a VCR last Christreat, I got her a decent present Well, a couple of weeks later I went over to her place and I asked how she liked the VCR She didn't answer, so I asked again and she hed out loud
”'Why?' I asked her and she said she wanted to get used to it sitting next to her TV for a couple of ht a case of Scott's roaring laughter
”Wheeee!” exclaiineer?”
”Hey,” Scott settled down, ”hed until Scott could speak ”So last night I went over for her weekly VCR lesson”
”If it's anything like Arlene'sright, when you're not around to ht They don't believe it works”
”It's a lot of fun actually,” Scott said fondly ”It tests s to the basics The real basics Trying to teach a seventy year old er about digital is like trying to get a square ball bearing to roll”
Even so, Scott looked forward to those evenings with his ine it, the inability to understand the sient conversa- tions that invariably resulted when he tried to explain how the VCR could record one channel and yes mom, you can watch another channel at the sarammed the VCR, cleared its memory and 'Twelved' the clock an hour before he arrived to show her how to use it And after he left, she repro- graain before his next visit If he had ever discovered her ruse it would have ruined her little ga point for their private talks
”By the way,” Scott said to Tyrone ”What are you and Arlene doing Sunday night?”
”Sunday? Nothing, why?” Tyrone asked innocently
”My ether and she'd love the two of you”
”Is this another one of her seances?” Tyrone asked pointedly
”Well, not in so et it” Tyrone said stubbornly ”Not after what happened last tiet Arlene within 20shi+t out of herand I have my doubts”
”Relax,” Scott said cal busy