Part 26 (1/2)

”That's all I know Don't worry I'll have hi she had just relieved her boss of an unnecessary burden that could wait

”Sheil? Send hiet my mind off of this”

”If you're sure” Scott nodded at her affirantly dressed man, perhaps a dash over six feet, of about 30 entered He walked with absolute confidence If this guy was applying for a job he was too well dressed for most of DGI He looked more like a tanned and rested Wall Street broker than ahatever he was The door closed behind hi Mr Troubleaux My nas Why don't we sit for moment” Their hands released as they sat opposite each other in oing to run the conversation So be it ”I arees as well 2 PhD's from Caltech and Polytechnique in Paris There are 34 US patents either in hts I have an MBA froes fluently”

Pierre interrupted, ”I am impressed with your credentials, and your clothes What uess you don't know I am Max Jones' replacement

Mr homosoto sent me May I have the diskette please?”

The financial section of the New York City Ti One concerned the dollars and cents, and the was a related human interest story, with financial reper- cussions Max Jones, the co-founder of DGI, died in a car acci- dent 2 days before the coo public It would have earned him over 20 Million cash, with more to come

The article espoused the ”such a shame for the company” tone on the loss of their technical wizard and co-founder It was a true loss to the industry, as h, was more the Buddy Holly of software, while Gates was the Art Garfunkle The AP story, though, neglected to mention that the San Jose police had not yet ruled out foul play

Wednesday, September 1 New York City

Scott arrived in the City Rooood reporter; he had the s was exemplary and he had developed a solid readershi+p, but early hours were not his strong point

”I don't do ht he should function socially before noon If they didn't take the hint, he behaved obnoxiously enough to convince anyone that his aversion tonoticed that Scott had a purpose in arriving so early It must be those daed America was as crooked as the Mafia Good leads, ad to be a bitch Christ, Scott had been going at theot down to business He first called Robert Henson, CEO of Perris, Miller and Stevenson Scott's credentials as a re- porter for the New York City Tiot him past the secretary easily Henson took the call; it was part of the job

”Mr Henson? This is Scott Mason froet a coer” Scott sounded officious

”Of course, Mr Mason How can I help?” Robert Henson sounded acco

”We have the press releases and stock quotes They are most useful and I am sure that they will be used But I have other questions” Scott hoped tohe would ask the pat questions he was expected to ask

”Yes, thank you My staff is very well prepared, and we try to give the press adequate infor Henson ready to play the press game

”Basically, Mr Henson, I have sos of Second Boston to such a degree that, if, and I say, if, the deal goes through, your firm will earn alures I have do not agree at all with those filed with the SEC

Would you care to comment?” Scott tried not to sound accusatory, but it was difficult not to play the adversary

Henson didn't try to conceal the cough he suddenly developed at the revelation ”Where,” he choked, ”where did you get that infor for a confirmation and a co his King, but he still held an Ace if he needed it

”I have no comment We have filed all required affidavits with the appropriate regulatory agencies If you need anything else, then I suggest you call theitation

”I assume, Mr Henson, that you won't ures you gave to the SEC?”

Scott posed the question to give Henson an option

”That's not what I said,” Henson said abruptly ”What coures?”