Part 18 (1/2)
While I ruminated upon this most unexpected incident, my ears were almost insensible of the shouts and singing, the cries of ”Nippon Banzai!”--j.a.pan for ever!--the music, and the general enthusiasm. Who had been so base as to state that I was a Chinese spy? Perhaps one of the crew who had rescued me from the sinking steamer, and had noticed me in the company of the German officer, a well-known adherent of the Chinese. If so, my fate was sealed. The yardarm on which the falcon had perched appeared to me to be my ultimate destination, or to suggest it. The more I ruminated upon my prospects, the less I liked them.
Meantime the _Naniwa_ pursued her course, the lookouts keeping a most careful watch for torpedoes. I kept an equally anxious watch for the mids.h.i.+pman.
At length he returned, having had an interview with the captain. His expression puzzled me, because it gave me no a.s.surance of relief, and yet did not suggest despair.
”Well?” I asked, as soon as he came within speaking distance. ”Am I to be boiled in oil?” This was an attempt at levity which my heart did not respond to.
”No, not yet,” was the alarming answer. ”But you will have to leave the s.h.i.+p.”
”Leave the s.h.i.+p? Why?”
”Because you must. A rumour has arisen about you, and the men do not regard you with favour. An opportunity will occur to put you ash.o.r.e, and then you will be landed with others.”
”Then you think me a traitor!” I exclaimed. ”I swear I am not! Why, you must know yourself that I an Englishman and honest.”
”Yes; I said so.”
”Won't the captain believe you, then? What can he think of _you_?”
”He believes me, certainly.”
”Hang me if I understand you!” I exclaimed irritably. ”What is the fuss about? What is to be done? Let me know the worst?”
”The fact is as I said: you will be sent ash.o.r.e. You understand some Chinese?”
”But the dialects differ. Surely your _clever_ captain knows that?”
”Yes; and there lies the point. Four men--our men--are going ash.o.r.e.
They are interpreters of the fleet. The men have an idea that you are mixed up with the Chinese. So the captain thinks it better to send you ash.o.r.e with the interpreters, who intend to search the places and report upon the country.”
”Really, your captain is very kind, but I can't travel in China as a j.a.panese, or perhaps as an Englishman in your service.”
”No,” replied my friend calmly. ”You must go as a Chinese.”
”A Chinese? Play the spy, you mean? Never!”
”Then you may be shot; because the impression amongst the crew, as reported, is hostile to you.”
”But the captain can settle that. What's the use of his being captain if he can't quench this falsehood--if he wishes?”
”His wishes are not concerned, his s.h.i.+p is; and _his orders_ are to land you with the explorers from the fleet. No one will harm you in our service, because you shall have a permit. When you meet the army you will be safe.”
”But why not put me aboard a British vessel? There are several in these seas. That is the most sensible plan. Ask the captain that?”
”I am afraid his mind is made up on the subject. If you had not been suspected of Chinese inclinations, you might have got sent away easily.
You rather favoured the Chinese, you remember?”