Part 3 (1/2)
Captain Hippolyte de Bouchard, and the 26-gun Santa Rosa, commanded by the pirate Pedro Conde and with a certain Lieutenant William Evans as second in command.
”The s.h.i.+ps had 285 men aboard and flew the flag of Argentina. In 1818, Argentina was at war with Spain and had hired these infamous pirates to attack Spanish towns and s.h.i.+ps. California was Spanish in 1818, so at dawn on November twenty-first the two s.h.i.+ps opened fire on Governor Sola and the town of Monterey.”
”Yipes!” Pete cried. He jumped a foot into the air as a single cannon beside him boomed out a cloud of smoke.
The smoke billowed across the deck and everyone began to sneeze.
”The sh.o.r.e batteries soon answered the cannonade!”
The Black Vulture was approaching the first of the four small islands in the cove.
Jupiter and Pete could make out flimsy walkways connecting the islands to one another and to the sh.o.r.e. As the s.h.i.+p pa.s.sed the first island, four ragged cardboard figures of old-time Spanish soldiers sprang up out of the brush on some automatic mechanism that made them bob back and forth. A tiny old cannon on shaky wheels wobbled out of the island rocks and fired a second shot.
”A violent artillery duel followed!”
BOOM! The s.h.i.+p cannon billowed its smoke again. POP! The tiny sh.o.r.e cannon wobbled and nearly collapsed.
”Soon the fierce de Bouchard landed an overwhelming attack force that put Governor Sola and his troops to rout!”
From the bowsprit of the slowly moving Black Vulture, two pirates swung on ropes to the tiny island, wooden knives in their teeth. On land, they drew, shouted nautical oaths, and attacked the cardboard figures, which immediately flopped back down into the brush. The pirates, obviously the weather-beaten ticket seller and young Jeremy in costume, unfurled a paper Jolly Roger and waved it in triumph.
”I'm beginning to see why Captain Joy isn't doing so good,” Pete said.
”Yes, so am I,” Jupiter said dryly.
The loudspeaker boomed on. ”The pirates burned down every casa in Monterey except the mission and the custom house and then sailed south. Soon they reached Refugio Cove and the Ortega hacienda. The Ortegas put all their wealth into trunks and fled over Refugio Pa.s.s to the safety of Santa Ines Mission.”
The Black Vulture had reached the second tiny island, and now two figures appeared out of its brush, wearing cowboy hats and vests. Obviously Jeremy and the old ticket seller had raced over the walkway from the first island and were now playing the parts of Spanish n.o.blemen. They proceeded to carry a single trunk over a tiny hummock of the island while the loudspeaker blared the sounds of a galloping army and the shouts of a horde of pirates.
”The pirates swarmed ash.o.r.e and set fire to the entire Ortega hacienda.”
Back in pirate costumes, the ticket seller and Jeremy appeared carrying fake torches made of broom handles with red light bulbs glowing on the top. A smoke bomb emitted some thick smoke, painted cardboard ranch buildings flickered red from an obviously revolving wheel, and the two pirates capered grotesquely around the fake fire.
”The two s.h.i.+ps continued on down the coast, burning and pillaging, until they reached the cove we now sail, then known as Buenavista Cove. Here the great Spanish landowners were determined to make a final stand to save Los Angeles and the other towns all the way down to San Diego.”
The s.h.i.+p was now abreast of the largest of the islands in the cove. A whole host of cardboard figures painted in various old Spanish costumes sprang up all along a low ridge. The painting was crude, most of the colours had faded, and many of the figures were broken. An equally bedraggled set of cardboard pirates bounced up along the sh.o.r.e, and the s.h.i.+p's loudspeakers began to emit battle sounds. The ”battle” went on for some time, with recorded cannon fire, pirate yells, brave Spanish defiance, and clas.h.i.+ng of swords, while the small throng of tourists on board stared morosely at the pathetic event.
”They fought bravely, those old hidalgos of Alta California, but the pirates won, and this cove has been known ever since as Pirates Cove. De Bouchard and his cutthroats sacked all the haciendas, taking jewels and silver and gold, and then sailed on south to plunder every town they pa.s.sed until finally sailing away and never returning. But they left behind more than the name of a cove and burned haciendas.
They left the Purple Pirate!”
Captain Joy pointed dramatically towards the last island. There, high on a cement block, stood an imposing figure waving a bare cutla.s.s viciously at the air. Thick and stocky, the figure was dressed all in purple-from its broad pirate hat with a tall purple plume to its purple suede boots. The man wore a long purple cloak with gold braid along the edges, baggy purple pirate pants, and a purple mask above a fierce black moustache. He had a brace of old pistols in his purple belt, and a dagger in his boot.
”Lieutenant William Evans, second in command of the Santa Rosa, mutinied against de Bouchard, murdered Pedro Conde, and sailed back to Pirates Cove. Here he set up a pirate base, renamed his s.h.i.+p the Black Vulture, and terrorized the coast for many years. Always he wore purple, from plume to boots, and thus earned the infamous name of the Purple Pirate. He plundered far and wide, on land and sea, and defeated every military force set against him. He escaped repeatedly from his stone tower fortress, which still stands here at the Purple Pirate Lair - you see it there on your right - until one day in 1840 he was hopelessly trapped in it. Only he wasn't!
He just vanished and was never seen again! The Evans family still owns the peninsula and the tower today.”
As Captain Joy told the story of the Purple Pirate, the pirate s.h.i.+p turned around and sailed back past the small islands. The boys followed Captain Joy's outstretched arm to see again the old four-storey stone tower off to the side of the tourist attraction. It looked remarkably unexciting and empty. Then the whole seedy show was repeated to ill.u.s.trate the raids and battles of William Evans. The ticket seller and Jeremy played all, the parts not taken by cardboard figures, running across the catwalks between the islands to keep up, until the lame show finally ended back at the dock. At that moment one of the air taxis from across the cove roared off overhead to ruin what feeble illusion there had been.
”That completes our ride, ladies and gentlemen, and our tale of the infamous Purple Pirate of California. You will find a refreshment and souvenir stand on your right as you leave the s.h.i.+p. Feel free to take as much time as you need. The next ride will be in fifteen minutes.”
There was some laughter and some muttering, but most of the small crowd filed down the gangway in silence. A few paused at the souvenir stand to look among the s.h.i.+p models, daggers, miniature, and other plastic junk from Hong Kong.
The Mexican girl had closed the ticket booth and was now running the concession stand. Some of the kids made their parents buy them c.o.kes and hot dogs. Pete and Jupiter waited for the captain and Jeremy, peering into the stands and down the promenade, but the Joys did not reappear.
”I'm sure they live on the grounds,” Jupiter said. They looked behind the shabby museum building. There was nothing on that side but the stone tower and oak trees.
But on the other side of the promenade, behind the refreshment and souvenir stands, they saw a large house trailer. They hurried over to it. A card on the door read: CAPTAIN MATTHEW JOY CAPTAIN MATTHEW JOY Jupiter knocked. There was no answer.
”Maybe the captain's still on the s.h.i.+p,” Pete suggested.
”I doubt it, Second,” Jupiter declared. ”Perhaps he's inside and doesn't hear us.”
The front windows of the trailer were covered by Venetian blinds, but at the rear, where the trailer faced the cove and the long pier of the abalone factory next door, they found an open window. Jupiter leaned in to see if anyone was inside.
”J-J-Jupe!” Pete stammered.
Jupiter whirled from the window. The Purple Pirate stood glaring at them. Suddenly, with a loud cry, the masked pirate raised his cutla.s.s and charged!
”Help!” Pete cried.
The boys were pinned against the metal trailer, the menacing cutla.s.s only inches away!
Chapter 7.
Trouble for Bob BACKED AS FAR AS they could go, Jupiter and Pete gulped and stared at the cutla.s.s inches from their chests.
”So, got you dead to rights, eh!” the gaudy figure of the Purple Pirate cried in the voice of the ticket seller. ”Smack dab in broad daylight this time too!”
”W-w-we're just looking for Captain Joy, sir,” Pete stammered. ”We told you at the gate we-”
”Snooping in windows!” the masked man cried. ”Sneaking around here at night!”
”At night?” Jupiter said. ”This time? Has someone been sneaking around here at night often?”
”You know durn well how often you've been sneaking ...”