Part 24 (1/2)

The third ballot resulted in giving Hume the entire added strength of the dark horse, and enough votes to elect. A committee was thereupon appointed to bring the three candidates to the House. When they entered and were escorted to the platform they each made a speech, and then formed a reception line. David stood apart, talking to one of the members. He was beginning to feel the reaction from the long strain he had been under and wished to slip away from the crowd. Suddenly he heard some one say:

”Mr. Speaker, may I congratulate you?”


He turned quickly, his heart thrilling at the charm in the voice, low, yet resonant, and sweet with a lurking suggestion of sadness.

A girl, slender and delicately made, stood before him, a girl with an exquisite grace and a nameless charm--the something that lurks in the fragrance of the violet. Her eyes were not the quiet, solemn eyes of the little princess of his fairy tales, but the deep, fathomless eyes of a maiden.

A reminiscent smile stole over his face.

”The little princess!” he murmured, taking her hand.

The words brought a flush of color to her fair face.

”The prince is a politician now,” she replied.

”The prince has to be a politician to fight for his kingdom. Have you been here all the evening?”

”Yes; father and I sat with your party. But you were altogether too absorbed to glance our way.”

”Are you visiting in the city? Will you be here long?”

”For to-night only. I've been West with father, and we only stopped off to see what a senatorial fight was like; also, to hear you speak.

To-morrow we return East, and then mother and I shall go abroad.

Father,” calling to Mr. Winthrop, ”I am renewing my acquaintance with Mr. Dunne.”

”I wish to do the same,” he said, extending his hand cordially. ”I expect to be able to tell people some day that I used to fish in a country stream with the governor of this state when he was a boy.”

After a few moments of general conversation they all left the statehouse together.

”Carey,” said Mr. Winthrop, ”I am going with the Judge to the club, so I will put you in David's hands. I believe you have no afraidments with him.”

”That has come to be a household phrase with us,” she laughed; ”but you forget, father, that Mr. Dunne has official duties.”

”If you only knew,” David a.s.sured her earnestly, ”how thankful I am for a release from them. My task is ended, and I don't wish to celebrate in the usual and political way.”

”There is a big military ball at the hotel,” informed Joe. ”Mrs.

Thorne and I thought we would like to go and look on.”

”A fine idea, Joe. Maybe you would like to go?” he said to Carey, trying to make his tone urgent.

She laughed at his dismayed expression.

”No; you may walk to the Bradens' with me. We couldn't get in at the hotels, and father met Major Braden on the street. He is instructor or something of the militia of this state, and has gone to the ball with his wife. They supposed that this contest would last far into the night, so they planned to be home before we were.”

”We will get a carriage as soon as we are out of the grounds.”