Part 20 (2/2)
”Oh, yes, you have! You are a woman. David is still a boy, in spite of his six feet.”
”You don't know about Davey!” she said breathlessly. ”He has won all kinds of law cases, and he is going to the legislature.”
Joe laughed.
”I repeat, he is still a boy.”
On the morrow David started forth on a round of speech making, canva.s.sing the entire district. He returned at the wane of October's golden glow for the round-up, as Joe termed the finish of the campaign. The flaunting crimson of the maples, the more sedate tinge of the oaks, the vivid yellow of the birches, the squashes piled up on the farmhouse porches, and the fields filled with pyramidal stacks of cornstalks brought a vague sense of loneliness as he rode out from Lafferton to the farm. He left his horse at the barn and came up to the house through the old orchard as the long, slanting rays of sunlight were making afternoon shadows of all who crossed their path.
He found Janey sitting beneath their favorite tree. An open book lay beside her. She was gazing abstractedly into s.p.a.ce, with a new look in her star-like eyes.
David's big, untouched heart gave a quick leap. He took up the book and with an exultant little laugh discovered that it was a book of poems! Janey, who could never abide fairy stories, reading poetry!
Surprised and embarra.s.sed, after a shy greeting she hurried toward the house, her cheeks flaming. Something very beautiful and breath-taking came into David's thoughts at that moment.
He was roused from his beatific state by the approach of Barnabas, so he was obliged to concentrate his attention on giving a resume of his tour. Then the Judge telephoned for him to come to his office, and he was unable to finish his business there until dusk. The night was clear and frost touched. He left his horse in the lane and walked up to the house. As he came on to the porch he looked in through the window. The bright fire on the hearth, the soft glow of the shaded lamp, and the fair-haired girl seated by a table, needlework in hand, gave him a hunger for a hearth of his own.
Suddenly the scene s.h.i.+fted. Joe came in from the next room. Janey rose to her feet, a look of love lighting her face as she went to the arms outstretched to receive her.
David went back to Lafferton. The little maid informed him that the Judge and his wife were out for the evening; but there was always a room in readiness for him, so he sat alone by the window, staring into the lighted street, trying to comprehend that Janey was not for him.
It was late the next morning when he came downstairs.
”I am glad, David, you decided to stay here last night,” said M'ri, whose eyes were full of a yearning solicitude.
She sat down at the table with him while he drank his coffee.
She spoke in a desperate tone, that caused him to glance keenly at her.
”If you have anything to tell,” he said quietly, ”it's a good plan to tell it at once.”
”Since you have been away Joe and Janey have been together constantly. It seems to have been a case of mutual love. David, they are engaged.”
”So,” he said gravely, ”I am to lose my little sister. Joe is a man in a thousand.”
”But, David, I had set my heart on Janey's marrying you, from that very first day when you went to school together and you carried her books. Do you remember?”
”Yes,” he replied whimsically, ”but even then Joe met us and took her away from me. But I must drive out and congratulate them.”
M'ri gazed after him in perplexity as he left the house.