Part 46 (1/2)

There their meals were served to them, the women was.h.i.+ng up their dishes without a sound in the privacy of their own bedrooms, and at the same time doing all in their power to look and act as usual, showing themselves all over the house and garden, and busying themselves with the usual household duties.

”What did those two khaki women want with you last night, Miss Hansie?” the irrepressible Flippie asked as soon as he saw her that morning.

”Khaki women! What _do_ you mean, Flippie?”

”They _were_ khaki women,” he said aggressively. ”I saw two English officers with revolvers with them, and they were pretending they didn't belong to them. What did they want with Harmony?”

”I don't know them, Flippie. I never set eyes on them before. I am sure they were up to no good.”

”But what did they say they wanted with Harmony?” he persisted.

”They told me they were looking for something else,” Hansie answered lamely. ”Have you fed the fowls, Flippie?”

”No, but I wonder--”

”Then go and do so at once,” Hansie interrupted severely. ”It is long past 6 o'clock.”

He went unwillingly.

On comparing notes, she found that he had carried on the same conversation with her mother. There was no doubt that his suspicions had been thoroughly roused, and for the next few days they had their hands full, trying to keep his curiosity in check. Perhaps if they had taken Flippie into their confidence and trusted him with their secret, it would have saved them all the anxiety and unrest they had to pa.s.s through afterwards, but they acted for the best, and perhaps they would have been betrayed in any case.

What use to speculate now on what might have been?

Hansie's first duty that day was to go to town and inform the members of the Secret Committee of Naude's arrival in Pretoria, and to procure clothing for Venter.

A friend of hers, whom she judged to be about the same size as Venter, gave her a splendid suit of clothes, nearly new, without asking many questions, and placed his further services at her disposal.

She then went to Venter's relatives in Arcadia and told them on no account to visit him at Harmony, as he was coming home to them that evening. Too many people knew about the spies at Harmony, and there was good reason for beginning to feel uncomfortable.

The women of the Committee promised to call at Harmony that afternoon.

When Hansie arrived home she sewed on Venter's b.u.t.tons, supplied him with studs and ties, a clean pocket-handkerchief, and a new hat.

I believe he had on clothing belonging to six different people when he sallied forth soon after sundown, and Mrs. van Warmelo was glad to see the last of him, for her cares and responsibilities were multiplying, and his presence in the house was one more.

The Captain was still in his uniform, but he was provided with clean underclothing from the ”boys'” wardrobes, and from that moment the unmistakable smell of _commando_ no longer pervaded that home!

The rest of the morning was spent in making copies of the dispatches to the President and drawing up a list of the necessaries to be provided by the Committee for the men to take out with them, and in the afternoon Harmony was besieged with a stream of callers.

Poor Hansie thought they would never end, and while she was entertaining them in the drawing-room her mother was keeping the others quiet in the dining-room--Mrs. Honey, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs.

Malan, and the two spies.

That night their sleep was deep and refres.h.i.+ng, for they were worn out in mind and body. There was only one man in the house, and they were getting used to his presence, and the thought of the secret hiding-place gave a sense of security.

They were up early again next morning, and, all the ”business”

transactions having been done the day before, they devoted themselves to the entertainment of their guest.

A more delightful day they never spent, and the memory of it clings to them still.

Captain Naude was beginning to feel the restrictions of city hospitality, and, longing to get out into the big garden, where the early figs and apricots held their tempting sway, he asked Mrs. van Warmelo once more to provide him with a suit of civilian clothing.