Vol 4 Chapter 3 (1/2)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Episode 3
Noon, Day 3rd, 11th Month, the Year 2813, Western continent calendar.
On that day, The Royal Palace at the royal capital city of Pireaus was filled with heavy air.
The senior bureaucrats ran through the relevant department with a pale face, and the military leaders have been forced to attend meetings. The Knights were waiting in their predetermined dormitory without anyone dared to take an off-duty, they were ordered to prepare their weapons.
Within the royal palace, people moving around in hurry.
However, most of them were people performed what they were ordered to do.
As a matter of fact, only a limited number of people knew the situation.
Although it can be said that not all of them were able to grasp accurately the current situation.
Some people who pa.s.sed a certain room within the royal castle they gazed at a certain room's door for a moment with a tense expression, then they hurriedly left the place.
It was a room in the royal palace closed with a thick iron door...
”I see... I understand that... But, It is impossible...”
A deep sigh leaked from Lupis.
Meltina's report had made her heart turn gloomy. -
Or rather, anxiety and sorrow were floating on the faces of the people gathered in this room.
Inside the room, there were Lupis and his two aides, Meltina and Mikhail. Elena who was responsible for the military affairs. Earl Bergstone and other influential n.o.bles from civil servant department.
”But your majesty... This cannot be ignored...”
”I know... But, do you think there's such power left in this country to perform it?”
Lupis answered Meltina's words with a tone of resignation.
Even Lupis understood that she cannot leave this matter alone.
In fact, Lupis convinced that this problem needs an absolute attention.
Despite her drawback of being easily discouraged, she was not someone incompetent.
And as a royal family member, she had received the highest education money can afford.
She was someone who could see reality as it was when she did not lose her calm.
From her point of view, the current problem had brought the Kingdom of Rozeria into a state of dilemma.
”This is definitely impossible... Especially when we need to pay more extra attention to the n.o.bles in our countries... But then...”
”But then, we can't ignore this request either... Regardless of the civil war, nearly one year had pa.s.sed... Of course, from the viewpoint of reconstructing national strength, it will take more time, but we cannot use that as an excuse...”
Following Meltina's frustrated words, Earl Bergstone opened his mouth.
His gaze was directed toward the two letters on the desk.
After the civil war ended, for his merits he had been given an important post due to his high political and governance capability.
Especially, he had good sense when it comes to the political situation and power balance between countries.
From his point of view, the challenge brought to this country this time was some kind of an invitation into an endless labyrinth without any way out.
(No matter which choice we make, the future of this country is...)
Such thought appeared inside his mind.
Two letters were presented in front of Lupis.
One was a letter that was being sent frequently from the Kingdom of Zalda since the war with Ortomea Empire started, it was
a request for reinforcement sent by Julia.n.u.s.
The content of the letters was the same with the others that had been sent since the Rozeria civil war ended.
The Zalda Kingdom that was being defeated by the Ortomea Empire during Notiz plain battle had lost most of their territory.
In order to break through the predicament, it was obvious for the Zalda Kingdom to seek reinforcements from the Rozeria Kingdom and the Mist Kingdom.
Since it was impossible for the Zalda Kingdom alone to fight against Ortomea Empire who had dominated the central part of the western continent.
And yet even with that dominance. The Ortomea Empire still could be defeated if the three countries, namely, Rozeria, Zalda, and Mist bend together.
In fact, together, they had managed to prevent Ortomea Empire invasion in the past.
Although they did it not because of friends.h.i.+p or something such as chivalrous spirits.
They simply did it because it was necessary for their survival.
If the buffer country called Zalda disappeared, Rozeria would suffer direct invasion.
Thus, it can be said that the other two countries sent their reinforcement to the Zalda Kingdom because of their own interest.
However, for a whole year now, Lupis had declined to sent reinforcement on the pretext that her country just recovered from a civil war, and she needed time to recover her country strength.
Or rather, the truth was that she could not dispatch soldiers even if she wanted to.
As a result of getting rid General Hodram who held the military power for many years, reorganization of the chivalric order was put in motion, and as a result of that, significant military strength was reduced.
(As expected, we should've eliminated Duke Gerhardt back then... Ah I forgot, he is a Viscount now... Anyway, it does not matter for Gerhard even if his rank dropped. In fact, he had taken up the situation quite plainly...)
Such thought appeared inside Earl Bergstone mind.
In actuality, despite he got his rank lowered, from Duke to Viscount, Gerhardt influence on the n.o.bles did not disappear.
In fact, because princess Ladine was officially recognized as royalty, the aristocrats that stand against Lupis began to form a solid unity.
Because Lupis wanted to create her own power structure, many n.o.bles were being forced out of their position since the civil war ended.
Even if it was reasonable in her eyes to cut off people who took Gerhardt side, for those who were being cut off, they did not understand that.
Nevertheless, if Gerhardt had died, even if they felt dissatisfied, they won't be able to unite.
With Gerhardt ability, and Ladine name as a cause.
They managed to block Lupis path at every turn.
(Even if we sacrifice Mikhail Banashu... Ah I guess it was too late even if I think of this huh...??)
Earl Bergstone directed his gaze at Mikhail who was silent since a while ago.
That was his regret.
They should have managed to achieved complete victory back then.
If only, at that time, they did not accept Gerhardt capitulation.
(Having no other option aside, Mikos.h.i.+ba-dono should have thought of something back then...)
Earl Bergstone also understood what had happened back then.
He himself had partic.i.p.ated in the conference and he also received a proper explanation from Elena after that. -
When he understood it, he thought that it cannot be helped.
But, even under such circ.u.mstance, he ended up holding a small anger against Mikos.h.i.+ba Ryouma who let Lupis fell under Gerhardt mercy without being able to argue back.
Or at least, in the Earl's point of view, if Lupis did not let Gerhardt getaway, Ladine would get executed, and half of Rozeria Kingdom's problem would have been solved.
And as a further result of that act, even if it was only superficially, those who did not like Lupis would still follow her.
If that happens, they should be able to dispatch soldiers to Zalda.
”There's also another big problem, that is the trend of movement within the Mist Kingdom. Their reinforcements are already close to our border, and as soon as we approve their pa.s.sage, they will immediately be able to cross... And my country cannot refuse this... If we refuse this one, we will have to fight against the Mist Kingdom. If that happens, it would lessen the possibility of the Zalda Kingdom survival...”
Bergstone's words caused the air within the room grew heavier.
He said those words while looking at the second letter. -
The Mist Kingdom definitely won't pull back from this.
Since if they abandoned Zalda kingdom, the Ortomea Empire army would run through the Eastern countries like an avalanche. -